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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="3" category="bcp" consensus="true" docName="draft-ietf-mtgvenue-meeting-policy-07" ipr="trust200902"> indexInclude="true" ipr="trust200902" number="8719" prepTime="2020-02-26T17:09:59" scripts="Common,Latin" seriesNo="226" sortRefs="true" submissionType="IETF" symRefs="true" tocDepth="4" tocInclude="true" xml:lang="en">
  <link href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mtgvenue-meeting-policy-07" rel="prev"/>
  <link href="https://dx.doi.org/10.17487/rfc8719" rel="alternate"/>
  <link href="urn:issn:2070-1721" rel="alternate"/>
    <title abbrev="IETF Meeting Policy">High level guidance Policy">High-Level Guidance for the meeting policy Meeting Policy of the IETF</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8719" stream="IETF"/>
    <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="226" stream="IETF"/>
    <author fullname="Suresh Krishnan" initials="S." surname="Krishnan">
      <organization showOnFrontPage="true">Kaloom</organization>





    <date month="02" year="2020"/>

    <workgroup>Internet Engineering Task Force</workgroup>

    <workgroup>Meeting Venue Working Group</workgroup>
    <keyword>geographic distribution location</keyword>
    <abstract pn="section-abstract">
      <t pn="section-abstract-1">This document describes a meeting location policy for the IETF and
      the various stakeholders for realizing such a required to realize this policy.</t>
      <section anchor="status-of-memo" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-boilerplate.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-status-of-this-memo">Status of This Memo</name>
        <t pn="section-boilerplate.1-1">
            This memo documents an Internet Best Current Practice.
        <t pn="section-boilerplate.1-2">
            This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
            (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
            received public review and has been approved for publication by
            the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information
            on BCPs is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.
        <t pn="section-boilerplate.1-3">
            Information about the current status of this document, any
            errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
            <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8719" brackets="none"/>.
      <section anchor="copyright" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-boilerplate.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-copyright-notice">Copyright Notice</name>
        <t pn="section-boilerplate.2-1">
            Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
            document authors. All rights reserved.
        <t pn="section-boilerplate.2-2">
            This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
            Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
            (<eref target="https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info" brackets="none"/>) in effect on the date of
            publication of this document. Please review these documents
            carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
            respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this
            document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in
            Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without
            warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.
      <section anchor="toc" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-toc.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-table-of-contents">Table of Contents</name>
        <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1">
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.1">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.1.1"><xref derivedContent="1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-introduction">Introduction</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.2">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.2.1"><xref derivedContent="2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-the-1-1-1-meeting-policy">The 1-1-1-* Meeting Policy</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.3">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.3.1"><xref derivedContent="3" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-implementation-of-the-polic">Implementation of the Policy</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.4">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.4.1"><xref derivedContent="4" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-4"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-procedure-for-initiating-pr">Procedure for Initiating Proposals for Exploratory Meetings</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.5">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.5.1"><xref derivedContent="5" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-5"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-re-evaluation-and-changes-t">Re-evaluation and Changes to This Policy</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.6">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.6.1"><xref derivedContent="6" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-6"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-references">References</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.6.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="6.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-6.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-normative-references">Normative References</xref></t>
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="6.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-6.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-informative-references">Informative References</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.7">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.7.1"><xref derivedContent="" format="none" sectionFormat="of" target="section-appendix.a"/><xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.8">
            <t keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.8.1"><xref derivedContent="" format="none" sectionFormat="of" target="section-appendix.b"/><xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-authors-address">Author's Address</xref></t>
    <section title="Introduction">

   <t> numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-1">
      <name slugifiedName="name-introduction">Introduction</name>
      <t pn="section-1-1">
The work of the IETF is primarily conducted on the working group (WG)
mailing lists, while face-to-face WG meetings mainly provide a high
bandwidth high-bandwidth
mechanism for working out unresolved issues. The IETF
currently strives to have a 1-1-1 meeting policy
<xref target="IETFMEET"/>
where the goal is to distribute the meetings equally between North America,
Europe, and Asia. Asia (see "Meeting Location Distribution" (slides 14 and 15) of
<xref target="IETFMEET" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="IETFMEET"/> for details). These are the
locations from which most of the IETF participants have come from in the recent past.
This meeting rotation is mainly aimed at distributing the travel effort for
the existing IETF participants who physically attend meetings and for
distributing the timezone difficulty for those who participate remotely.
This policy has neither been neither defined precisely nor documented in an
IETF consensus document until now. This document BCP RFC is meant to serve as a
consensus-backed statement of this policy published as a BCP. policy.
    <section title="The numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-2">
      <name slugifiedName="name-the-1-1-1-meeting-policy">The 1-1-1-* meeting policy">
   <t>Given Meeting Policy</name>
      <t pn="section-2-1">Given that the majority of the current meeting participants come from
   North America, Europe, and Asia <xref target="CONT-DIST"/>, target="CONT-DIST" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="CONT-DIST"/>, the
   IETF policy is that our the meetings should primarily be held in those
   regions. i.e., That is, the meeting policy (let's call this the "1-1-1"
   policy) is that meetings should rotate between North America,
   Europe, and Asia. Please note Note that the boundaries between those
   regions has have been purposefully left undefined. It
   is important to note that such rotation and any effects to
   distributing travel pain should be considered from a long-term
   perspective. While a potential cycle in an IETF year may be a
   meeting in North America in March, a meeting in Europe in July, and
   a meeting in Asia on November, the 1-1-1 policy does not imply
   such a cycle, as long as the distribution to these regions over
   multiple years is roughly equal. There are many reasons why meetings
   might be distributed differently in a given year. Meeting locations in
   subsequent years should seek to re-balance rebalance the distribution distribution, if

      <t pn="section-2-2">While this meeting rotation caters to the current set of IETF
   participants, it is important to recognize that due to the dynamic and
   evolving nature of participation, there may be significant changes
   to the regions that provide a major share of participants in the
   future. The Therefore, the 1-1-1-* meeting policy is a slightly modified version
   of the aforementioned 1-1-1 meeting policy that allows for
   additional flexibility in the form of an exploratory meeting denoted as
   a "*". This exploratory meeting (denoted with
   an "*"). Exploratory meetings can be used to experiment with
   exceptional meetings without extensively impacting the regular
   meetings. e.g. For example, these exploratory meetings can include meetings in
   other geographical regions, virtual meetings meetings, and additional
   meetings past beyond the three regular meetings in a calendar year.
      <t pn="section-2-3">
  The timing and frequency of future exploratory meetings will be based
  on IETF consensus as determined by the IETF chair. Once a meeting
  proposal is initiated, the IESG will make a decision in consultation with
  the Internet IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) <xref target="RFC8711" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8711"/> to ensure that the proposal can be realistically
  implemented. The final decision will be communicated back to the
   community to ensure that there is adequate opportunity to comment.
      <aside pn="section-2-4">
        <t pn="section-2-4.1">NOTE: There have not been a large number of meetings that would
qualify as exploratory meetings under the current 1-1-1-* 1-1-1 policy (with
IETF 95 in Buenos Aires and IETF47 IETF 47 in Adelaide being the exceptional
instances). IETF27 IETF 27 (Amsterdam) and IETF54(Yokohama) IETF 54 (Yokohama) were earlier
examples of exploratory meetings that pioneered Europe and Asia as
regular IETF destinations.</t>
    <section title="Implementation numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3">
      <name slugifiedName="name-implementation-of-the-polic">Implementation of the policy">
   <t>IASA Policy</name>
      <t pn="section-3-1">IASA should understand the policy
      written in this document to be the aspiration of the IETF community. Similarly, any
   exploratory meeting decisions will also be communicated to the IASA to
   be implemented. The actual selection of the venue would be
   performed by the IASA following the process described in <xref
   target="I-D.ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process"/>. target="RFC8718" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8718"/>.
      <t pn="section-3-2">As mentioned in <xref
   target="I-D.ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process"/>, target="RFC8718" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8718"/>, the IASA will also be responsible
   <list style="symbols">
     <t>to assist for the following:
      <ul spacing="normal" bare="false" empty="false" pn="section-3-3">
        <li pn="section-3-3.1">assisting the community in the development of detailed meeting
     criteria that are feasible and implementable, and </t>
     <t>to provide </li>
        <li pn="section-3-3.2">providing sufficient transparency in a timely manner
     concerning planned meetings so that community feedback can be
     collected and acted upon.</t>
   <t>Given upon.</li>
      <t pn="section-3-4">Given that the geographical location of the venue has a
   significant influence on the venue selection process, it needs to
   be considered at the same level as the other Important Criteria
   specified in Section 3.2 of <xref
   target="I-D.ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process"/> target="RFC8718" sectionFormat="of" section="3.2" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8718#section-3.2" derivedContent="RFC8718"/> (including
   potentially trading off trading-off the geographical region to meet other
   criteria and notifying the community if the geographical region
   requirement cannot be met)</t> met).</t>
    <section title="Procedure numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-4">
      <name slugifiedName="name-procedure-for-initiating-pr">Procedure for initiating proposals Initiating Proposals for exploratory meetings">
      <t>Someone Exploratory Meetings</name>
      <t pn="section-4-1">Someone who is interested in pursuing an exploratory venue
      proposes it on the IETF discussion list or on a future
      discussion list expressly setup set up and announced for this
      purpose. The community gets to comment on the venue and to offer
      their opinions. If the IETF chair determines that there is
      community consensus to pursue the venue further, the venue will
      be put up for discussion on the venue-selection mailing
      list &lt;<eref target="https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/venue-selection" brackets="none"/>&gt;.
      This would allow the interested party(ies) to refine their proposal with those tasked with evaluating it and providing
      based on insightful feedback regarding the logistics of the
      venue. venue
      from those tasked with evaluating it. Once the venue selection process
      takes place, the final decision will be communicated back to the
      community to ensure that there is adequate opportunity to comment.</t> comment.
    <section title="Re-evaluation numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-5">
      <name slugifiedName="name-re-evaluation-and-changes-t">Re-evaluation and changes Changes to this policy">
      <t> Given This Policy</name>
      <t pn="section-5-1">Given the dynamic nature of participant distribution in the
      IETF, it is expected that this policy needs will need to be periodically
      evaluated and revised to ensure that the stated goals continue
      to be met. The criteria that are to be met need to be agreed upon by the
      community prior to initiating a revision of this document (e.g. (e.g., try to
      mirror draft author distribution over the preceding five years).

    <section title="Acknowledgments">

      <t>The author would like to thank Jari Arkko, Alia Atlas, Fred
      Baker, Brian Carpenter, Alissa Cooper, Dave Crocker, Spencer
      Dawkins, Stephen Farrell, Tobias Gondrom, Eric Gray, Bob Hinden,
      Ole Jacobsen, Olaf Kolkman, Eliot Lear, Andrew Malis, Yoav Nir,
      Ray Pelletier, Melinda Shore, John Klensin, Charles Eckel, Russ
      Housley, Andrew Sullivan, Eric Rescorla, Richard Barnes, Cullen
      Jennings, Ted Lemon, Lou Berger, John Levine, Adam Roach, Mark
      Nottingham, Tom Petch, Randy Bush, Roni Even, Julien Meuric,
      Lloyd Wood, Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux for their ideas
      and comments to improve this document. </t>

    <references title="Normative References">

      &RFC4071; pn="section-6">
      <name slugifiedName="name-references">References</name>
      <references pn="section-6.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-normative-references">Normative References</name>
        <reference anchor="RFC8711" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8711" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC8711">
            <title>Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity, Version 2.0</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="Haberman">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="J." surname="Hall">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="J." surname="Livingood">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date month="February" year="2020"/>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="101"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8711"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8711"/>
      <references title="Informative References">

      &I-D.ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process; pn="section-6.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-informative-references">Informative References</name>
        <reference anchor="CONT-DIST" target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/stats/meeting/continent/"> target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/stats/meeting/continent/" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="CONT-DIST">
            <title>Number of attendees per continent across meetings</title>
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true">IETF</organization>

          <date year="2016"/>
        <reference anchor="IETFMEET" target="https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/79/slides/plenaryw-3.pdf"> target="https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/79/slides/plenaryw-3.pdf" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="IETFMEET">
          <title>IETF 1-1-1 Meeting Policy</title>

            <title>IAOC Report IETF79</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="Hinden" fullname="Bob Hinden">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true">IAOC Plenary Presentation</organization>
            <author initials="R" surname="Pelletier" fullname="R. Pelletier">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true">IAOC Plenary Presentation</organization>
            <date month="November" year="2010"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8718" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8718" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC8718">
            <title>IETF Plenary Meeting Venue Selection Process</title>
            <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="226"/>
            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8718"/>
            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8718"/>
            <author initials="E" surname="Lear" fullname="Eliot Lear" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date month="February" year="2020"/>
    <section numbered="false" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-appendix.a">
      <name slugifiedName="name-acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</name>
      <t pn="section-appendix.a-1">The author would like to thank
      <contact fullname="Jari Arkko"/>,
      <contact fullname="Alia Atlas"/>,
      <contact fullname="Fred Baker"/>,
      <contact fullname="Brian Carpenter"/>,
      <contact fullname="Alissa Cooper"/>,
      <contact fullname="Dave Crocker"/>,
      <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>,
      <contact fullname="Stephen Farrell"/>,
      <contact fullname="Tobias Gondrom"/>,
      <contact fullname="Eric Gray"/>,
      <contact fullname="Bob Hinden"/>,
      <contact fullname="Ole Jacobsen"/>,
      <contact fullname="Olaf Kolkman"/>,
      <contact fullname="Eliot Lear"/>,
      <contact fullname="Andrew Malis"/>,
      <contact fullname="Yoav Nir"/>,
      <contact fullname="Ray Pelletier"/>,
      <contact fullname="Melinda Shore"/>,
      <contact fullname="John Klensin"/>,
      <contact fullname="Charles Eckel"/>,
      <contact fullname="Russ Housley"/>,
      <contact fullname="Andrew Sullivan"/>,
      <contact fullname="Eric Rescorla"/>,
      <contact fullname="Richard Barnes"/>,
      <contact fullname="Cullen Jennings"/>,
      <contact fullname="Ted Lemon"/>,
      <contact fullname="Lou Berger"/>,
      <contact fullname="John Levine"/>,
      <contact fullname="Adam Roach"/>,
      <contact fullname="Mark Nottingham"/>,
      <contact fullname="Tom Petch"/>,
      <contact fullname="Randy Bush"/>,
      <contact fullname="Roni Even"/>,
      <contact fullname="Julien Meuric"/>,
      <contact fullname="Lloyd Wood"/>,
      <contact fullname="Alvaro Retana"/>,
      <contact fullname="Martin Vigoureux"/> for their ideas
      and comments to improve this document. </t>
    <section anchor="authors-addresses" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="include" pn="section-appendix.b">
      <name slugifiedName="name-authors-address">Author's Address</name>
      <author fullname="Suresh Krishnan" initials="S." surname="Krishnan">
        <organization showOnFrontPage="true">Kaloom</organization>