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    <title abbrev="Certificate with External PSK">TLS 1.3 Extension for
    Certificate-Based Authentication with an External Pre-Shared Key</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8773"/>
    <author fullname="Russ Housley" initials="R." surname="Housley">
      <organization abbrev="Vigil Security">Vigil Security, LLC</organization>
          <street>516 Dranesville Road</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <date day="23" month="December" year="2019"/> month="March" year="2020"/>


        This document specifies a TLS 1.3 extension that allows a server to
        authenticate with a combination of a certificate and an external
        pre-shared key (PSK).
    <section title="Introduction" anchor="section-intro"> anchor="intro" numbered="true" toc="default">
        The TLS 1.3 <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/> handshake
        protocol provides two mutually exclusive forms of server
        authentication.  First, the server can be authenticated by
        providing a signature certificate and creating a valid digital
        signature to demonstrate that it possesses the corresponding
        private key.  Second, the server can be authenticated
        by demonstrating that it possesses a pre-shared key (PSK) that
        was established by a previous handshake.  A PSK that
        is established in this fashion is called a resumption PSK.  A
        PSK that is established by any other means is called an external
        PSK.  This document specifies a TLS 1.3 extension permitting
        certificate-based server authentication to be combined with
        an external PSK as an input to the TLS 1.3 key schedule.
        Several implementors wanted to gain more experience with this
        specification before producing a standards-track Standards Track RFC.  As a
        result, this specification is being published as an Experimental
        RFC to enable interoperable implementations and gain deployment
        and operational experience.
    <section title="Terminology" anchor="section-term"> anchor="term" numbered="true" toc="default">
    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
        "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
    NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and
        "OPTIONAL" "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as
    described in BCP&nbsp;14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/>
    when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
    <section title="Motivation anchor="motive" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Motivation and Design Rationale" anchor="motive"> Rationale</name>
        The development of a large-scale quantum computer would pose a serious
        challenge for the cryptographic algorithms that are widely deployed
        today, including the digital signature algorithms that are used
        to authenticate the server in the TLS 1.3 handshake protocol.  It
        is an open question whether or not it is feasible to build
        a large-scale quantum computer, and if so, when that might
        happen.  However, if such a quantum computer is invented, many
        of the cryptographic algorithms and the security protocols that
        use them would become vulnerable.
		The TLS 1.3 handshake protocol employs key agreement algorithms
		and digital signature algorithms that could be broken by the
		development of a large-scale quantum computer
		<xref target="I-D.hoffman-c2pq"/>. target="I-D.hoffman-c2pq" format="default"/>.  The key agreement algorithms
		include Diffie-Hellman (DH) <xref target="DH1977"/> target="DH1976" format="default"/> and
		Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) <xref target="IEEE1363"/>; target="IEEE1363" format="default"/>;
		the digital signature algorithms include RSA <xref target="RFC8017"/> target="RFC8017" format="default"/>
		and the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
		<xref target="FIPS186"/>. target="FIPS186" format="default"/>.  As a result, an adversary that
		stores a TLS 1.3 handshake protocol exchange today could
		decrypt the associated encrypted communications in the
		future when a large-scale quantum computer becomes
        In the near-term, near term, this document describes a TLS 1.3 extension to protect
        today's communications from the future invention of a large-scale
        quantum computer by providing a strong external PSK as an input to
        the TLS 1.3 key schedule while preserving the authentication provided
        by the existing certificate and digital signature mechanisms.
    <section title="Extension Overview" anchor="section-over"> anchor="over" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Extension Overview</name>
        This section provides a brief overview of the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension.
        The client includes the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension in the
        ClientHello message.  The "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14>
        be accompanied by the "key_share”, "key_share", "psk_key_exchange_modes", and
        "pre_shared_key" extensions.  The client MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also find it useful
        to include the "supported_groups" extension.  Since the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is intended to be used only
        with initial handshakes, it MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be sent alongside the
        "early_data" extension.  These extensions are all described in
        Section 4.2 of
        <xref target="RFC8446"/>, target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of" section="4.2"/>, which also requires
        the "pre_shared_key” "pre_shared_key" extension to be the last extension in the
        ClientHello message.
        If the client includes both the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension
        and the "early_data" extension, then the server MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> terminate the
        connection with an "illegal_parameter" alert.
        If the server is willing to use one of the external PSKs listed in the
        "pre_shared_key" extension and perform certificate-based authentication,
        then the server includes the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension in the
        ServerHello message.  The "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be
        accompanied by the "key_share" and "pre_shared_key" extensions.  If none
        of the external PSKs in the list provided by the client is acceptable
        to the server, then the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is
        omitted from the ServerHello message.

        When the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is successfully
        negotiated, the TLS 1.3 key schedule processing includes
        both the selected external PSK and the (EC)DHE shared secret
        value.  (EC)DHE refers to Diffie-Hellman over either finite fields
        or elliptic curves.  As a result, the Early Secret, Handshake
        Secret, and Master Secret values all depend upon the value of the
        selected external PSK.  Of course, the Early Secret does not
        depend upon the (EC)DHE shared secret.

        The authentication of the server and optional authentication of
        the client depend upon the ability to generate a signature that
        can be validated with the public key in their certificates.  The
        authentication processing is not changed in any way by the
        selected external PSK.
        Each external PSK is associated with a single hash algorithm, which
        is required by Section 4.2.11 of <xref target="RFC8446"/>. target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of"
	section="4.2.11"/>.  The
        hash algorithm MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be set when the PSK is established, with a
        default of SHA-256.
    <section title="Certificate anchor="extn" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Certificate with External PSK Extension" anchor="section-extn"> Extension</name>
        This section specifies the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension,
        which MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> appear in the ClientHello message and ServerHello message.  It
        MUST NOT
        <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> appear in any other messages.  The "tls_cert_with_extern_psk"
        extension MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> appear in the ServerHello message unless the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension appeared in the preceding
        ClientHello message.  If an implementation recognizes the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension and receives it in any other
        message, then the implementation MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> abort the handshake with an
        "illegal_parameter" alert.
        The general extension mechanisms enable clients and servers to
        negotiate the use of specific extensions.  Clients request
        extended functionality from servers with the extensions field
        in the ClientHello message.  If the server responds with a
        HelloRetryRequest message, then the client sends another
        ClientHello message as described in Section 4.1.2 of <xref target="RFC8446"/>, target="RFC8446"
	sectionFormat="of" section="4.1.2"/>, including the same
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension as the original
        ClientHello message, or aborts the handshake.
        Many server extensions are carried in the EncryptedExtensions
        message; however, the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is
        carried in the ServerHello message.  Successful negotiation of
        the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension affects the key used for
        encryption, so it cannot be carried in the EncryptedExtensions
        message.  Therefore, the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension
        is only present in the ServerHello message if the server
        recognizes the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension and the
        server possesses one of the external PSKs offered by the client
        in the "pre_shared_key" extension in the ClientHello message.
        The Extension structure is defined in <xref target="RFC8446"/>; target="RFC8446" format="default"/>;
        it is repeated here for convenience.

<sourcecode type="tls-presentation">  struct {
      ExtensionType extension_type;
      opaque extension_data<0..2^16-1>; extension_data&lt;0..2^16-1&gt;;
  } Extension;

        The "extension_type" identifies the particular extension type,
        and the "extension_data" contains information specific to the
        particular extension type.
        This document specifies the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension,
        adding one new type to ExtensionType:

<sourcecode type="tls-presentation">  enum {
      tls_cert_with_extern_psk(33), (65535)
  } ExtensionType;

        The "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is relevant when the
        client and server possess an external PSK in common that can be
        used as an input to the TLS 1.3 key schedule.  The
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is essentially a flag to
        use the external PSK in the key schedule, and it has the
        following syntax:

<sourcecode type="tls-presentation" >  struct {
      select (Handshake.msg_type) {
          case client_hello: Empty;
          case server_hello: Empty;
  } CertWithExternPSK;

      <section title="Companion Extensions" anchor="other-extns"> anchor="other-extns" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Companion Extensions</name>
        Section 4
        <xref target="over"/> lists the extensions that are required to accompany the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension.  Most of those extensions
        are not impacted in any way by this specification.  However, this
        section discusses the extensions that require additional consideration.
        The "psk_key_exchange_modes" extension is defined in Section 4.2.9
        of <xref target="RFC8446"/>. target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of" section="4.2.9"/>.  The
        extension restricts the use of both the PSKs offered in this
        ClientHello and those that the server might supply via a subsequent
        NewSessionTicket.  As a result, when the "psk_key_exchange_modes"
        extension is included in the ClientHello message, clients MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14>
        include psk_dhe_ke mode.  In addition, clients MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also include
        psk_ke mode to support a subsequent NewSessionTicket.  When the
        "psk_key_exchange_modes" extension is included in the ServerHello
        message, servers MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> select the psk_dhe_ke mode for the initial
        handshake.  Servers MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> select a key exchange mode that is listed
        by the client for subsequent handshakes that include the resumption
        PSK from the initial handshake.
        The "pre_shared_key" extension is defined in Section 4.2.11
        of <xref target="RFC8446"/>. target="RFC8446"
	sectionFormat="of" section="4.2.11"/>.  The
	syntax is repeated below for
        convenience.  All of the listed PSKs MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be external PSKs.  If a
        resumption PSK is listed along with the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk"
        extension, the server MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> abort the handshake with an
        "illegal_parameter" alert.

<sourcecode type="tls-presentation">  struct {
      opaque identity<1..2^16-1>; identity&lt;1..2^16-1&gt;;
      uint32 obfuscated_ticket_age;
  } PskIdentity;

  opaque PskBinderEntry<32..255>; PskBinderEntry&lt;32..255&gt;;

  struct {
      PskIdentity identities<7..2^16-1>; identities&lt;7..2^16-1&gt;;
      PskBinderEntry binders<33..2^16-1>; binders&lt;33..2^16-1&gt;;
  } OfferedPsks;

  struct {
      select (Handshake.msg_type) {
          case client_hello: OfferedPsks;
          case server_hello: uint16 selected_identity;
  } PreSharedKeyExtension;

        The OfferedPsks
        "OfferedPsks" contains the list of PSK identities and
        associated binders for the external PSKs that the client is
        willing to use with the server.
        The identities are a list of external PSK identities that the
        client is willing to negotiate with the server.  Each external
        PSK has an associated identity that is known to the client
        and the server; the associated identities may be known to other
        parties as well.  In addition, the binder validation (see below)
        confirms that the client and server have the same key associated
        with the identity.
        The obfuscated_ticket_age "obfuscated_ticket_age" is not used for external PSKs.  As
        stated in Section 4.2.11 of <xref target="RFC8446"/>, target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of"
	section="4.2.11"/>, clients
        <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> set this value to 0, and servers MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> ignore the value.

        The binders are a series of HMAC <xref target="RFC2104"/> target="RFC2104" format="default"/> values, one
        for each external PSK offered by the client, in the same order as the
        identities list.  The HMAC value is computed using the binder_key, which
        is derived from the external PSK, and a partial transcript of the current
        handshake.  Generation of the binder_key from the external PSK is
        described in Section 7.1 of <xref target="RFC8446"/>. target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of" section="7.1"/>.  The
        partial transcript of the current handshake includes a partial
        ClientHello up to and including the PreSharedKeyExtension.identities
        field, as described in Section of <xref target="RFC8446"/>. target="RFC8446"
	sectionFormat="of" section=""/>.
        The selected_identity "selected_identity" contains the index of the external PSK
        identity that the server selected from the list offered by the
        client.  As described in Section of <xref target="RFC8446"/>, target="RFC8446"
	sectionFormat="of" section="4.2.11"/>,
        the server MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> validate the binder value that corresponds to the
        selected external PSK, and if the binder does not validate, the
        server MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> abort the handshake with an "illegal_parameter" alert.
      <section title="Authentication" anchor="authn"> anchor="authn" numbered="true" toc="default">
        When the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is successfully
        negotiated, authentication of the server depends upon the ability to
        generate a signature that can be validated with the public key in
        the server's certificate.  This is accomplished by the server
        sending the Certificate and CertificateVerify messages messages, as described
        in Sections 4.4.2 <xref target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="bare"
	section="4.4.2"/> and 4.4.3 <xref target="RFC8446"
	sectionFormat="bare" section="4.4.3"/> of <xref target="RFC8446"/>.
        TLS 1.3 does not permit the server to send a CertificateRequest message
        when a PSK is being used.  This restriction is removed when the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is negotiated, allowing
        certificate-based authentication for both the client and the server.  If
        certificate-based client authentication is desired, this is accomplished
        by the client sending the Certificate and CertificateVerify messages as
        described in Sections 4.4.2 <xref target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="bare"
        section="4.4.2"/> and 4.4.3 <xref target="RFC8446"
        sectionFormat="bare" section="4.4.3"/> of <xref target="RFC8446"/>.
      <section title="Keying Material" anchor="keying"> anchor="keying" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Keying Material</name>
        Section 7.1 of
        <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of" section="7.1"/> specifies the
        TLS 1.3 Key Schedule. key schedule.  The successful negotiation of the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension requires the key schedule
        processing to include both the external PSK and the (EC)DHE
	shared secret value.
        If the client and the server have different values associated
        with the selected external PSK identifier, then the client and
        the server will compute different values for every entry in the
        key schedule, which will lead to the client aborting the
        handshake with a "decrypt_error" alert.
    <section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="section-IANA"> anchor="IANA-con" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
        IANA is requested to update has updated the TLS "TLS ExtensionType Registry Values" registry
	<xref target="IANA"/> target="IANA" format="default"/>
        to include "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" with a value of TBD 33 and the list of
        messages "CH, SH" in which the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension may
    <section title="Security Considerations" anchor="section-security"> anchor="security" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
        The Security Considerations in <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/>
        remain relevant.
        TLS 1.3 <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/> does not permit
        the server to send a CertificateRequest message when a PSK
        is being used.  This restriction is removed when the
        "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension is offered by the client
        and accepted by the server.  However, TLS 1.3 does not
        permit an external PSK to be used in the same fashion as a
        resumption PSK, and this extension does not alter those
        restrictions.  Thus, a certificate MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be used with
        a resumption PSK.
        Implementations must protect the external pre-shared key (PSK).
        Compromise of the external PSK will make the encrypted session
        content vulnerable to the future development of a large-scale
        quantum computer.  However, the generation, distribution, and
        management of the external PSKs is out of scope for this
        Implementers should not transmit the same content on a connection
        that is protected with an external PSK and a connection that is
        not.  Doing so may allow an eavesdropper to correlate the
        connections, making the content vulnerable to the future
        invention of a large-scale quantum computer.

        Implementations must generate external PSKs with a secure key management key-management
        technique, such as pseudo-random pseudorandom generation of the key or derivation of
        the key from one or more other secure keys.  The use of inadequate
        pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) to generate external PSKs can
        result in little or no security.  An attacker may find it much easier
        to reproduce the PRNG environment that produced the external PSKs and
        search the resulting small set of possibilities, rather than brute-force
        searching the whole key space.  The generation of quality random
        numbers is difficult.  <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> offers important
        guidance in this area.
        If the external PSK is known to any party other than the client and
        the server, then the external PSK MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be the sole basis for
        authentication.  The reasoning is explained in Section 4.2 of
        <xref target="K2016"/>. target="K2016" format="default"/>.  When this extension is used, authentication
        is based on certificates, not the external PSK.
        In this extension, the external PSK preserves confidentiality if the
        (EC)DH key agreement is ever broken by cryptanalysis or the future
        invention of a large-scale quantum computer.  As long as the attacker
        does not know the PSK and the key derivation algorithm remains
        unbroken, the attacker cannot derive the session secrets secrets, even if they
        are able to compute the (EC)DH shared secret.  Should the attacker be
        able compute the (EC)DH shared secret, the forward secrecy forward-secrecy advantages
        traditionally associated with ephemeral (EC)DH keys will no longer be
        relevant. Although the ephemeral private keys used during a given TLS
        session are destroyed at the end of a session, preventing the attacker
        from later accessing them, these private keys would nevertheless be
        recoverable due to the break in the algorithm.  However, a more
        general notion of "secrecy after key material is destroyed" would still
        be achievable using external PSKs, if they are managed in a way that
        ensures their destruction when they are no longer needed, and with
        the assumption that the algorithms that use the external PSKs remain
        TLS 1.3 key derivation makes use of the HKDF HMAC-based Key Derivation
	Function (HKDF) algorithm, which depends
        upon the HMAC <xref target="RFC2104"/> target="RFC2104" format="default"/> construction and a hash
        function.  This extension provides the desired protection for the
        session secrets secrets, as long as HMAC with the selected hash function is
         a pseudorandom function (PRF) <xref target="GGM1986"/>. target="GGM1986" format="default"/>.
        This specification does not require that the external PSK is known only by
        the client and server.  The external PSK may be known to a group.  Since
        authentication depends on the public key in a certificate, knowledge of
        the external PSK by other parties does not enable impersonation.  Since
        confidentiality depends on the shared secret from (EC)DH, knowledge of
        the external PSK by other parties does not enable eavesdropping.  However,
        group members can record the traffic of other members, members and then decrypt it
        if they ever gain access to a large-scale quantum computer.  Also, when
        many parties know the external PSK, there are many opportunities for theft
        of the external PSK by an attacker.  Once an attacker has the external PSK,
        they can decrypt stored traffic if they ever gain access to a large-scale
        quantum computer computer, in the same manner as a legitimate group member.

        TLS 1.3 <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/> takes a conservative approach to PSKs;
        they are bound to a specific hash function and KDF.  By contrast,
        TLS 1.2 <xref target="RFC5246"/> target="RFC5246" format="default"/> allows PSKs to be used with any hash
        function and the TLS 1.2 PRF.  Thus, the safest approach is to use a PSK
        exclusively with TLS 1.2 or exclusively with TLS 1.3.  Given one PSK,
        one can derive a PSK for exclusive use with TLS 1.2 and derive another
        PSK for exclusive use with TLS 1.3 using the mechanism specified in
        <xref target="I-D.ietf-tls-external-psk-importer"/>. target="I-D.ietf-tls-external-psk-importer" format="default"/>.
        TLS 1.3 <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/> has received careful security analysis,
        and the following informal reasoning shows that the addition of this
        extension does not introduce any security defects.  This extension
        requires the use of certificates for authentication, but the processing
        of certificates is unchanged by this extension.  This extension places
        an external PSK in the key schedule as part of the computation of the
        Early Secret.  In the initial handshake without this extension, the
        Early Secret is computed as:

   Early Secret = HKDF-Extract(0, 0)]]>
        </figure> 0)

        With this extension, the Early Secret is computed as:

   Early Secret = HKDF-Extract(External PSK, 0)]]>
        </figure> 0)

        Any entropy contributed by the external PSK can only make the Early
        Secret better; the External PSK cannot make it worse.  For these two
        reasons, TLS 1.3 continues to meet its security goals when this extension
        is used.
    <section title="Privacy Considerations" anchor="section-privacy"> anchor="privacy" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Privacy Considerations</name>
        Appendix E.6 of
        <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" sectionFormat="of" section="E.6"/> discusses identity exposure identity-exposure
        attacks on PSKs.  The guidance in this section remains relevant.
        This extension makes use of external PSKs to improve resilience against
        attackers that gain access to a large-scale quantum computer in the
        future.  This extension is always accompanied by the "pre_shared_key"
        extension to provide the PSK identities in plaintext in the ClientHello
        message.  Passive observation of the these PSK identities will aid an
        attacker to track in tracking users of this extension.

    <section title="Acknowledgments" anchor="section-acks">
        Many thanks to
        Liliya Akhmetzyanova,
        Roman Danyliw,
        Christian Huitema,
        Ben Kaduk,
        Geoffrey Keating,
        Hugo Krawczyk,
        Mirja Kühlewind,
        Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos,
        Nick Sullivan,
        Martin Thomson, and
        Peter Yee
        for their review and comments; their efforts have improved this document.
    <references title="Normative References">
<displayreference target="I-D.hoffman-c2pq" to="TRANSITION" />
<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-tls-external-psk-importer" to="IMPORT" />
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8446.xml"/>
    <references title="Informative References">
        <name>Informative References</name>

<!-- draft-hoffman-c2pq-06 exists  -->
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.hoffman-c2pq.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="DH1977"> anchor="DH1976" target="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1055638">
            <title>New Directions in Cryptography</title>
            <author initials="W" surname="Diffie" fullname="Whitfield Diffie"/>
            <author initials="M" surname="Hellman" fullname="Martin Hellman"/>
            <date month="June" year="1977" /> month="November" year="1976"/>
        <seriesInfo name="IEEE
            <refcontent>IEEE Transactions on Information Theory" value="V.IT-22 n.6"/> Theory</refcontent>
	    <refcontent>Vol. 22, No. 6</refcontent>
            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/TIT.1976.1055638"/>

        <reference anchor="GGM1986">
            <title>How to construct random functions</title>
            <author initials="O" surname="Goldreich" fullname="Oded Goldreich"/>
            <author initials="S" surname="Goldwasser" fullname="Shafi Goldwasser"/>
            <author initials="S" surname="Micali" fullname="Silvio Micali"/>
            <date year="1986" /> month="August"/>
            <refcontent>Journal of the ACM</refcontent>
	    <refcontent>Vol. 33, No. 4</refcontent>
            <refcontent>pp. 792-807</refcontent>
	    <seriesInfo name="J. ACM" value="1986 (33), pp. 792-807"/> name="DOI" value="10.1145/6490.6503"/>

        <reference anchor="FIPS186">
            <title>Digital Signature Standard (DSS)</title>
          <author><organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology</organization></author>
            <date year="2013" month="July" /> month="July"/>
            <seriesInfo name="Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB)" (FIPS)" value="186-4"/>
            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.6028/NIST.FIPS.186-4"/>

        <reference anchor="IANA" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml">
        <title>IANA Registry for TLS
            <title>TLS ExtensionType Values</title>
        <author >
        <date year="n.d."/>

        <reference anchor="IEEE1363"> anchor="IEEE1363" target="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/891000">
            <title>IEEE Standard Specifications for Public-Key Cryptography</title>
          <author><organization>Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers</organization></author>
            <date year="2000" /> month="August"/>
            <seriesInfo name="IEEE Std" value="1363-2000"/>
            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/IEEESTD.2000.92292"/>

<!-- draft-ietf-tls-external-psk-importer-03 exists -->

        <reference anchor="K2016"> anchor="K2016" target="https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2976749.2978325">
            <title>A Unilateral-to-Mutual Authentication Compiler for Key
	    Exchange (with Applications to Client Authentication in TLS
            <author initials="H" surname="Krawczyk" fullname="Hugo Krawczyk"/>
            <date day="10" month="August" year="2016" /> month="October" year="2016"/>
            <refcontent>CCS '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Communications Security</refcontent>
            <refcontent>pp. 1438-50</refcontent>
	    <seriesInfo name="IACR ePrint" value="2016/711"/> name="DOI" value="10.1145/2976749.2978325"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2104.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4086.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5246.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8017.xml"/>
    <section anchor="acks" numbered="false" toc="default">
        Many thanks to
        <contact fullname="Liliya Akhmetzyanova"/>,
        <contact fullname="Roman Danyliw"/>,
        <contact fullname="Christian Huitema"/>,
        <contact fullname="Ben Kaduk"/>,
	<contact fullname="Geoffrey Keating"/>,
	<contact fullname="Hugo Krawczyk"/>,
	<contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/>,
	<contact fullname="Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos"/>,
	<contact fullname="Nick Sullivan"/>,
        <contact fullname="Martin Thomson"/>, and
        <contact fullname="Peter Yee"/>
        for their review and comments; their efforts have improved this document.