<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!-- This template is for creating an Internet Draft using xml2rfc, which is available here: http://xml.resource.org. -->version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE rfcSYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"[ <!ENTITYRFC2119 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC3432 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3432.xml">nbsp " "> <!ENTITYRFC4086 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4086.xml">zwsp "​"> <!ENTITYRFC4656 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4656.xml">nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITYRFC5357 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5357.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC6020 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6020.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC6038 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6038.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC6241 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6241.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC7426 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7426.xml"> <!ENTITY IPPMREG SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-metric-registry-02.xml"> <!ENTITY RESTCONF SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-04.xml"> <!ENTITY UNIFY SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.draft-unify-nfvrg-challenges-00.xml"> <!ENTITY SP-DEVOPS SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.draft-unify-nfvrg-devops-01.xml">wj "⁠"> ]> <rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" category="std" docName="draft-ietf-ippm-twamp-yang-13"ipr="trust200902"> <?rfc toc="yes" ?> <?rfc symrefs="yes" ?> <?rfc sortrefs="yes"?> <?rfc iprnotified="no" ?> <?rfc strict="yes" ?> <?rfc compact="yes" ?> <?rfc subcompact="no" ?> <?rfc comments="yes"?> <?rfc inline="yes" ?>number="8913" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF" consensus="true" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.44.0 --> <front> <title abbrev="TWAMP YANG Data Model">Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) YANG Data Model</title> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8913"/> <author fullname="Ruth Civil" initials="R." surname="Civil"> <organization>Ciena Corporation</organization> <address> <postal> <street>307 Legget Drive</street> <city>Kanata</city> <region>ON</region> <code>K2K 3C8</code> <country>Canada</country> </postal><email>gcivil@ciena.com</email><email>ruthcivil@gmail.com</email> <uri>www.ciena.com</uri> </address> </author> <author fullname="Al Morton" initials="A." surname="Morton"> <organization>AT&T Labs</organization> <address> <postal> <street>200 Laurel Avenue South</street><city>Middletown,</city><city>Middletown</city> <region>NJ</region> <code>07748</code><country>USA</country><country>United States of America</country> </postal> <phone>+1 732 420 1571</phone><facsimile>+1 732 368 1192</facsimile><email>acmorton@att.com</email> <uri/> </address> </author> <author fullname="Reshad Rahman" initials="R." surname="Rahman"><organization>Cisco Systems</organization><organization></organization> <address> <postal><street>2000 Innovation Drive</street> <city>Kanata</city> <region>ON</region> <code>K2K 3E8</code><street></street> <city></city> <region></region> <code></code> <country>Canada</country> </postal><email>rrahman@cisco.com</email><email>reshad@yahoo.com</email> </address> </author> <author fullname="Mahesh Jethanandani" initials="M." surname="Jethanandani"> <organization>Xoriant Corporation</organization> <address> <postal> <street>1248Reamswood Drive</street>Reamwood Avenue</street> <city>Sunnyvale</city> <region>CA</region> <code>94089</code><country>USA</country><country>United States of America</country> </postal> <email>mjethanandani@gmail.com</email> </address> </author> <author fullname="Kostas Pentikousis" initials="K."role="editor" surname="Pentikousis"> <organization>Travelping</organization>surname="Pentikousis" role="editor"> <organization>Detecon</organization> <address> <postal><street>Siemensdamm 50</street> <code>13629</code><street> Winterfeldtstrasse 21</street> <code>10781</code> <city>Berlin</city> <country>Germany</country> </postal><email>k.pentikousis@travelping.com</email><email>kostas.pentikousis@detecon.com</email> </address> </author> <dateday="2" month="July" year="2018"/> <area>Transport</area> <workgroup>IPPM WG</workgroup>month="November" year="2021"/> <abstract> <t>This document specifies a data model for client and server implementations of the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP).TheThis document defines the TWAMP data model through Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams and formally specifies it usinga NDMA-compliantthe YANGmodel.</t>data modeling language (RFC 7950). The data model is compliant with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA).</t> </abstract> </front> <middle> <sectiontitle="Introduction">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction</name> <t>The <xreftarget="RFC5357">Two-Waytarget="RFC5357" format="default">Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) </xref> is used to measure network performance parameters such as latency, bandwidth, and packet loss by sending probe packets and measuring their experience in the network. To date, TWAMP implementations do not come with a standard management framework, and, as such, implementers have no choice except to provide a proprietary mechanism. This document addresses this gap by defining the model using<xref target="UML">UML</xref>Unified Modeling Language (UML) classdiagrams,diagrams <xref target="UML" format="default"></xref> and formally specifying a<xref target="RFC8342">NMDA-complaint</xref>TWAMP data model that is compliant with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) <xref target="RFC8342" format="default"/>, using <xreftarget="RFC7950">YANGtarget="RFC7950" format="default">YANG 1.1 </xref>.</t> <section anchor="motivation"title="Motivation">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Motivation</name> <t>In current TWAMPdeploymentsdeployments, the lack of a standardized data model limits the flexibility to dynamically instantiate TWAMP-based measurements across equipment from different vendors. In large, virtualized, and dynamically instantiated infrastructures where network functions are placed according to orchestration algorithms, proprietary mechanisms for managing TWAMP measurements pose severe limitations with respect to programmability.</t> <t>Two major trends call for standardizing TWAMP management aspects. First, it is expected that in the coming years large-scale and multi-vendor TWAMP deployments will become the norm. From an operations perspective, using several vendor-specific TWAMP configuration mechanisms when one standard mechanism could provide an alternative is expensive and inefficient. Second, the increasingly software-defined and virtualized nature of network infrastructures, based on dynamic service chains <xreftarget="NSC"/>target="NSC" format="default"/> and programmable control and management planes <xreftarget="RFC7426">Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and Architecture Terminology </xref>target="RFC7426" format="default"/>, requires a well-defined data model for TWAMP implementations. This document defines such a TWAMP data model and specifies it formally using the <xreftarget="RFC7950">YANGtarget="RFC7950" format="default">YANG 1.1</xref>data modelinglanguage.</t> <t>Note to RFC Editor:</t> <t>Please replace the date 2018-07-02 in Section 5.2 of the draft with the date of publication of this draft as a RFC. Also, replace reference to RFC XXXX, and draft-ietf-ippm-port-twamp-test with the RFC numbers assigned to the drafts.</t>language</xref>.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="Terminology">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Terminology</name> <t>The key words"MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY","<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and"OPTIONAL""<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 <xreftarget="RFC2119">BCP 14</xref>target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="Document Organization">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Document Organization</name> <t>The rest of this document is organized as follows. <xreftarget="scope"/>target="scope" format="default"/> presents the scope and applicability of this document. <xreftarget="structure"/>target="structure" format="default"/> provides a high-level overview of the TWAMP data model. <xreftarget="parameters"/>target="parameters" format="default"/> details the configuration parameters of the datamodelmodel, and <xreftarget="module"/>target="module" format="default"/> specifies in YANG the TWAMP data model. <xreftarget="examples"/>target="examples" format="default"/> lists illustrative exampleswhichthat conform to the YANG data model specified in this document. <xreftarget="AuthExample"/>target="AuthExample" format="default"/> elaborates these examples further.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="scope"title="Scope,numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Scope, Model, andApplicability">Applicability</name> <t>The purpose of this document is the specification of a vendor-independent data model for TWAMP implementations.</t> <t><xreftarget="fig:scope"/>target="fig_scope" format="default"/> illustrates a redrawn version of the TWAMP logical model found inSection 1.2 of<xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP </xref>.target="RFC5357" sectionFormat="of" section="1.2">TWAMP</xref>. The figure is annotated with pointers to the <xreftarget="UML">UML</xref> diagramstarget="UML" format="default">UML diagrams</xref> provided in this document and associated with the data model of the four logical entities in a TWAMP deployment, namely the TWAMP Control-Client, Server,Session-SenderSession-Sender, and Session-Reflector. A<xref target="UML">UML</xref>UML Notation Guide is available inSection 5Section 5 ofthe said document.</t>UML <xref target="UML"/>.</t> <t>As per <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMPtarget="RFC5357" format="default">TWAMP </xref>, unlabeled links in <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>target="fig_scope" format="default"/> are left unspecified and may be proprietary protocols.</t> <figureanchor="fig:scope" title="Annotatedanchor="fig_scope"> <name>Annotated TWAMPlogical model"> <artwork><![CDATA[ [Fig. 3] [Fig. 4]Logical Model</name> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ (Figure 3) (Figure 4) +----------------+ +--------+ | Control-Client | <-- TWAMP-Control --> | Server | +----------------+ +--------+ ^ ^ | | V V +----------------+ +-------------------+ | Session-Sender | <-- TWAMP-Test --> | Session-Reflector | +----------------+ +-------------------+[Fig. 5] [Fig. 6] ]]></artwork>(Figure 5) (Figure 6)]]></artwork> </figure> <t>As per <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMPtarget="RFC5357" format="default">TWAMP </xref>, a TWAMP implementation may follow a simplified logical model, in which the same node actsbothas both Control-Client and Session-Sender, while another node acts at the same time as both TWAMP Server and Session-Reflector. <xreftarget="fig:scope2"/>target="fig_scope2" format="default"/> illustrates this simplified logical model and indicates the interaction between the TWAMP configuration client and server using, for instance, <xreftarget="RFC6241">NETCONFtarget="RFC6241" format="default">NETCONF </xref> or <xreftarget="RFC8040">RESTCONFtarget="RFC8040" format="default">RESTCONF </xref>.</t> <figureanchor="fig:scope2" title="Simplifiedanchor="fig_scope2"> <name>Simplified TWAMPmodelModel andprotocols"> <artwork>< | |[Fig. 4, 6](Figures 4 and 6) | +-------------------+ +-------------------+ | Control-Client | <-- TWAMP-Control --> | Server | | | | | | Session-Sender | <-- TWAMP-Test --> | Session-Reflector | +-------------------++-------------------+ ]]></artwork>+-------------------+]]></artwork> </figure> <t>The data model defined in this document is orthogonal to the specific protocol used between the Config client and Config server to communicate the TWAMP configuration parameters.</t> <t>Operational actions such as how TWAMP-Test sessions are started and stopped, how performance measurement results are retrieved, or how stored results are cleared, and so on, are not addressed by the configuration model defined in this document. As noted above, such operational actions are not part of the TWAMP specification <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP </xref>target="RFC5357" format="default"></xref> and hence are out of scopeoffor this document. See also <xreftarget="OperationalCommands"/>.target="OperationalCommands" format="default"/>. In addition, for operational state,current workthe information provided in<xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-metric-registry">Registry forthe PerformanceMetrics</xref>,Metrics Registry <xref target="RFC8911"/> and <xref target="PERF-METRICS"/> can be used to develop an independent model for theperformance metricsPerformance Metrics that need to be captured and retrieved.</t> </section> <section anchor="structure"title="Datanumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Data ModelOverview">Overview</name> <t>The TWAMP data model includes four categories of configuration items.</t> <t>First, global configuration items relate to parameters that are set on aper deviceper-device level. For example, the administrative status of the device with respect to whether it allows TWAMP sessions and, if so, in what capacity(e.g.(e.g., Control-Client,ServerServer, orboth),both) is a typical instance of a global configuration item.</t> <t>A second category includes attributes that can be configured on aper TWAMP-Control connectionper&nbhy;TWAMP-Control-connection basis, such as the Server IP address.</t> <t>A third category includes attributes related toper TWAMP-Test session attributes,per-TWAMP-Test-session attributes -- forinstanceinstance, setting different values in the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field.</t> <t>Finally, the data model includes attributes that relate to the operational state of the TWAMP implementation.</t> <t>As the TWAMP data model is described in the remaining sections of this document, readers should keep in mind the functional entity grouping illustrated in <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>.</t>target="fig_scope" format="default"/>.</t> <section anchor="twamp-client"title="Control-Client">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Control-Client</name> <t>A TWAMP Control-Client has an administrative status field set at the device level that indicates whether the node is enabled to function as such.</t> <t>Each TWAMP Control-Client is associated with zero or moreTWAMP-ControlTWAMP&nbhy;Control connections. The main configuration parameters of each control connection are:<list style="symbols"> <t>A</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li>A namewhichthat can be used to uniquely identify at the Control-Client a particular control connection. This name is necessary for programmability reasons because at the time of creation of a TWAMP-Control connection not all IP and TCP port number information needed to uniquely identify the connection isavailable.</t> <t>Theavailable.</li> <li>The IP address of the interface the Control-Client will use forconnections.</t> <t>Theconnections.</li> <li>The IP address of the remote TWAMPServer.</t> <t>AuthenticationServer.</li> <li>Authentication and encryption attributes such as KeyID,TokenToken, and theClientControl-Client Initialization Vector (Client-IV); see also Section3.1 in<xreftarget="RFC4656">OWAMP </xref>target="RFC4656" sectionFormat="bare" section="3.1"/> of <xref target="RFC4656" format="default">"A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP)"</xref> and <xreftarget="RFC4086">Randomnesstarget="RFC4086" format="default">"Randomness Requirements forSecurity </xref>.</t> </list></t>Security"</xref>.</li> </ul> <t>Each TWAMP-Control connection, in turn, is associated with zero or more TWAMP-Test sessions. For each test session, the following configuration items should be noted:<list style="symbols"> <t>The</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li>The test sessionnamename, which uniquely identifies a particular test session at the Control-Client and Session-Sender. Similar to the control connections mentioned above, this unique test session name is needed because at the time of creation of a TWAMP-Test session, for example, the source UDP port number is not known to uniquely identify the testsession.</t> <t>Thesession.</li> <li>The IP address and UDP port number of the Session-Sender on the path under test byTWAMP.</t> <t>TheTWAMP.</li> <li>The IP address and UDP port number of the Session-Reflector on saidpath.</t> <t>Informationpath.</li> <li>Information pertaining to the test packet stream, such as the test startingtime,time; whichperformance metricPerformance Metric is to be used, as defined in <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-ippm-metric-registry">Registrytarget="RFC8911" format="default">"Registry for PerformanceMetrics </xref>,Metrics"</xref>; or whether the test should berepeated.</t> </list></t>repeated.</li> </ul> </section> <section anchor="twamp-server"title="Server">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Server</name> <t>Each TWAMP Server has an administrative status field set at the device level to indicate whether the node is enabled to function as a TWAMP Server.</t> <t>Each Server is associated with zero or more TWAMP-Control connections. Each control connection is uniquely identified by the 4-tuple {Control-Client IP address, Control-Client TCP port number, Server IP address, Server TCP port}.Control Control connection configuration items on a TWAMP Server are read-only.</t> </section> <section anchor="twampSender"title="Session-Sender">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Sender</name> <t>A TWAMP Session-Sender has an administrative status field set at the device level that indicates whether the node is enabled to function as such.</t> <t>There is one Session-Sender instance for each TWAMP-Test session that is initiated from the sending device. Primary configuration fields include:<list style="symbols"> <t>The</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li>The test sessionname MUSTname, which <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be identical to the corresponding test session name on the TWAMP Control-Client (<xreftarget="twamp-client"/>).</t> <t>Thetarget="twamp-client" format="default"/>).</li> <li>The control connection name,whichwhich, along with the test sessionnamename, uniquelyidentifyidentifies the TWAMP Session-Senderinstance.</t> <t>Informationinstance.</li> <li>Information pertaining to the test packet stream, suchas,as the number of test packets and the packet distribution to be employed; see also <xreftarget="RFC3432">Networktarget="RFC3432" format="default">"Network performance measurement with periodicstreams </xref>.</t> </list></t>streams"</xref>.</li> </ul> </section> <section anchor="twampReflector"title="Session-Reflector">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Reflector</name> <t>Each TWAMP Session-Reflector has an administrative status field set at the device level to indicate whether the node is enabled to function as such.</t> <t>Each Session-Reflector is associated with zero or more TWAMP-Test sessions. For each test session, the REFWAIT timeout parameter, which determines whether to discontinue the session if no packets have been received (<xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP </xref>, Section 4.2),target="RFC5357" sectionFormat="comma" section="4.2">TWAMP</xref>), can be configured.</t> <t>Read-only access to other data model parameters, such as the Sender IP address, is foreseen. Each test session can be uniquely identified by the 4-tuple mentioned in <xreftarget="twamp-server"/>.</t>target="twamp-server" format="default"/>.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="parameters"title="Datanumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Data ModelParameters">Parameters</name> <t>This section defines the TWAMP data model using UML <xreftarget="UML">UML</xref>target="UML"/> and introduces selected parameters associated with the four TWAMP logical entities. The complete TWAMP data model specification is provided in the YANG module presented in <xreftarget="yangmodule"/>.</t>target="yangmodule" format="default"/>.</t> <section anchor="clientConfig"title="Control-Client">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Control-Client</name> <t>The client container (see <xreftarget="fig:twamp-client"/>)target="fig_twamp-client" format="default"/>) holds items that are related to the configuration of the TWAMP Control-Client logical entity (recall <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>).</t>target="fig_scope" format="default"/>).</t> <t>The client container includes an administrative configuration parameter (client/admin-state) that indicates whether the device is allowed to initiate TWAMP-Control connections.</t> <figureanchor="fig:twamp-client" title="TWAMPanchor="fig_twamp-client"> <name>TWAMP Control-Client UMLclass diagram"> <artwork><![CDATA[Class Diagram</name> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ +-------------+ | client | +-------------+ 1..* +-----------------------+ | admin-state |<>----------------------| mode-preference-chain | | | +-----------------------+ | | 1..* +------------+ | priority | | |<>-----| key-chain | | mode | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------------------+ ^ | key-id | V | secret-key | | +------------+ | 0..* +------------------------+ | ctrl-connection | +------------------------+ | name | | client-ip | | server-ip | | server-tcp-port | 0..* +----------------------+ | control-packet-dscp |<>-------| test-session-request | | key-id | +----------------------+ | max-count | | name | | client-tcp-port {ro} | | sender-ip | | server-start-time {ro} | | sender-udp-port | | state {ro} | | reflector-ip | | selected-mode {ro} | | reflector-udp-port | | token {ro} | | timeout | | client-iv {ro} | | padding-length | +------------------------+ | test-packet-dscp | | start-time | +-------------+ 1 | repeat | | pm-reg-list |------<>| repeat-interval | +-------------+ | state {ro} | | pm-index | | sid {ro} | +-------------++----------------------+ ]]></artwork>+----------------------+]]></artwork> </figure> <t>The client container holds a list (mode-preference-chain)whichthat specifies theModemode values according to their preferred order of use by the operator of this Control-Client, including the authentication and encryptionModes.modes. Specifically, mode-preference-chain lists the mode and its corresponding priority, expressed as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Values for the priority start with zero, the highest priority, and decreasing priority value is indicated by every increase in value by one.</t> <t>Depending on theModesmodes available in the Server Greeting, the Control-ClientMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> choose thehighest priority Modehighest-priority mode from the configured mode-preference-chain list.</t> <t>Note that the list of preferredModesmodes may set multiple bit positions independently, such as when referring to the extended TWAMP features in <xreftarget="RFC5618">Mixedtarget="RFC5618" format="default">"Mixed Security Mode forTWAMP </xref>,the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC5938">Individualtarget="RFC5938" format="default">"Individual Session Control Feature forTWAMP </xref>,the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC6038">TWAMPtarget="RFC6038" format="default">"Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical SizeFeatures </xref>,Features"</xref>, and <xreftarget="RFC7717">IKEv2-Derivedtarget="RFC7717" format="default">"IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key forOWAMPthe One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) andTWAMP </xref>.Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>. If the Control-Client cannot determine an acceptableMode,mode, or when the bit combinations do not make sense, e.g.,bothauthenticated and unauthenticatedbitbits are both set, itMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> respond with zero Mode bits set in theSet-up ResponseSet-Up-Response message, indicating that it will not continue with the control connection.</t> <t>In addition, the client container holds a list namedkey-chain"key-chain", which relates key-id with the respective secret-key. Both the Server and the Control-Client use the same mappings from key-id tosecret-keysecret&nbhy;key (in <xreftarget="fig:twamp-client"/>);target="fig_twamp-client" format="default"/>); in order for this to work properly, key-id must be unique across all systems in the administrative domain. The Server, being prepared to conduct sessions with more than one Control-Client, uses key-id to choose the appropriate secret-key; a Control-Client would typically have different secret keys for different Servers. The secret-key is the shared secret, of typebinary"binary", and the lengthSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> contain at least 128 bits of entropy. The key-id and secret-key encodingSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> followSection 9.8 of<xreftarget="RFC7950">YANG </xref>.target="RFC7950" sectionFormat="of" section="9.8">YANG</xref>. The derived key length (dkLen as defined in <xreftarget="RFC8018">PKCStarget="RFC8018" format="default">"PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version2.1 </xref>) MUST2.1"</xref>) <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be 16 octets for the AES Session-key used for encryption and32 octets32 octets for the HMAC-SHA1 Session-key used for authentication; see alsoSection 6.10 of<xreftarget="RFC4656">OWAMP </xref>.</t>target="RFC4656" sectionFormat="of" section="6.10">OWAMP</xref>.</t> <t>Each client container also holds a list of control connections, where each item in the list describes aTWAMP controlTWAMP-Control connection initiated by this Control-Client. ThereSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be one ctrl-connection per TWAMP-Control (TCP) connection that is to be initiated from this device.</t> <t>In turn, each ctrl-connection holds a test-session-request list. Each test-session-request holds information associated with the Control-Client for this test session. This includes information associated with the Request-TW-Session/Accept-Session message exchange (seeSection 3.5 of<xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP </xref>).</t>target="RFC5357" sectionFormat="of" section="3.5">TWAMP</xref>).</t> <t>ThereSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be one instance of test-session-request for eachTWAMP-TestTWAMP&nbhy;Test session that is to be negotiated by this TWAMP-Control connection via a Request-TW-Session/Accept-Session exchange.</t> <t>The Control-Client is also responsible for scheduling TWAMP-Testsessions, thereforesessions; therefore, test-session-request holds information related to these actions(e.g.(e.g., pm-index, repeat-interval).</t> </section> <section anchor="serverConfig"title="Server">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Server</name> <t>The server container (see <xreftarget="fig:twamp-server"/>)target="fig_twamp-server" format="default"/>) holds items that are related to the configuration of the TWAMP Server logical entity (recall <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>).</t>target="fig_scope" format="default"/>).</t> <t>The server container includes an administrative configuration parameter (server/admin-state) that indicates whether the device is allowed to receive TWAMP-Control connections.</t> <t>A device operating in the ServerroleRole cannot configure attributes on aper TWAMP-Control connectionper-TWAMP-Control-connection basis, as it has no foreknowledge of the incoming TWAMP-Control connections to be received. Consequently, any parameter that the Server might want to apply to an incoming control connection must be configured at the overall Server level and applied to all incoming TWAMP-Control connections.</t> <figureanchor="fig:twamp-server" title="TWAMPanchor="fig_twamp-server"> <name>TWAMP Server UMLclass diagram"> <artwork><![CDATA[Class Diagram</name> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ +---------------------+ | server | +---------------------+ | admin-state | 1..* +------------+ | server-tcp-port |<>------| key-chain | | servwait | +------------+ | control-packet-dscp | | key-id | | count | | secret-key | | max-count | +------------+ | modes | | | 0..* +--------------------------+ | |<>------| ctrl-connection | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+ | client-ip {ro} | | client-tcp-port {ro} | | server-ip {ro} | | server-tcp-port {ro} | | state {ro} | | control-packet-dscp {ro} | | selected-mode {ro} | | key-id {ro} | | count {ro} | | max-count {ro} | | salt {ro} | | server-iv {ro} | | challenge {ro} |+--------------------------+ ]]></artwork>+--------------------------+]]></artwork> </figure> <t>Each server container holds a list namedkey-chain"key-chain", which relates key-id with the respective secret-key. As mentioned in <xreftarget="clientConfig"/>,target="clientConfig" format="default"/>, both the Server and the Control-Client use the same mapping fromkey-idkey&nbhy;id to the shared secret-key; in order for this to work properly, key-id must be unique across all the systems in the administrative domain. The Server, being prepared to conduct sessions with more than one Control-Client, uses key-id to choose the appropriate secret-key; a Control-Client would typically have different secret keys for different Servers.The key-id key-id tells the Server which shared secret-key the Control-Client wishes to use for authentication or encryption.</t> <t>Each incoming control connection active on the Server is represented by a ctrl-connection. ThereSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be one ctrl-connection per incoming TWAMP-Control (TCP) connection that is received and active on the Server. Each ctrl-connection can be uniquely identified by the 4-tuple {client-ip, client-tcp-port, server-ip, server-tcp-port}.All All items in the ctrl-connection list are read-only.</t> </section> <section anchor="senderConfig"title="Session-Sender">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Sender</name> <t>The session-sender container, illustrated in <xreftarget="fig:twampSenders"/>,target="fig_twampSenders" format="default"/>, holds items that are related to the configuration of the TWAMP Session-Sender logical entity.</t> <t>The session-sender container includes an administrative parameter (session-sender/admin-state) that controls whether the device is allowed to initiate TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:twampSenders" title="TWAMPanchor="fig_twampSenders"> <name>TWAMP Session-Sender UMLclass diagram"> <artwork><![CDATA[Class Diagram</name> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ +----------------+ | session-sender | +----------------+ 0..* +---------------------------+ | admin-state |<>-----| test-session | +----------------+ +---------------------------+ | name | | ctrl-connection-name {ro} | | fill-mode | | number-of-packets | | state {ro} | | sent-packets {ro} | | rcv-packets {ro} | | last-sent-seq {ro} | | last-rcv-seq {ro} | +---------------------------+ ^ V | 1 +---------------------+ | packet-distribution | +---------------------+ | periodic / poisson | +---------------------+ | | +-------------------+ | | periodic-interval | | +-------------------+ | | +--------------+ | lambda | | max-interval |+--------------+ ]]></artwork>+--------------+]]></artwork> </figure> <t>Each TWAMP-Test session initiated by the Session-Sender will be represented by an instance of a test-session object. ThereSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be one instance of test-session for each TWAMP-Test session for which packets are being sent.</t> </section> <section anchor="reflectorConfig"title="Session-Reflector">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Reflector</name> <t>The session-reflector container, illustrated in <xreftarget="fig:twampReflector"/>,target="fig_twampReflector" format="default"/>, holds items that are related to the configuration of the TWAMP Session-Reflector logical entity.</t> <t>The session-reflector container includes an administrative parameter (session-reflector/admin-state) that controls whether the device is allowed to respond to incoming TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <t>A device operating in the Session-ReflectorroleRole cannot configure attributes on a per-session basis, as it has no foreknowledge of what incoming sessions it will receive. As such, any parameter that the Session-Reflector might want to apply to an incoming TWAMP-Test session must be configured at the overall Session-Reflector level andareapplied to all incoming sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:twampReflector" title="TWAMPanchor="fig_twampReflector"> <name>TWAMP Session-Reflector UMLclass diagram"> <artwork><![CDATA[Class Diagram</name> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ +-------------------+ | session-reflector | +-------------------+ | admin-state | | refwait | +-------------------+ ^ V | | 0..* +----------------------------------------+ | test-session | +----------------------------------------+ | sid {ro} | | sender-ip {ro} | | sender-udp-port {ro} | | reflector-ip {ro} | | reflector-udp-port {ro} | | parent-connection-client-ip {ro} | | parent-connection-client-tcp-port {ro} | | parent-connection-server-ip {ro} | | parent-connection-server-tcp-port {ro} | | test-packet-dscp {ro} | | sent-packets {ro} | | rcv-packets {ro} | | last-sent-seq {ro} | | last-rcv-seq {ro} |+----------------------------------------+ ]]></artwork>+----------------------------------------+]]></artwork> </figure> <t>Each incoming TWAMP-Test session that is active on the Session-ReflectorSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be represented by an instance of a test-session object. All items in the test-session object are read-only.</t> <t>Instances of test-session are indexed by asession identifier (sid).Session Identifier (SID) (the sid parameter). This SID value is auto-allocated by the TWAMP Server as test session requests arereceived,received and is communicated back to the Control-Client in the SID field of the Accept-Session message; see Section4.3<xref target="RFC6038" sectionFormat="bare" section="4.3"/> of <xreftarget="RFC6038">TWAMPtarget="RFC6038">"Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical SizeFeatures </xref>.</t>Features"</xref>.</t> <t>When attempting to retrieve operational data for active test sessions from a Session-Reflector device, the user will not know what sessions are currently active on thatdevice,device or what SIDs have beenauto-allocatedauto&nbhy;allocated for these test sessions. If the user has network access to the Control-Client device, then it is possible to read the data for this session under client/ctrl-connection/test-session-request/sid and obtain the SID (see <xreftarget="fig:twamp-client"/>).target="fig_twamp-client" format="default"/>). The user may then use this SID value as an index to retrieve an individual session-reflector/test-session instance on the Session-Reflector device.</t> <t>If the user has no network access to the Control-Client device, then the only option is to retrieve all test-session instances from the Session-Reflectordevice,device and then pick out specific test-session instances of interest to the user. This could be problematic if a large number of test sessions are currently active on that device.</t> <t>Each Session-Reflector TWAMP-Test session contains the following 4-tuple: {parent-connection-client-ip, parent-connection-client-tcp-port, parent-connection-server-ip, parent-connection-server-tcp-port}.This This 4-tupleMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> correspond to the equivalent 4-tuple {client-ip, client-tcp-port, server-ip, server-tcp-port} inserver/ctrl-connection.server&wj;/ctrl-connection. This 4-tuple allows the user to trace back from the TWAMP-Test session to the (parent) TWAMP-Control connection that negotiated this test session.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="module"title="Data Model">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Data Model</name> <t>This section formally specifies the TWAMP data model using YANG.</t> <section anchor="yangtree"title="YANGnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>YANG TreeDiagram">Diagram</name> <t>This section presents a simplified graphical representation of the TWAMP data model using a YANG tree diagram. Readers should keep in mind that the limit of 72 characters per line forces us to introduce artificial line breaks in some tree diagram nodes. Tree diagrams used in this document follow the notation defined in <xreftarget="RFC8340">YANGtarget="RFC8340" format="default">"YANG TreeDiagrams</xref>.</t>Diagrams"</xref>.</t> <t>Please note that the backslash ('\') character near the end of the diagram is used for formatting purposes only (i.e., "reflector&nbhy;udp&nbhy;port]" should be treated as part of the same line as "[sender&nbhy;ip sender&nbhy;udp&nbhy;port reflector&nbhy;ip").</t> <figureanchor="fig:yangtree" title="YANGanchor="fig_yangtree"> <name>YANG TreeDiagram."> <artwork><![CDATA[Diagram</name> <sourcecode type="yangtree"><![CDATA[ module: ietf-twamp +--rw twamp +--rw client {control-client}? | +--rw admin-state? boolean | +--rw mode-preference-chain* [priority] | | +--rw priority uint16 | | +--rw mode? twamp-modes | +--rw key-chain* [key-id] | | +--rw key-id string | | +--rw secret-key? binary | +--rw ctrl-connection* [name] | +--rw name string | +--rw client-ip? inet:ip-address | +--rw server-ip inet:ip-address | +--rw server-tcp-port? inet:port-number | +--rw control-packet-dscp? inet:dscp | +--rw key-id? string | +--rw max-count-exponent? uint8 | +--ro client-tcp-port? inet:port-number | +--ro server-start-time? uint64 | +--ro repeat-count? uint64 | +--ro state? | | control-client-connection-state | +--ro selected-mode? twamp-modes | +--ro token? binary | +--ro client-iv? binary | +--rw test-session-request* [name] | +--rw name string | +--rw sender-ip? inet:ip-address | +--rw sender-udp-port? union | +--rw reflector-ip inet:ip-address | +--rw reflector-udp-port? inet:port-number | +--rw timeout? uint64 | +--rw padding-length? uint32 | +--rw test-packet-dscp? inet:dscp | +--rw start-time? uint64 | +--rw repeat? uint32 | +--rw repeat-interval? uint32 | +--rw pm-reg-list* [pm-index] | | +--rw pm-index uint16 | +--ro state? test-session-state | +--ro sid? string +--rw server {server}? | +--rw admin-state? boolean | +--rw server-tcp-port? inet:port-number | +--rw servwait? uint32 | +--rw control-packet-dscp? inet:dscp | +--rw count? uint8 | +--rw max-count-exponent? uint8 | +--rw modes? twamp-modes | +--rw key-chain* [key-id] | | +--rw key-id string | | +--rw secret-key? binary | +--ro ctrl-connection* | [client-ip client-tcp-port server-ip server-tcp-port] | +--ro client-ip inet:ip-address | +--ro client-tcp-port inet:port-number | +--ro server-ip inet:ip-address | +--ro server-tcp-port inet:port-number | +--ro state? server-ctrl-connection-state | +--ro control-packet-dscp? inet:dscp | +--ro selected-mode? twamp-modes | +--ro key-id? string | +--ro count? uint8 | +--ro max-count-exponent? uint8 | +--ro salt? binary | +--ro server-iv? binary | +--ro challenge? binary +--rw session-sender {session-sender}? | +--rw admin-state? boolean | +--rw test-session* [name] | +--rw name string | +--ro ctrl-connection-name? string | +--rw fill-mode? padding-fill-mode | +--rw number-of-packets uint32 | +--rw (packet-distribution)? | | +--:(periodic) | | | +--rw periodic-interval decimal64 | | +--:(poisson) | | +--rw lambda decimal64 | | +--rw max-interval? decimal64 | +--ro state? sender-session-state | +--ro sent-packets? uint32 | +--ro rcv-packets? uint32 | +--ro last-sent-seq? uint32 | +--ro last-rcv-seq? uint32 +--rw session-reflector {session-reflector}? +--rw admin-state? boolean +--rw refwait? uint32 +--ro test-session* [sender-ip sender-udp-port reflector-ipreflector-udp -port]\ reflector-udp-port] +--ro sid? string +--ro sender-ip inet:ip-address +--ro sender-udp-port | dynamic-port-number +--ro reflector-ip inet:ip-address +--ro reflector-udp-portinet:port-numbe rinet:port-number +--ro parent-connection-client-ip? inet:ip-address +--ro parent-connection-client-tcp-port?inet:port-numbe rinet:port-number +--ro parent-connection-server-ip? inet:ip-address +--ro parent-connection-server-tcp-port?inet:port-numbe rinet:port-number +--ro test-packet-dscp? inet:dscp +--ro sent-packets? uint32 +--ro rcv-packets? uint32 +--ro last-sent-seq? uint32 +--ro last-rcv-seq?uint32 ]]></artwork>uint32]]></sourcecode> </figure> </section> <section anchor="yangmodule"title="YANG Module">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>YANG Module</name> <t>This section presents the YANG module for the TWAMP data model defined in this document. The module imports definitions from <xreftarget="RFC6991">Commontarget="RFC6991" format="default">"Common YANG DataTypes</xref>,Types"</xref> and references <xreftarget="RFC5905">NTPv4 Specification</xref>, <xref target="RFC2330">Frameworktarget="RFC2330" format="default">"Framework for IP PerformanceMetrics</xref>,Metrics"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC4086">Randomness Requirements for Security</xref>,target="RFC3432">"Network performance measurement with periodic streams"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC4656">OWAMP</xref>,target="RFC4656" format="default">"A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP</xref>,target="RFC5357" format="default">"A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC5618">More Featurestarget="RFC5618" format="default">"Mixed Security Mode forTWAMP</xref>,the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC5938">Individualtarget="RFC5905" format="default">"Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification"</xref>, <xref target="RFC5938" format="default">"Individual Session ControlFeature</xref>,Feature for the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC6038">TWAMPtarget="RFC6038" format="default">"Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical SizeFeatures</xref>,Features"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC7312">Advancestarget="RFC7312" format="default">"Advanced Stream and SamplingFramework</xref>,Framework for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)"</xref>, <xreftarget="RFC7717">IKEv2-Derivedtarget="RFC7717" format="default">"IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key forOWAMPthe One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) andTWAMP</xref>,Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, <xref target="RFC8545" format="default">"Well-Known Port Assignments for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"</xref>, and <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-ippm-port-twamp-test">OWAMPtarget="RFC8911">"Registry for Performance Metrics"</xref>.</t> <!-- The following text in this section is DNE. During the verification step, made a couple updates where appropriate. AQed a mismatch; fixed the 'If an attacking system ...' text per author during AUTH48. * As per Section 6 of RFC 4656, in 'authenticated mode, the timestamp is in the clear andTWAMP Well-Known Port Assignments</xref>.</t> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[ <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-twamp@2018-07-02.yang"is not protected cryptographically in any way, while the rest of the message has the same protection as in encrypted mode. This mode allows one to trade off cryptographic protection against accuracy of timestamps.'"; * 'makes it impossible to alter timestamps undetectably' [Section 6 of RFC 4656] *Fixed; it's Sec. 1 * As per Section 3.1 of RFC 4656, KeyID is 'a UTF-8 string, up to 80 octets in length' and is used to select which 'shared shared secret the [Control-Client] wishes to use to authenticate or encrypt'."; * if it 'receives a Server-Greeting message with Count greater that [sic] its maximum configured value', as per Section 6 of RFC 5357. Further, note that according to Section 6 of RFC 5357: 'If an attacking system sets the maximum value in Count (2**32), then the system under attack would stall for a significant period of time while it attempts to generate keys. TWAMP-compliant systems SHOULD have a configuration control to limit the maximum count value. The default max-count-exponent value SHOULD be 15 which corresponds to a maximum value of 2**15 or 32768.' Not quoted in original, but I found that the paragraph that follows "As per RFC 4656:" was verbatim text, so added the single quotes. **Note:** The hyphen in "pseudo-random number source" has to be kept, because it's DNE text. Another DNE item that needed slight adjustment and single quotes added (after verification): "According to Section 3.1 of RFC 5357" --> <sourcecode name="ietf-twamp@2021-11-17.yang" type="yang" markers="true"> <![CDATA[ module ietf-twamp { yang-version 1.1; namespaceurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp;"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"; prefix ietf-twamp; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; reference "RFC 6991: Common YANGTypes.";Data Types"; } organization "IETF IPPM (IP Performance Metrics) Working Group"; contact "WG Web:http://tools.ietf.org/wg/ippm/<https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ippm/documents/> WG List:ippm@ietf.org<mailto:ippm@ietf.org> Editor: Ruth Civilgcivil@ciena.com<mailto:ruthcivil@gmail.com> Editor: Al Mortonacmorton@att.com<mailto:acmorton@att.com> Editor: ReshadRehman rrahman@cisco.comRahman <mailto:reshad@yahoo.com> Editor: Mahesh Jethanandanimjethanandani@gmail.com<mailto:mjethanandani@gmail.com> Editor: Kostas Pentikousisk.pentikousis@travelping.com";<mailto:kostas.pentikousis@detecon.com>"; description "This YANG module specifies a vendor-independent data model for the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP). The data modelcoversdefines four TWAMP logical entities,namely,namely Control-Client, Server, Session-Sender, and Session-Reflector, as illustrated in the annotated TWAMP logical model(Fig.(Figure 1 of RFCXXXX).8913). This YANG module uses features to indicate which of the four logical entities are supported by a TWAMP implementation. The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL NOT', 'SHOULD', 'SHOULD NOT', 'RECOMMENDED', 'NOT RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. Copyright (c)20182021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of thedocument authors.code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents(http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFCXXXX;8913; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision2018-07-022021-11-17 { description "InitialRevision. Coversrevision. References RFC 5357, RFC 5618, RFC 5938, RFC 6038, RFC 7717, anddraft-ietf-ippm-metric-registry";RFC 8911."; reference "RFCXXXX: TWAMP8913: Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) YANG DataModel.";Model"; } /* * Typedefs */ typedef twamp-modes { type bits { bit unauthenticated { position 0; description "Unauthenticated mode, in which no encryption or authentication is applied in TWAMP-Control and TWAMP-Test. KeyID, Token, and Client-IV are not used in the Set-Up-Response message. See Section 3.1 of RFC 4656."; reference "RFC 4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol(OWAMP)";(OWAMP), Section 3.1"; } bit authenticated { position 1; description "Authenticated mode, in which the Control-Client and Server possess a sharedsecretsecret, thus prohibiting 'theft of service'. As per Section 6 of RFC 4656, in 'authenticated mode, the timestamp is in the clear and is not protected cryptographically in any way, while the rest of the message has the same protection as in encrypted mode. This mode allows one to trade off cryptographic protection against accuracy of timestamps.'"; reference "RFC 4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol(OWAMP)";(OWAMP), Section 6"; } bit encrypted { position 2; description "Encrypted mode 'makes it impossible to alter timestamps undetectably'[Section 6(Section 1 of RFC4656].4656). See also Section 4 of RFC 7717."; reference "RFC 4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol(OWAMP)";(OWAMP), Section 6 RFC 7717: IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), Section 4"; } bitunauth-test-encrpyt-controlunauth-test-encrypt-control { position 3; description "When using theMixed Security Mode,mixed security mode, the TWAMP-Test protocolfollows the Unauthenticatedoperates in unauthenticated mode and the TWAMP-Control protocolthe Encryptedoperates in encrypted mode."; reference "RFC 5618: Mixed Security Mode for the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } bit individual-session-control { position 4; description "This mode enables individual test sessions using Session Identifiers."; reference "RFC 5938: Individual Session Control Feature for the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } bit reflect-octets { position 5; description "This mode indicates the reflect octets capability."; reference "RFC 6038: Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical Size Features"; } bit symmetrical-size { position 6; description "This mode indicates support for the symmetrical size sender test packet format."; reference "RFC 6038: Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical Size Features"; } bit IKEv2Derived { position 7; description "In thismode themode, the shared key is derived from anIKEv2Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) security association (SA)."; reference "RFC 7717: IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } } description "Specifies the configurable TWAMP-Modes supported during a TWAMP-ControlConnectionconnection setup between a Control-Client and a Server. Section 7 of RFC 7717 summarizes theTWAMP-Modes registry'TWAMP-Modes' Registry and points to their formal specification."; } typedef control-client-connection-state { type enumeration { enum active { description "Indicates an active TWAMP-Control connection to the Server."; } enum idle { description "Indicates an idle TWAMP-Control connection to the Server."; } } description "Indicates the Control-Client TWAMP-Control connection state."; } typedef test-session-state { type enumeration { enum accepted { value 0; description "Indicates an accepted TWAMP-Test session request."; } enum failed { value 1; description "Indicates a TWAMP-Test session failure due to some unspecified reason (catch-all)."; } enum internal-error { value 2; description "Indicates a TWAMP-Test session failure due to an internal error."; } enum not-supported { value 3; description "Indicates a TWAMP-Test session failure because some aspect of the TWAMP-Test session request is not supported."; } enum permanent-resource-limit { value 4; description "Indicates a TWAMP-Test session failure due to permanent resource limitations."; } enum temp-resource-limit { value 5; description "Indicates a TWAMP-Test session failure due to temporary resource limitations."; } } description "Indicates the Control-Client TWAMP-Test session state."; } typedef server-ctrl-connection-state { type enumeration { enum active { description "Indicates an active TWAMP-Control connection to the Control-Client."; } enum servwait { description "Indicates that the TWAMP-Control connection to the Control-Client is in SERVWAIT as per the definitionofin Section 3.1 of RFC 5357."; reference "RFC 5357: A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), Section 3.1"; } } description "Indicates the Server TWAMP-Control connection state."; } typedef sender-session-state { type enumeration { enum active { description "Indicates that the TWAMP-Test session is active."; } enum failure { description "Indicates that the TWAMP-Test session has failed."; } } description "Indicates the Session-Sender TWAMP-Test session state."; } typedef padding-fill-mode { type enumeration { enum zero { description "TWAMP-Test packets are padded with all zeros."; } enum random { description "TWAMP-Test packets are padded withpseudo-randompseudorandom numbers."; } } description "Indicates what type of packet padding is used in the TWAMP-Test packets."; } typedef dynamic-port-number { type inet:port-number { range49152..65535;"49152..65535"; } description "Dynamic range for port numbers."; } /* * Features */ feature control-client { description "Indicates that the device supports configuration of the TWAMP Control-Client logical entity."; } feature server { description "Indicates that the device supports configuration of the TWAMP Server logical entity."; } feature session-sender { description "Indicates that the device supports configuration of the TWAMP Session-Sender logical entity."; } feature session-reflector { description "Indicates that the device supports configuration of the TWAMP Session-Reflector logical entity."; } /* * Reusable node groups */ grouping key-management { list key-chain { keykey-id;"key-id"; leaf key-id { type string { length1..80;"1..80"; } description "KeyID used for a TWAMP-Control connection. As per Section 3.1 of RFC 4656, KeyID is 'a UTF-8 string, up to 80 octets in length' and is used to select which 'sharedsharedsecret the[Control-Client] wishesclient' (Control-Client) 'wishes to use to authenticate or encrypt'."; } leaf secret-key { type binary; description "The secret key corresponding to the KeyID for this TWAMP-Control connection."; } description "Relates KeyIDs with their respective secret keys in a TWAMP-Control connection."; } description "Used by the Control-Client and Server for TWAMP-Control key management."; } grouping maintenance-statistics { leaf sent-packets { type uint32; config false; description "Indicates the number of packets sent."; } leaf rcv-packets { type uint32; config false; description "Indicates the number of packets received."; } leaf last-sent-seq { type uint32; config false; description "Indicates the last sent sequence number."; } leaf last-rcv-seq { type uint32; config false; description "Indicates the last received sequence number."; } description "Used for TWAMP-Test maintenance statistics."; } grouping count { leaf count { type uint8 { range "10..31"; } default15;"15"; description "Parameter communicated to the Control-Client as part of the Server Greeting message and used for deriving a key from a shared secret as per Section 3.1 of RFC 4656: MUST be a power of 2 and at least 1024. It is configured by providing said power. For example, configuring 20 here means count 2^20 = 1048576. The default is 15, meaning 2^15 = 32768."; } description "Reusable data structure for count, which is usedbothin both the Server and the Control-Client."; } grouping max-count-exponent { leaf max-count-exponent { type uint8 { range10..31;"10..31"; } default20;"20"; description "This parameter limits the maximum Count value, which MUST be a power of 2 and at least 1024 as per RFC 5357. It is configured by providing said power. For example, configuring 10 here means max count 2^10 = 1024. The default is 20, meaning 2^20 = 1048576. A TWAMP Server uses this configured value in theServer-GreetingServer Greeting message sent to the Control-Client. A TWAMP Control-Client uses this configured value to prevent denial-of-service(DOS)(DoS) attacks by closing the control connection to the Server if it 'receives a Server-Greeting message with Count greater that [sic] its maximum configured value', as per Section 6 of RFC 5357. Further, note that according to Section 6 of RFC 5357: 'If an attacking systemsetsset the maximum value in Count (2**32), then the system under attack would stall for a significant period of time while it attempts to generate keys. Therefore, TWAMP-compliant systems SHOULD have a configuration control to limit the maximumcountCount value. The default maximum Count value SHOULD be 32768.' In the case of this document, the default max-count-exponent value SHOULD be1515, which corresponds to a maximum value of 2**15 or32768.'32768. RFC 5357 does not qualify 'significant period' in terms of time, but it is clear that this depends on the processing capacityavailableavailable, and operators need to pay attention to this security consideration."; } description "Reusable data structure for max-countwhichthat is used in bothattheControl-Clientclient (Control-Client) container and theServer containers.";server container."; } /* * Configuration data nodes */ container twamp { description "TWAMP logical entity configuration grouping of four modelswhichthat correspond to the four TWAMP logical entities Control-Client, Server, Session-Sender, and Session-Reflector as illustrated inFig.Figure 1 of RFCXXXX.";8913."; container client { if-featurecontrol-client;"control-client"; description "Configuration of the TWAMP Control-Client logical entity."; leaf admin-state { type boolean; defaulttrue;"true"; description "Indicates whether the device is allowed to operate as a TWAMP Control-Client."; } list mode-preference-chain { keypriority;"priority"; uniquemode;"mode"; leaf priority { type uint16; description "Indicates the Control-ClientModemode preferenceprioritypriority, expressed as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Values for the priority start with zero, the highest priority, and decreasing priority value is indicated by every increase in value by one."; } leaf mode { type twamp-modes; description "The supportedTWAMP ModeTWAMP-Modes matching the corresponding priority."; } description "Indicates the Control-Client preferred order of use of the supportedTWAMP Modes.TWAMP-Modes. Depending on theModesmodes available in the TWAMP Server Greeting message (seeFig.Figure 2 of RFC 7717), the Control-Client MUST choose thehighest priority Modehighest-priority mode from the configured mode-preference-chain list."; } uses key-management; list ctrl-connection { keyname;"name"; description "List of TWAMP Control-Client control connections. Each item in the list describes a control connection that will be initiated by thisControl-Client";Control-Client."; leaf name { type string; description "A unique name used as a key to identify this individual TWAMP-Control connection on the Control-Client device."; } leaf client-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the local Control-Client device, to be placed in the source IP address field of the IP header in TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to this control connection. If not configured, the device SHALL choose its own source IP address."; } leaf server-ip { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; description "The IP address of the remote Serverdevice,device to which the TWAMP-Control connection will beinitiated to.";initiated."; } leaf server-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; default862;"862"; description "This parameter defines the TCP port number that is to be used by this outgoing TWAMP-Control connection. Typically, this is the well-known TWAMP-Control port number (862) as per RFC53575357. However, there are known realizations of TWAMP in the field that were implemented before this well-known port number was allocated. These early implementations allowed the port number to be configured. This parameter is therefore provided forbackward compatibilitybackward-compatibility reasons."; } leaf control-packet-dscp { type inet:dscp; default0;"0"; description "TheDSCPDifferentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value to be placed in the IP header of TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets generated by this Control-Client."; } leaf key-id { type string { length1..80;"1..80"; } description "Indicates the KeyID value selected for this TWAMP-Control connection."; } uses max-count-exponent; leaf client-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; config false; description "Indicates the source TCP port number used in the TWAMP-Control packets belonging to this control connection."; } leaf server-start-time { type uint64; config false; description "Indicates the Start-Time advertised by the Server in the Server-Start message (RFC 4656, Section 3.1), representing the time when the current instantiation of the Server started operating. The timestamp format follows RFC59055905, according to Section 4.1.2 of RFC 4656."; reference "RFC 4656:OWAMP, SectionA One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP), Sections 3.1 and4.1.2,4.1.2 RFC 5905:NTPv4 Specification.";Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification"; } leaf repeat-count { type uint64; config false; description "Indicates how many times the test session has been repeated. When a test is running, this value will be greater than 0. If the repeat parameter is non-zero, this value is smaller than or equal to the repeat parameter."; } leaf state { type control-client-connection-state; config false; description "Indicates the currentstate of theTWAMP-Control connection state."; } leaf selected-mode { type twamp-modes; config false; description "TheTWAMP ModeTWAMP-Modes that the Control-Client has chosen for this control connection as set in the Mode field of the Set-Up-Responsemessage";message."; reference "RFC4656,4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP), Section3.1.";3.1"; } leaf token { type binary { length64;"64"; } config false; description "This parameter holds the 64 octets containing the concatenation of a 16-octet Challenge, a 16-octet AES Session-key used for encryption, and a 32-octet HMAC-SHA1 Session-key used for authentication; see also the last paragraph of Section6 in6.10 of RFC 4656. If theModemode defined in RFC 7717 is selected (selected-mode), Token is limited to 16 octets."; reference "RFC4086: Randomness Requirements for Security4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP), Section 6.10 RFC 7717: IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } leaf client-iv { type binary { length16;"16"; } config false; description "Indicates the Control-Client Initialization Vector (Client-IV),thatwhich is generated randomly by the Control-Client. As per RFC 4656:Client-IV'Client-IV merely needs to be unique (i.e., it MUST never be repeated for different sessions using the same secret key; a simple way to achieve that without the use of cumbersome state is to generate the Client-IV values using a cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbersource.source.' If theModemode defined in RFC 7717 is selected (selected-mode), Client-IV is limited to 12 octets."; reference "RFC 4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol(OWAMP).(OWAMP) RFC 7717: IKEv2-Derived Shared Secret Key for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } list test-session-request { keyname;"name"; description "Information associated with the Control-Client for this testsession";session."; leaf name { type string; description "A unique name to be used for identification of this TWAMP-Test session on the Control-Client."; } leaf sender-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the Session-Sender device, which is to be placed in the source IP address field of the IP header in TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets belonging to this test session. This value will be used to populate thesender addressSender Address field of the Request-TW-Session message. If not configured, the device SHALL choose its own source IP address."; } leaf sender-udp-port { type union { type dynamic-port-number; type enumeration { enum autoallocate { description "Indicates that theContol-ClientControl-Client will auto-allocate the TWAMP-Test (UDP) port number from the dynamic port range."; } } } defaultautoallocate;"autoallocate"; description "The UDP port number that is to be used by the Session-Sender for this TWAMP-Test session. The number is restricted to the dynamic port range. Bydefaultdefault, the Control-Client SHALL auto-allocate a UDP port number for this TWAMP-Test session. The configured (or auto-allocated) value is advertised in the Sender Port field of theRequest-TW-sessionRequest-TW-Session message (see Section 3.5 of RFC 5357). Note that in the scenario where a device auto-allocates a UDP port number for asession,session and the repeat parameter for that session indicates that it should be repeated, the device is free to auto-allocate a different UDP port number when it negotiates the next (repeated) iteration of this session."; } leaf reflector-ip { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; description "The IP address belonging to the remote Session-Reflector device to which the TWAMP-Test session will be initiated. This value will be used to populate thereceiver addressReceiver Address field of the Request-TW-Session message."; } leaf reflector-udp-port { type inet:port-number { range "862 | 49152..65535"; } description "This parameter defines the UDP port number that will be used by the Session-Reflector for this TWAMP-Test session. The default number is within the dynamic port range and is to be placed in the Receiver Port field of the Request-TW-Session message. The well-known port (862) MAY be used."; reference"draft-ietf-ippm-port-twamp-test: OWAMP and TWAMP"RFC 8545: Well-Known PortAssignments.";Assignments for the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) and the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } leaf timeout { type uint64; unitsseconds;"seconds"; default2;"2"; description "The length of time (in seconds) that the Session-Reflector should continue to respond to packets belonging to this TWAMP-Test session after a Stop-Sessions TWAMP-Control message has been received. This value will be placed in the Timeout field of the Request-TW-Session message."; reference "RFC 5357:TWAMP,A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), Section3.5.";3.5"; } leaf padding-length { type uint32 { range64..4096;"64..4096"; } description "The number of padding bytes to be added to the TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets generated by the Session-Sender. This value will be placed in the Padding Length field of the Request-TW-Session message."; reference "RFC4656,4656: A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP), Section3.5.";3.5"; } leaf test-packet-dscp { type inet:dscp; default0;"0"; description "The DSCP value to be placed in the IP header of TWAMP-Test packets generated by theSession-Sender,Session-Sender and in the UDP header of the TWAMP-Test response packets generated by the Session-Reflector for this test session. This value will be placed in the Type-P Descriptor field of the Request-TW-Sessionmessage";message."; reference "RFC5357.";5357: A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)"; } leaf start-time { type uint64; default0;"0"; description "Time when the session is to be started (but not before the TWAMP Start-Sessions command is issued; see Section 3.4 of RFC 5357). The start-time value is placed in the Start Time field of the Request-TW-Session message. The timestamp format follows RFC 5905 as per Section 3.5 of RFC 4656. The default value of 0 indicates that the session will be started as soon as the Start-Sessions message is received."; } leaf repeat { type uint32 { range0..4294967295;"0..4294967295"; } default0;"0"; description "This value determines if the TWAMP-Test session must be repeated. When a test session has completed, the repeat parameter is checked. The default value of 0 indicates that the session MUST NOT be repeated. If the repeat value is 1 through4,294,967,2944,294,967,294, then the test session SHALL be repeated using the information in the repeat-interval parameter, and the parent TWAMP-Control connection for this test session is restarted to negotiate a new instance of this TWAMP-Test session. A value of 4,294,967,295 indicates that the test session SHALL be repeated *forever* using the information in the repeat-intervalparameter,parameter and SHALL NOT decrement the value."; } leaf repeat-interval { when "../repeat!='0'" { description "This parameter determines the timing of repeated TWAMP-Test sessions when repeat is more than 0. When the value of repeat-interval is 0, the negotiation of a new test session SHALL begin immediately after the previous test session completes. Otherwise, the Control-Client will wait for the number of seconds specified in the repeat-interval parameter before negotiating the new instance of this TWAMP-Test session."; } type uint32; unitsseconds;"seconds"; default0;"0"; description "Repeat interval (in seconds)."; } list pm-reg-list { keypm-index;"pm-index"; leaf pm-index { type uint16; description "Numerical index value of a Registered Metric in the PerformanceMetricMetrics Registry (seeietf-ippm-metric-registry).RFC 8911). Output statistics are specified in the corresponding Registryentry.";Entry."; } description "A list of one or more PerformanceMetricMetrics Registry Index values, which communicate packet stream characteristics along with one or more metrics to be measured. All members of the pm-reg-list MUST have the same stream characteristics, such that they combine to specify all metrics that shall be measured on a single stream."; reference"ietf-ippm-metric-registry:"RFC 8911: Registry for Performance Metrics"; } leaf state { type test-session-state; config false; description "Indicates the TWAMP-Test sessionstate,state -- an accepted request or an indication of an error."; reference"Section 3.5 of RFC 5357.";"RFC 5357: A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), Section 3.5"; } leaf sid { type string; config false; description "TheSIDSession Identifier (SID) allocated by the Server for this TWAMP-Testsession,session and communicated back to the Control-Client in the SID field of the Accept-Sessionmessage";message."; reference"Section 4.3 of RFC 6038.";"RFC 6038: Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Reflect Octets and Symmetrical Size Features, Section 4.3"; } } } } container server { if-featureserver;"server"; description "Configuration of the TWAMP Server logical entity."; leaf admin-state { type boolean; defaulttrue;"true"; description "Indicates whether the device is allowed to operate as a TWAMP Server."; } leaf server-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; default862;"862"; description "This parameter defines thewell knownwell-known TCP port number that is used by TWAMP-Control. The Server will listen on this port number for incoming TWAMP-Control connections. Although this is defined as a fixed value (862) in RFC 5357, there are several realizations of TWAMP in the field that were implemented before this well-known port number was allocated. These early implementations allowed the port number to be configured. This parameter is therefore provided forbackward compatibilitybackward-compatibility reasons."; } leaf servwait { type uint32 { range1..604800;"1..604800"; } unitsseconds;"seconds"; default900;"900"; description "TWAMP-Control (TCP) session timeout, in seconds. According to Section 3.1 of RFC5357,5357: 'The Server MAY discontinue any established control connection when no packet associated with that connection has been received within SERVWAITseconds.";seconds.'"; } leaf control-packet-dscp { type inet:dscp; description "The DSCP value to be placed in the IP header of TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets generated by the Server. Section 3.1 of RFC 5357 specifies that theserverServer SHOULD use the DSCP value from theControl-ClientsControl-Client's TCP SYN. However, for practicalpurposespurposes, TWAMP will typically be implemented using ageneral purposegeneral-purpose TCP stack provided by the underlying operating system, and such a stack may not provide this information to the user. Consequently, it is not always possible to implement the behavior described in RFC 5357 in an OS-portable version of TWAMP. The default behavior if this item is not set is to use the DSCP value from theControl-ClientsControl-Client's TCP SYN."; reference"Section 3.1 of RFC 5357.";"RFC 5357: A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), Section 3.1"; } uses count; uses max-count-exponent; leaf modes { type twamp-modes; description "The bit mask ofTWAMP ModesTWAMP-Modes this Server instance is willing to support; see the IANATWAMP Modes'TWAMP-Modes' Registry."; } uses key-management; list ctrl-connection { key "client-ip client-tcp-port server-ip server-tcp-port"; config false; description "List of all incoming TWAMP-Control (TCP) connections."; leaf client-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address on the remote Control-Client device, which is the source IP address used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to this control connection."; } leaf client-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The source TCP port number used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to this control connection."; } leaf server-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the local Server device, which is the destination IP address used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to this control connection."; } leaf server-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The destination TCP port number used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to this control connection. This will usually be the same value as the server-tcp-port configured under twamp/server. However, in the event that the userre-configuredreconfigured server/server-tcp-port after this control connection was initiated, this value will indicate the server-tcp-port that is actually in use for this control connection."; } leaf state { type server-ctrl-connection-state; description "Indicates the Server TWAMP-Control connection state."; } leaf control-packet-dscp { type inet:dscp; description "The DSCP value used in the IP header of the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets sent by the Server for this control connection. This will usually be the same value as is configured in the control-packet-dscp parameter under the twamp/server container. However, in the event that the userre-configuresreconfigures server/dscp after this control connection is already in progress, this read-only value will show the actualdscpDSCP value in use by this TWAMP-Control connection."; } leaf selected-mode { type twamp-modes; description "TheModemode that was chosen for this TWAMP-Control connection as set in the Mode field of the Set-Up-Response message."; } leaf key-id { type string { length1..80;"1..80"; } description "The KeyID value that is in use by this TWAMP-Control connection as selected by the Control-Client."; } uses count { description "ThecountCount value that is in use by this TWAMP-Control connection. This will usually be the same value as is configured under twamp/server. However, in the event that the userre-configuredreconfigures server/count after this control connection is already in progress, this read-only value will show the actual count that is in use for this TWAMP-Control connection."; } uses max-count-exponent { description "This read-only value indicates the actual max-count in use for this control connection.UsuallyUsually, this would be the same value as is configured under twamp/server."; } leaf salt { type binary { length16;"16"; } description "A parameter used in deriving a key from a sharedsecretsecret, as described in Section 3.1 of RFC 4656. It is communicated to the Control-Client as part of the Server Greeting message."; } leaf server-iv { type binary { length16;"16"; } description "The Server Initialization Vector(IV)(Server-IV) generated randomly by the Server."; } leaf challenge { type binary { length16;"16"; } description "A random sequence of octets generated by the Server. As described in client/token, a Challenge is used by the Control-Client to prove possession of a shared secret."; } } } container session-sender { if-featuresession-sender;"session-sender"; description "Configuration of the TWAMP Session-Sender logicalentity";entity."; leaf admin-state { type boolean; defaulttrue;"true"; description "Indicates whether the device is allowed to operate as a TWAMP Session-Sender."; } listtest-session{test-session { keyname;"name"; description "List of TWAMP Session-Sender test sessions."; leaf name { type string; description "A unique name for this TWAMP-Test session to be used for identifying this test session by the Session-Sender logical entity."; } leaf ctrl-connection-name { type string; config false; description "The name of the parent TWAMP-Control connection that is responsible for negotiating this TWAMP-Test session."; } leaf fill-mode { type padding-fill-mode; defaultzero;"zero"; description "Indicates whether the padding added to the TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets (1) will containpseudo-random numbers,pseudorandom numbers orwhether it(2) should consist of allzeroes,zeros, as per Section 4.2.1 of RFC 5357."; } leaf number-of-packets { type uint32; mandatory true; description "The overall number of TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets to be transmitted by the Session-Sender for this test session."; } choice packet-distribution { description "Indicates the distribution to be used for transmitting the TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets."; case periodic { leaf periodic-interval { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 5; } unitsseconds;"seconds"; mandatory true; description "Indicates the time to wait (in seconds) between the first bits of TWAMP-Test (UDP) packet transmissions for this test session."; reference "RFC 3432: Network performance measurement with periodic streams"; } } case poisson { leaf lambda { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 5; } unitsseconds;"seconds"; mandatory true; description "Indicates the average time interval (in seconds) between packets in the Poisson distribution. The packet is calculated using the reciprocal of lambda and the TWAMP-Test packet size (which depends on the selectedModemode and the packet padding)."; reference "RFC 2330: Framework for IP Performance Metrics"; } leaf max-interval { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 5; } unitsseconds;"seconds"; description "Indicates the maximum time (in seconds) between packet transmissions."; reference "RFC 7312: Advanced Stream and Sampling Framework for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)"; } } } leaf state { type sender-session-state; config false; description "Indicates the Session-Sender test session state."; } uses maintenance-statistics; } } container session-reflector { if-featuresession-reflector;"session-reflector"; description "Configuration of the TWAMP Session-Reflector logicalentity";entity."; leaf admin-state { type boolean; defaulttrue;"true"; description "Indicates whether the device is allowed to operate as a TWAMP Session-Reflector."; } leaf refwait { type uint32 { range1..604800;"1..604800"; } unitsseconds;"seconds"; default900;"900"; description "The Session-Reflector MAY discontinue any session that has been started when no packet associated with that session has been received for REFWAIT seconds. As per Section 3.1 of RFC 5357, this timeout allows a Session-Reflector to free up resources in case of failure."; } list test-session { key "sender-ip sender-udp-port reflector-ip reflector-udp-port"; config false; description "TWAMPSession-ReflectortestSession-Reflector test sessions."; leaf sid { type string; description "An auto-allocated identifier for this TWAMP-Test session that is unique within the context of this Server/Session-Reflector device only. This value is communicated to the Control-Client that requested the test session in the SID field of the Accept-Session message."; } leaf sender-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address on the remote device, which is the source IP address used in the TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets belonging to this test session."; } leaf sender-udp-port { type dynamic-port-number; description "The source UDP port used in the TWAMP-Test packets belonging to this test session."; } leaf reflector-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the local Session-Reflector device, which is the destination IP address used in the TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets belonging to this test session."; } leaf reflector-udp-port { type inet:port-number { range "862 | 49152..65535"; } description "The destination UDP port number used in the TWAMP-Test (UDP) test packets belonging to this test session."; } leaf parent-connection-client-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address on the Control-Client device, which is the source IP address used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to the parent control connection that negotiated this test session."; } leaf parent-connection-client-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The source TCP port number used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to the parent control connection that negotiated this test session."; } leaf parent-connection-server-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the Server device, which is the destination IP address used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to the parent control connection that negotiated this test session."; } leaf parent-connection-server-tcp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The destination TCP port number used in the TWAMP-Control (TCP) packets belonging to the parent control connection that negotiated this test session."; } leaf test-packet-dscp { type inet:dscp; description "The DSCP value present in the IP header of TWAMP-Test (UDP) packets belonging to this session."; } uses maintenance-statistics; } } }} <CODE ENDS> ]]></artwork> </figure>}]]></sourcecode> </section> </section> <section anchor="examples"title="Datanumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Data ModelExamples">Examples</name> <t>This section presentsasimple but completeexampleexamples of configuring all four entities in <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>,target="fig_scope" format="default"/>, based on the YANG module specified in <xreftarget="module"/>.target="module" format="default"/>. Theexample isexamples are illustrative innature,nature butaimsaim to be self-contained,i.e.i.e., wereitthey to be executed in a real TWAMPimplementation itimplementation, they would lead toacorrectly configured testsession.sessions. For completeness, examples are provided for both IPv4 andIPv6.</t> <t>A more elaborated example,IPv6. The examples are shown using XML <xref target="W3C.REC-xml-20081126"/>.</t> <t>More elaborate examples, which alsoincludesinclude authentication parameters,isare provided in <xreftarget="AuthExample"/>.</t>target="AuthExample" format="default"/>.</t> <section anchor="ExampleCC"title="Control-Client">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Control-Client</name> <t><xreftarget="fig:ExampleCC"/>target="fig_ExampleCC" format="default"/> shows a configuration example for a Control-Client with client/admin-state enabled. In a real implementation following <xreftarget="fig:scope2"/>target="fig_scope2" format="default"/>, this would permit the initiation of TWAMP-Control connections and TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:ExampleCC" title="XML instance enabling Control-Client operation."> <artwork><![CDATA[anchor="fig_ExampleCC"> <name>XML Instance Enabling Control-Client Operation</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <client> <admin-state>true</admin-state> </client> </twamp></config> ]]></artwork></config>]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>The following example shows a Control-Client with two instances ofclient/ctrl-connection,client/ctrl-connection -- one called "RouterA" and another called "RouterB". Each TWAMP-Control connection is to a different Server. The control connection named "RouterA" has two test session requests. The TWAMP-Control connection named "RouterB" has no TWAMP-Test session requests.</t><figure> <artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <client> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterA</name> <client-ip></client-ip> <server-ip></server-ip> <test-session-request> <name>Test1</name> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>50001</reflector-udp-port> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> <test-session-request> <name>Test2</name> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>50001</reflector-udp-port> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> </ctrl-connection> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterB</name> <client-ip></client-ip> <server-ip></server-ip> </ctrl-connection> </client> </twamp></config></config>]]></sourcecode> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <client> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterA</name><client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</server-ip><client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</server-ip> <test-session-request> <name>Test1</name><sender-ip>2001:DB8:203:1:113::3</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:203:1:113::3</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:203:1:113::4</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:203:1:113::4</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55000</reflector-udp-port> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> <test-session-request> <name>Test2</name><sender-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> </ctrl-connection> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterB</name><client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::3</server-ip><client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::3</server-ip> </ctrl-connection> </client> </twamp></config> ]]></artwork> </figure></config>]]></sourcecode> </section> <section anchor="ExampleS"title="Server">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Server</name> <t><xreftarget="fig:ExampleS"/>target="fig_ExampleS" format="default"/> shows a configuration example for a Server withserver/admin-stateserver&wj;/admin-state enabled, which permits a device following <xreftarget="fig:scope2"/>target="fig_scope2" format="default"/> to respond to TWAMP-Control connections and TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:ExampleS" title="XML instance enabling Server operation."> <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[anchor="fig_ExampleS"> <name>XML Instance Enabling Server Operation</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <server> <admin-state>true</admin-state> </server> </twamp></config> ]]></artwork></config>]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>The following example presents a Server with the TWAMP-Control connection corresponding to the control connection name(client/ctrl-connection/name)(client&wj;/ctrl&nbhy;connection/name) "RouterA" presented in <xreftarget="ExampleCC"/>.</t> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[target="ExampleCC" format="default"/>.</t> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <server> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <ctrl-connection> <client-ip></client-ip> <client-tcp-port>16341</client-tcp-port> <server-ip></server-ip> <server-tcp-port>862</server-tcp-port> <state>active</state> </ctrl-connection> </server> </twamp></data></data>]]></sourcecode> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <server> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <ctrl-connection><client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</client-ip><client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <client-tcp-port>16341</client-tcp-port><server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</server-ip><server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</server-ip> <server-tcp-port>862</server-tcp-port> <state>active</state> </ctrl-connection> </server> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> <section anchor="ExampleSS"title="Session-Sender">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Sender</name> <t><xreftarget="fig:ExampleSS"/>target="fig_ExampleSS" format="default"/> shows a configuration example for a Session-Sender with session-sender/admin-state enabled, which permits a device following <xreftarget="fig:scope2"/>target="fig_scope2" format="default"/> to initiate TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:ExampleSS" title="XML instance enablinganchor="fig_ExampleSS"> <name>XML Instance Enabling Session-Senderoperation."> <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[Operation</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-sender> <admin-state>true</admin-state> </session-sender> </twamp></config> ]]></artwork></config>]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>The following configuration example shows a Session-Sender with the two TWAMP-Test sessions presented in <xreftarget="ExampleCC"/>.</t> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[target="ExampleCC" format="default"/>.</t> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-sender> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session> <name>Test1</name> <ctrl-connection-name>RouterA</ctrl-connection-name> <number-of-packets>900</number-of-packets> <periodic-interval>1</periodic-interval> </test-session> <test-session> <name>Test2</name> <ctrl-connection-name>RouterA</ctrl-connection-name> <number-of-packets>900</number-of-packets> <lambda>1</lambda> <max-interval>2</max-interval> </test-session> </session-sender> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> <section anchor="ExampleSR"title="Session-Reflector">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Reflector</name> <t>This configuration example shows a Session-Reflector withsession-reflector/admin-statesession&nbhy;reflector/admin-state enabled, which permits a device following <xreftarget="fig:scope2"/>target="fig_scope2" format="default"/> to respond to TWAMP-Test sessions.</t> <figureanchor="fig:ExampleSR" title="XML instance enablinganchor="fig_ExampleSR"> <name>XML Instance Enabling Session-Reflectoroperation."> <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[Operation</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-reflector> <admin-state>true</admin-state> </session-reflector> </twamp></config> ]]></artwork></config>]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>The following example shows the two Session-Reflector TWAMP-Test sessions corresponding to the test sessions presented in <xreftarget="ExampleSS"/>.</t> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[ [note:target="ExampleSS" format="default"/>.</t> <aside><t>Note: '\' line wrapping is for formattingonly]only.</t></aside> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-reflector> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>50001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>1232</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <sent-packets>2</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>2</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>1</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>1</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>50001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>178943</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <sent-packets>21</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>21</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>20</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>20</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> </session-reflector> </twamp></data> [note:</data>]]></sourcecode> <aside><t>Note: '\' line wrapping is for formattingonly]only.</t></aside> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-reflector> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>54001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>1232</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <sent-packets>2</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>2</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>1</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>1</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>178943</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <sent-packets>21</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>21</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>20</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>20</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> </session-reflector> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> </section> <section anchor="security"title="Security Considerations">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t>Virtually all existing measurement systems using <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMP</xref>target="RFC5357" format="default">TWAMP</xref> are administered by the same network operator.AttacksFor example, attacks on the measurement infrastructure could be launched bythird-partiesthird parties to commandeer the packet generation capability, corrupt the measurements, or perform otherexamples ofnefarious acts.</t> <!-- Begin YANG security DNE text (Para.s 1, 2, and 3. --> <t>The YANG module specified in<xref target="module"/> ofthis document defines a schema for data that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols such as <xreftarget="RFC6241">NETCONF</xref>target="RFC6241" format="default">NETCONF</xref> or <xreftarget="RFC8040">RESTCONF</xref>.target="RFC8040" format="default">RESTCONF</xref>. The lowest<xref target="RFC6241">NETCONF</xref>NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is <xreftarget="RFC6242">Securetarget="RFC6242" format="default">Secure Shell (SSH)</xref>. The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is <xreftarget="RFC5246">TLS</xref>.</t>target="RFC8446" format="default">TLS</xref>.</t> <t>The <xreftarget="RFC8341">NETCONFtarget="RFC8341" format="default">Network Configuration Access ControlModuleModel (NACM)</xref> provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.</t> <t>There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG modulewhichthat arewriteable.writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitiveandor vulnerableto attacksin some network environments.AbilityWrite operations (e.g., edit-config) towrite intothese data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are thedevices that support this feature.</t> <t>Ifsubtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:</t> <!-- End YANG security DNE text (Para.s 1, 2, and 3. --> <ul spacing="normal"> <li>If written, the 'admin-state' node can cause unintended test sessions to becreated. Ifcreated.</li> <li>If the node'number-of-packets' that'number-of-packets', which dictates how many packets are sent in any particular testsessionsession, is written with a large value, it can cause a test session to run longer thanexpected. Nodesexpected.</li> <li>Nodes that are particularly vulnerable include several timeout values put in the protocol to protect against sessions that are not active but are consuming resources. These are the REFWAIT timeoutparameterparameter, whichdeterminedetermines whether to discontinue the session if no packets arereceived,received; and the nodes 'count' and'max-count-exponent’'max-count-exponent', which can cause a long time to be spent onPBKDF2 iterations. InPassword-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) iterations.</li> <li>In addition,'dscp’a 'dscp' node marked with different DSCPmarkings,markings can cause the test traffic on the network to beskewed,skewed and the resultmanipulated. Finally,manipulated.</li> <li>Finally, nodes within'mode-preference-chain''mode-preference-chain', whichspecifyspecifies the 'mode' and 'priority' values andindicateindicates the preferred order of use by an operator, can be manipulated to send unauthenticated or non-encrypted traffic, enablinga MITM attack. Limitingan on-path attack.</li> <li>Limiting access to these nodes will limit the ability to launch an attack in networkenvironments.</t> <t>The ‘token’environments.</li> </ul> <!-- Begin YANG security DNE text (Para. 4). --> <t>Some of the readable data nodes in this YANG module may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control read access (e.g., via get, get-config, or notification) to these data nodes. This is the subtree and data node and its sensitivity/vulnerability:</t> <!-- End YANG security DNE text (Para. 4). --> <ul spacing="normal"> <li>The 'token' node defined in the model, containing a concatenation of a Challenge, an AES Session-key used for encryption, and an HMAC-SHA1 Session-key used for authentication, is sensitive from a privacyperspective,perspective and can be used to disrupt a test session. The ability to read the field should be limited to the administrator of the testnetwork.</t>network.</li> </ul> <t>The TWAMP YANG data model does not define RPC operations, as detailed in <xref target="OperationalCommands"/>, and defers the definition of NETCONF RPC operations to each implementation. These RPC operations, when defined, may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control access to these operations.</t> </section> <section anchor="iana"title="IANA Considerations"> <t>This document registers anumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>IANA has registered the following URI in the <xreftarget="RFC3688">IETFtarget="RFC3688" format="default">"IETF XMLregistry </xref>. Following the format in <xref target="RFC3688">IETF XML Registry </xref>, the following registration is requested to be made.</t> <t>URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp</t> <t>Registrant Contact: The IESG.</t> <t>XML: N/A,Registry"</xref>.</t> <dl newline="false" spacing="compact"> <dt>URI:</dt><dd>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp</dd> <dt>Registrant Contact:</dt><dd>The IESG.</dd> <dt>XML:</dt><dd>N/A; the requested URI is an XMLnamespace.</t> <t>This document registers a YANG module in the YANG Module Names registry <xref target="RFC6020">YANG </xref>.</t> <t>name: ietf-twamp</t> <t>namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp</t> <t>prefix: twamp</t> <t>reference: RFC XXXX</t> </section> <section anchor="acks" title="Acknowledgements"> <t>We thank Fred Baker, Kevin D'Souza, Gregory Mirsky, Brian Trammell, Robert Sherman, and Marius Georgescu for their thorough and constructive reviews, comments and text suggestions.</t> <t>Haoxing Shen contributed to the definition ofnamespace.</dd> </dl> <t>IANA has registered the following YANG module in<xref target="module"/>.</t> <t>Jan Lindblad and Ladislav Lhokta did thorough reviews oftheYANG module and the examples in<xreftarget="AuthExample"/>.</t> <t>Kostas Pentikousis was partially supported by FP7 UNIFY (http://fp7-unify.eu), a research project partially funded by the European Community under the Seventh Framework Program (grant agreement no. 619609). The views expressed here are those of the authors only. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information in this document.</t> </section> <section anchor="contributors" title="Contributors"> <t>Lianshu Zheng.</t>target="RFC6020" format="default">"YANG Module Names" registry</xref>.</t> <dl newline="false" spacing="compact"> <dt>Name:</dt><dd>ietf-twamp</dd> <dt>Namespace:</dt><dd>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp</dd> <dt>Prefix:</dt><dd>twamp</dd> <dt>Reference:</dt><dd>RFC 8913</dd> </dl> </section> </middle> <back><references title="Normative References"> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2119'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.3432'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.3688'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.4086'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.4656'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5357'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5905'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6020'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6038'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6991'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7717'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7950'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8174'?> <?rfc include='reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-port-twamp-test'?> <?rfc include='reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-metric-registry'?><references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3432.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3688.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4086.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4656.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8446.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5357.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5905.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6020.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6038.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6241.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6242.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6991.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7717.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7950.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8040.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8341.xml"/> <!-- draft-ietf-ippm-port-twamp-test (RFC 8545) --> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8545.xml"/> <!-- draft-ietf-ippm-metric-registry (RFC 8911) --> <reference anchor="RFC8911" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8911"> <front> <title>Registry for Performance Metrics</title> <author fullname="Marcelo Bagnulo" initials="M." surname="Bagnulo"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Benoit Claise" initials="B." surname="Claise"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Phil Eardley" initials="P." surname="Eardley"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Al Morton" initials="A." surname="Morton"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Aamer Akhter" initials="A." surname="Akhter"> <organization/> </author> <date month="November" year="2021"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8911"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8911"/> </reference> <reference anchor="UML"> <front> <title>Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified ModelingLanguage</title>Language (UML) Version 1.4.2</title> <author> <organization>ISO/IEC</organization> </author> <date month="April" year="2005"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="ISO/IEC" value="19501:2005"/> <seriesInfo name="OMG-UML" value="VER 1.3"/> </reference> <reference anchor='W3C.REC-xml-20081126' target='https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126'> <front> <title>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)</title> <author initials='T.' surname='Bray' fullname='Tim Bray'> <organization /> </author> <author initials='J.' surname='Paoli' fullname='Jean Paoli'> <organization /> </author> <author initials='M.' surname='Sperberg-McQueen' fullname='Michael Sperberg-McQueen'> <organization /> </author> <author initials='E.' surname='Maler' fullname='Eve Maler'> <organization /> </author> <author initials='F.' surname='Yergeau' fullname='Francois Yergeau'> <organization /> </author> <date month='November' year='2008' /> </front> <seriesInfo name="World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation" value="REC-xml-20081126"/> </reference> </references><references title="Informative References"> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2330'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5246'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5618'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5938'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6241'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6242'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7312'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7426'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8018'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8040'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8340'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8341'?> <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8342'?><references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2330.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5618.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5938.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7312.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7426.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8018.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8340.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8342.xml"/> <reference anchor="NSC"> <front> <title>Research directions in network service chaining</title><author> <organization>John, W., Pentikousis, K., et al.</organization><author fullname="Wolfgang John" initials="W." surname="John"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Konstantinos Pentikousis" initials="K." surname="Pentikousis"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="George Agapiou" initials="G." surname="Agapiou"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Eduardo Jacob" initials="E." surname="Jacob"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Mario Kind" initials="M." surname="Kind"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Antonio Manzalini" initials="A." surname="Manzalini"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Fulvio Risso" initials="F." surname="Risso"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Dimitri Staessens" initials="D." surname="Staessens"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Rebecca Steinert" initials="R." surname="Steinert"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Catalin Meirosu" initials="C." surname="Meirosu"> <organization/> </author> <date month="November" year="2013"/> </front> <seriesInfoname="Proc.name="DOI" value="10.1109/SDN4FNS.2013.6702549"/> <refcontent>2013 IEEE SDN for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS), Trento,Italy" value="IEEE"/>Italy</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="PERF-METRICS" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/performance-metrics"> <front> <title>Performance Metrics</title> <author><organization>IANA</organization></author> <date/> </front> </reference> </references> </references> <section anchor="AuthExample"title="Detailednumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Detailed Data ModelExamples">Examples</name> <t>This appendix extends theexampleexamples presented in <xreftarget="examples"/>target="examples" format="default"/> by configuring morefieldsfields, such as authentication parameters, DSCPvaluesvalues, and so on.</t> <sectiontitle="Control-Client"> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Control-Client</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <client> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <mode-preference-chain> <priority>0</priority> <mode>authenticated</mode> </mode-preference-chain> <mode-preference-chain> <priority>1</priority> <mode>unauthenticated</mode> </mode-preference-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MQ==</secret-key> </key-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyForRouterB</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0Mg0K</secret-key> </key-chain> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterA</name> <client-ip></client-ip> <server-ip></server-ip> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <test-session-request> <name>Test1</name> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55000</reflector-udp-port> <padding-length>64</padding-length> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> <test-session-request> <name>Test2</name> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <padding-length>128</padding-length> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> </ctrl-connection> </client> </twamp></data></data>]]></sourcecode> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <client> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <mode-preference-chain> <priority>0</priority> <mode>authenticated</mode> </mode-preference-chain> <mode-preference-chain> <priority>1</priority> <mode>unauthenticated</mode> </mode-preference-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MQ==</secret-key> </key-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyForRouterB</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0Mg0K</secret-key> </key-chain> <ctrl-connection> <name>RouterA</name><client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</server-ip><client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</server-ip> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <test-session-request> <name>Test1</name><sender-ip>2001:DB8:10:1:1::1</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:10:1:1::1</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:10:1:1::2</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:10:1:1::2</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55000</reflector-udp-port> <padding-length>64</padding-length> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> <test-session-request> <name>Test2</name><sender-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <padding-length>128</padding-length> <start-time>0</start-time> </test-session-request> </ctrl-connection> </client> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Server"> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Server</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <server> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <servwait>1800</servwait> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <modes>authenticated unauthenticated</modes> <count>15</count> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MQ==</secret-key> </key-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient10ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MTANCg==</secret-key> </key-chain> <ctrl-connection> <client-ip></client-ip> <client-tcp-port>16341</client-tcp-port> <server-ip></server-ip> <server-tcp-port>862</server-tcp-port> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <selected-mode>unauthenticated</selected-mode> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <count>15</count> </ctrl-connection> </server> </twamp></data></data>]]></sourcecode> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <server> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <servwait>1800</servwait> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <modes>authenticated unauthenticated</modes> <count>15</count> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MQ==</secret-key> </key-chain> <key-chain> <key-id>KeyClient10ToRouterA</key-id> <secret-key>c2VjcmV0MTANCg==</secret-key> </key-chain> <ctrl-connection><client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</client-ip><client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</client-ip> <client-tcp-port>16341</client-tcp-port><server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</server-ip><server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</server-ip> <server-tcp-port>862</server-tcp-port> <control-packet-dscp>32</control-packet-dscp> <selected-mode>unauthenticated</selected-mode> <key-id>KeyClient1ToRouterA</key-id> <count>15</count> </ctrl-connection> </server> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Session-Sender"> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Sender</name> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-sender> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session> <name>Test1</name> <ctrl-connection-name>RouterA</ctrl-connection-name> <fill-mode>zero</fill-mode> <number-of-packets>900</number-of-packets> <periodic-interval>1</periodic-interval> <sent-packets>2</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>2</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>1</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>1</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> <test-session> <name>Test2</name> <ctrl-connection-name>RouterA</ctrl-connection-name> <fill-mode>random</fill-mode> <number-of-packets>900</number-of-packets> <lambda>1</lambda> <max-interval>2</max-interval> <sent-packets>21</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>21</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>20</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>20</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> </session-sender> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Session-Reflector"> <figure> <artwork><![CDATA[ [note:numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Session-Reflector</name> <aside><t>Note: '\' line wrapping is for formattingonly]only.</t></aside> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-reflector> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55000</reflector-udp-port> <sid>1232</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <test-packet-dscp>32</test-packet-dscp> <sent-packets>2</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>2</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>1</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>1</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> <test-session> <sender-ip></sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port> <reflector-ip></reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>178943</sid> <parent-connection-client-ip></parent-connection-\ client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port> <parent-connection-server-ip></parent-connection-\ server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <test-packet-dscp>32</test-packet-dscp> <sent-packets>21</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>21</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>20</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>20</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> </session-reflector> </twamp></data> [note:</data>]]></sourcecode> <aside><t>Note: '\' line wrapping is for formattingonly]only.</t></aside> <sourcecode type="xml"><![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <twamp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-twamp"> <session-reflector> <admin-state>true</admin-state> <test-session><sender-ip>2001:DB8:10:1:1::1</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:10:1:1::1</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54000</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:10:1:1::2</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:10:1:1::2</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55000</reflector-udp-port> <sid>1232</sid><parent-connection-client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</parent-c\<parent-connection-client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</parent-c\ onnection-client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port><parent-connection-server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</parent-c\<parent-connection-server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</parent-c\ onnection-server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <test-packet-dscp>32</test-packet-dscp> <sent-packets>2</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>2</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>1</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>1</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> <test-session><sender-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip><sender-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</sender-ip> <sender-udp-port>54001</sender-udp-port><reflector-ip>2001:DB8:192:68::2</reflector-ip><reflector-ip>2001:db8:192:68::2</reflector-ip> <reflector-udp-port>55001</reflector-udp-port> <sid>178943</sid><parent-connection-client-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::1</parent-c\<parent-connection-client-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::1</parent-c\ onnection-client-ip> <parent-connection-client-tcp-port>16341</parent-connection-\ client-tcp-port><parent-connection-server-ip>2001:DB8:203:0:113::2</parent-c\<parent-connection-server-ip>2001:db8:203:0:113::2</parent-c\ onnection-server-ip> <parent-connection-server-tcp-port>862</parent-connection-se\ rver-tcp-port> <test-packet-dscp>32</test-packet-dscp> <sent-packets>21</sent-packets> <rcv-packets>21</rcv-packets> <last-sent-seq>20</last-sent-seq> <last-rcv-seq>20</last-rcv-seq> </test-session> </session-reflector> </twamp></data> ]]></artwork> </figure></data>]]></sourcecode> </section> </section> <section anchor="OperationalCommands"title="TWAMPnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>TWAMP OperationalCommands">Commands</name> <t>TWAMP operational commands could be performed programmatically or manually,e.g.e.g., using a command-line interface (CLI).</t> <t>With respect to programmability, YANG can be used to define NETCONF Remote Procedure Calls(RPC), therefore(RPCs); therefore, it would be, in principle, possible to define TWAMP RPC operations for actions such as starting or stopping controlconnections orconnections, testsessionssessions, or groups of sessions; retrieving results; clearing storedresults,results; and so on.</t> <t>However, <xreftarget="RFC5357">TWAMPtarget="RFC5357" format="default">TWAMP </xref> does not attempt to describe such operational actions. Refer also to <xreftarget="scope"/>target="scope" format="default"/> and the unlabeled links in <xreftarget="fig:scope"/>.target="fig_scope" format="default"/>. In actualdeploymentsdeployments, different TWAMP implementations may support different sets of operational commands, with different restrictions. Therefore, this document considers it the responsibility of the individual implementation to define its corresponding data model for TWAMP operationalcommands data model.</t>commands.</t> </section> <section anchor="acks" numbered="false" toc="default"> <name>Acknowledgments</name> <t>We thank <contact fullname="Fred Baker"/>, <contact fullname="Kevin D'Souza"/>, <contact fullname="Gregory Mirsky"/>, <contact fullname="Brian Trammell"/>, <contact fullname="Robert Sherman"/>, and <contact fullname="Marius Georgescu"/> for their thorough and constructive reviews, comments, and text suggestions.</t> <t><contact fullname="Haoxing Shen"/> contributed to the definition of the YANG module in <xref target="module" format="default"/>.</t> <t><contact fullname="Jan Lindblad"/> and <contact fullname="Ladislav Lhotka"/> did thorough reviews of the YANG module and the examples in <xref target="AuthExample" format="default"/>.</t> <t><contact fullname="Kostas Pentikousis"/> was partially supported by FP7 UNIFY, a research project partially funded by the European Community under the Seventh Framework Program (grant agreement no. 619609). The views expressed here are those of the authors only. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information in this document.</t> </section> <section anchor="contributors" numbered="false" toc="default"> <name>Contributors</name> <t><contact fullname="Lianshu Zheng"/></t> </section> </back> </rfc>