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<!-- [CS] updated by Chris 10/03/22 -->

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     change when the draft version changes.
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     extracted for separate publication, and is only
     useful whenhe value of "ipr" is not "full3667". -->
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               by the RFC editor.  It appears that attributes
               "number", "obsoletes", "updates", and "seriesNo"
               are specified by the RFC editor (and not by
               the document author). -->

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    <!-- The abbreviated title is used in the page header - it is only necessary if the
         full title is longer than 42 characters -->

    <title abbrev="AltMark">Alternate-Marking Method</title>

    <!-- add 'role="editor"' below for the editors if appropriate -->
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9341"/>

	<author fullname="Giuseppe Fioccola" initials="G." role="editor" surname="Fioccola">
      <organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>
          <street>Riesstrasse, 25</street>
    <author fullname="Mauro Cociglio" initials="M." surname="Cociglio">
      <organization>Telecom Italia</organization>



    <author fullname="Greg Mirsky" initials="G." surname="Mirsky">

    <author fullname="Tal Mizrahi" initials="T." surname="Mizrahi">
      <organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>


    <author fullname="Tianran Zhou" initials="T." surname="Zhou">
      <organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>
          <street>156 Beiqing Rd.</street>
    <date year="2022"/> <!-- month="March" is no longer necessary
                                           note also, day="30" is optional -->
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         you. If only the year is specified, xml2rfc will fill in the current day and month
         irrespective of the day.  This silliness should be fixed in v1.31. -->

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         start an entity declaration, whereas we want a literal &. -->


    <!-- WG name at the upperleft corner of the doc,
         IETF fine for individual submissions.  You can also
         omit this element in which case in defaults to "Network Working Group" -
         a hangover from the ancient history of the IETF! -->


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         effect on output.  -->
    <!-- You can add <keyword/> elements here.  They will be incorporated into HTML output
         files in a meta tag but they have no effect on text or nroff output. --> year="2022" month="December" />

    <keyword>Delay Variation</keyword>

      <t>This document describes the Alternate-Marking technique to perform
	  packet loss, delay, and jitter measurements on live traffic.
	  This technology can be applied in various situations and for different protocols.
	  According to the classification defined in RFC 7799, it could be considered
	  Passive or Hybrid depending on the application. This document obsoletes RFC 8321.</t>
    <section anchor="intro" title="Introduction"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>Most Service Providers' networks carry traffic with contents
	  that are highly sensitive to packet loss <xref target="RFC7680"></xref>, target="RFC7680" format="default"/>,
	  delay <xref target="RFC7679"></xref>, target="RFC7679" format="default"/>, and jitter <xref target="RFC3393"></xref>.</t> target="RFC3393" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Methodologies and tools are therefore needed to monitor and accurately measure
	  network performance, in order to constantly control the quality of experience
      perceived by the end customers. Performance monitoring also provides useful information for
	  improving network management (e.g., isolation of network problems, troubleshooting, etc.).</t>
      <t><xref target="RFC7799">RFC 7799</xref> target="RFC7799" format="default"/> defines Active, Passive Passive, and Hybrid Methods of Measurement.
	  In particular, Active Methods of Measurement depend on a dedicated measurement packet stream;
	  Passive Methods of Measurement are based solely on observations of an undisturbed and unmodified
	  packet stream of interest; Hybrid Methods are Methods of Measurement that use a combination of
      Active Methods and Passive Methods.</t>

      <t>This document proposes a performance monitoring technique, called Alternate-Marking Method, the "Alternate-Marking Method",
	  which is potentially applicable to any kind of packet-based traffic, both point-to-point unicast and multicast, including Ethernet, IP, and MPLS,
	  both unicast and multicast. MPLS. The method addresses primarily packet loss addresses packet-loss measurement, but it can be easily
	  extended to one-way or two-way delay and delay variation measurements as well.</t>
      <t>The Alternate-Marking methodology, described in this document, allows the synchronization of the measurements
	  at different points by dividing the packet flow into batches. So it is possible to get coherent counters and timestamps
	  in every marking period and therefore measure the performance metrics Performance Metrics for the monitored flow.</t>
      <t>The method has been explicitly designed for Passive or Hybrid measurements as stated in <xref target="RFC8321"></xref>. target="RFC8321" format="default"/>.
	  But, according to the definitions of <xref target="RFC7799">RFC 7799</xref>, target="RFC7799" format="default"/>, the Alternate-Marking Method can be classified
	  as Hybrid Type I. Indeed, the Alternate-Marking Alternate Marking can be implemented by using reserved bits in the protocol header header, and
	  the change in value of these marking bits at the domain edges (and not along the path) is formally considered a
	  modification of the stream of interest.</t>

	  <t>It is worth mentioning that this is a methodology document, so the mechanism that can be used to transmit
	  the counters and the timestamps is out of scope here. Additional details about the applicability of the Alternate-Marking
 	  methodology are described in <xref target="IEEE-Network-PNPM"/>.</t> target="IEEE-NETWORK-PNPM" format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="Summary numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Summary of Changes from RFC 8321"> 8321</name>

	<t>This document defines the Alternate-Marking Method, addressing

	ambiguities and building on its experimental phase that was based on
	  the original specification <xref target="RFC8321"></xref>.</t> target="RFC8321" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The relevant changes are:<list style="symbols">

		<t>Added are:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Added the recommendations about the methods to employ in case one or two flag bits
		are available for marking (<xref target="finding"></xref>).</t>

		<t>Changed target="finding" format="default"/>).</li>
          <li>Changed the structure to improve the readability.</t>

		<t>Removed readability.</li>
          <li>Removed the wording about the initial experiments of the method and considerations
		that no longer apply.</t>

        <t>Extended apply.</li>
          <li>Extended the description of detailed aspects of the methodology, e.g. e.g., synchronization,
		timing, packet fragmentation, and marked and unmarked traffic handling.</t>
		</list></t> handling.</li>
        <t>It is important to note that all the changes are totally backward compatible with <xref target="RFC8321"></xref> target="RFC8321" format="default"/>
	  and no new additional technique has been introduced in this document compared to <xref target="RFC8321"></xref>.</t> target="RFC8321" format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="Requirements Language"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Requirements Language</name>

    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
      "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
    NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "OPTIONAL" "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as
    described in BCP 14 BCP&nbsp;14 <xref target="RFC2119" /> target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174" /> target="RFC8174"/>
    when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t> here.

    <section anchor="brief" title="Overview numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Overview of the Method"> Method</name>
      <t>In order to perform packet loss packet-loss measurements on a production traffic flow,
      different approaches exist. The most intuitive one consists in numbering
      the packets so that each router that receives the flow can immediately
      detect a packet that is missing. This approach, though very simple in theory, is
      not simple to achieve: it requires the insertion of a sequence number
      into each packet, and the devices must be able to extract the number and
      check it in real time. Such a task can be difficult to implement on live
      traffic: if UDP is used as the transport protocol, the sequence number
      is not available; on the other hand, if a higher-layer sequence number
      (e.g., in the RTP header) is used, extracting that information from each
      packet and processing it in real time could overload the device.</t>
      <t>An alternate approach is to count the number of packets sent on one
      end, count the number of packets received on the other end, and compare the
      two values. This operation is much simpler to implement, but it requires
      the devices performing the measurement to be in sync: in order to
      compare two counters, it is required that they refer exactly to the same
      set of packets. Since a flow is continuous and cannot be stopped when a
      counter has to be read, it can be difficult to determine exactly when
      to read the counter. A possible solution to overcome this problem is to
      virtually split the flow in consecutive blocks by periodically
      inserting a delimiter so that each counter refers exactly to the same block of
      packets. The delimiter could be, for example, a special packet inserted
      artificially into the flow. However, delimiting the flow using specific
      packets has some limitations. First, it requires generating additional
      packets within the flow and requires the equipment to be able to process
      those packets. In addition, the method is vulnerable to out-of-order
      reception of delimiting packets and, to a lesser extent, to their
      <t>The method proposed in this document follows the second approach, but
      it doesn't use additional packets to virtually split the flow in blocks.
      Instead, it "marks" the packets so that the packets belonging to the
      same block will have the same notional "color", whilst consecutive blocks
	  will have different colors. Each change of color represents a sort of
      auto-synchronization signal that enhances the consistency of
      measurements taken by different devices along the path.</t>
      <t><xref target="Measurements"></xref> target="Measurements" format="default"/> represents a very simple network and shows
	  how the method can be used to measure packet loss on different network segments: by
      enabling the measurement on several interfaces along the path, it is
      possible to perform link monitoring, node monitoring, or end-to-end
      monitoring. The method is flexible enough to measure packet loss on any
      segment of the network and can be used to isolate the faulty
      <figure anchor="Measurements" title="Available Measurements">
        <artwork><![CDATA[ anchor="Measurements">
        <name>Available Measurements</name>
        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
                            Traffic Flow
       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
   ---<>  R1  <>-----<>  R2  <>-----<>  R3  <>-----<>  R4  <>---
       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
       .              .      .              .       .      .
       .              .      .              .       .      .
       .              <------>              <------->      .
       .          Node Packet Loss      Link Packet Loss   .
       .                                                   .
                        End-to-End Packet Loss
    <section anchor="detailed" title="Detailed toc="include" numbered="true">
      <name>Detailed Description of the Method"
             toc="include"> Method</name>
      <t>This section describes, in detail, how the method operates. A special emphasis
      is given to the measurement of packet loss, which represents the core
      application of the method, but applicability to delay and jitter
      measurements is also considered.</t>
      <section anchor="ploss" title="Packet Loss Measurement"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Packet-Loss Measurement</name>
        <t>The basic idea is to virtually split traffic flows into consecutive
        blocks: each block represents a measurable entity unambiguously
        recognizable by all network devices along the path. By counting the
        number of packets in each block and comparing the values measured by
        different network devices along the path, it is possible to measure if
        packet loss occurred in any single block between any two points.</t>
        <t>As discussed in the previous section, a simple way to create the
        blocks is to "color" the traffic (two colors are sufficient), sufficient) so that
        packets belonging to alternate consecutive blocks will have different
        colors. Whenever the color changes, the previous block terminates
        and the new one begins. Hence, all the packets belonging to the same
        block will have the same color color, and packets of different consecutive
        blocks will have different colors. The number of packets in each
        block depends on the criterion used to create the blocks:<list style="symbols">

		<t>if blocks:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>if the color is switched after a fixed number of packets, then each block
        will contain the same number of packets (except for any losses); and </t>

        <t>if </li>
          <li>if the color is switched according to a fixed timer, then the number
        of packets may be different in each block depending on the packet
        <t>The use of a fixed timer for the creation of blocks is REQUIRED <bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14> when implementing
		this specification.
		The switching after a fixed number of packets is an additional possibility, but
		its detailed specification is out of scope. An example of application is in
		<xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The following figure shows how a flow appears when it is split into traffic blocks
		with colored packets.</t>
        <figure anchor="coloring" title="Traffic Coloring">
          <artwork><![CDATA[A: anchor="coloring">
          <name>Traffic Coloring</name>
          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[A: packet with A coloring
B: packet with B coloring

         |           |           |           |           |
         |           |    Traffic Flow       |           |
    ...  |  Block 5  |  Block 4  |  Block 3  |  Block 2  |  Block 1
         |           |           |           |           |

        <t><xref target="FIG_simple_network"></xref> target="FIG_simple_network" format="default"/> shows how the method can
        be used to measure link packet loss between two adjacent nodes.</t>
        <t>Referring to the figure, let's assume we want to monitor the packet
        loss on the link between two routers: router R1 and router R2.
        According to the method, the traffic is colored alternatively with
        two different colors: A and B. Whenever the color changes, the
        transition generates a sort of square-wave signal, as depicted in the
        following figure.</t>
        <figure anchor="FIG_simple_network" title="Computation anchor="FIG_simple_network">
          <name>Computation of Link Packet Loss">
          <artwork><![CDATA[ Loss</name>
          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
Color A   ----------+           +-----------+           +----------
                    |           |           |           |
Color B             +-----------+           +-----------+
           Block n        ...      Block 3     Block 2     Block 1
         <---------> <---------> <---------> <---------> <--------->

                             Traffic Flow

        <t>Traffic coloring can be done by R1 itself if the traffic is not already colored.
		R1 needs two counters, C(A)R1 and C(B)R1, on its egress
        interface: C(A)R1 counts the packets with color A and C(B)R1 counts
        those with color B. As long as traffic is colored as A, only counter
        C(A)R1 will be incremented, while C(B)R1 is not incremented;
        conversely, when the traffic is colored as B, only C(B)R1 is
        incremented. C(A)R1 and C(B)R1 can be used as reference values to
        determine the packet loss from R1 to any other measurement point down
        the path. Router R2, similarly, will need two counters on its ingress
        interface, C(A)R2 and C(B)R2, to count the packets received on that interface and colored
        with A and B, respectively. When an A
        block ends, it is possible to compare C(A)R1 and C(A)R2 and calculate
        the packet loss within the block; similarly, when the successive B
        block terminates, it is possible to compare C(B)R1 with C(B)R2, and so
        on, for every successive block.</t>
        <t>Likewise, by using two counters on the R2 egress interface, it is
        possible to count the packets sent out of the R2 interface and use them as
        reference values to calculate the packet loss from R2 to any
        measurement point downstream from R2.</t>
        <t>The length of the blocks can be chosen large enough to simplify
		the collection and the comparison of measures taken by different
		network devices. It's preferable to read the value of the counters
		not immediately after the color switch: some packets could arrive
		out of order and increment the counter associated with the
        previous block (color), so it is worth waiting for some time.
		A safe choice is to wait L/2 time units (where L is the duration
		for each block) after the color switch, to read the counter of
		the previous color (<xref target="sync-timing"/>). target="sync-timing" format="default"/>).
		The drawback is that the longer the duration of the block, the less
        frequently the measurement can be taken.</t>
        <t>Two different strategies that can be used when implementing the method:<list style="symbols">

          <t>flow-based: the method are:</t>

	  <dd>the flow-based strategy is used when well defined well-defined traffic flows
	  need to be monitored. According to this strategy, only the specified
	  flow is colored. Counters for packet loss packet-loss measurements can be
	  instantiated for each single flow, or for the set as a whole,
	  depending on the desired granularity. With this approach, there it is the necessity
	  necessary to know in advance the path followed by flows that are
	  subject to measurement.  Path rerouting and traffic load-balancing load balancing
	  need to be taken into account.</t>

          <t>link-based: measurements account.

	  <dd>measurements are performed on all the traffic on a link-by-link
	  basis. The link could be a physical link or a logical link. Counters
	  could be instantiated for the traffic as a whole or for each traffic
	  class (in case it is desired to monitor each class separately), but
	  in the second case, two counters are needed for each class.</t>
        </list></t> class.


<t>The flow-based strategy is REQUIRED <bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14> when implementing this specification.
		It requires the identification of the flow to be monitored and the discovery
		of the path followed by the selected flow. It is possible to monitor a single flow
		or multiple flows grouped together, but in this case, measurement is consistent
		only if all the flows in the group follow the same path.
        Moreover, if a measurement is performed by grouping many flows, it is not
		possible to determine exactly which flow was affected by packet loss.
		In order to have measures per single flow, it is necessary to configure
		counters for each specific flow. Once the flow(s) to be monitored has
		been identified, it is necessary to configure the monitoring on the proper nodes.
        Configuring the monitoring means configuring the rule to intercept the
        traffic and configuring the counters to count the packets. To have just
        an end-to-end monitoring, it is sufficient to enable the monitoring on
        the first- and last-hop routers of the path: the mechanism is
        completely transparent to intermediate nodes and independent of the
        path followed by traffic flows. On the contrary, to monitor the flow on
        a hop-by-hop basis along its whole path, it is necessary to enable the
        monitoring on every node from the source to the destination. In case the
        exact path followed by the flow is not known a priori (i.e., the flow has
        multiple paths to reach the destination), it is necessary to enable the
        monitoring on every path: counters on interfaces traversed by the flow
		will report packet count, whereas counters on other interfaces will be null.</t>
      <section anchor="one-way_delay" title="One-Way numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>One-Way Delay Measurement"> Measurement</name>
        <t>The same principle used to measure packet loss can be applied also to
        one-way delay measurement. There are two methodologies, as described hereinafter.</t>
        <t>Note that, for all the one-way delay alternatives described in the next sections,
		by summing the one-way delays of the two directions of a path, it is always possible to measure
		the two-way delay (round-trip "virtual" delay). The Network Time Protocol (NTP) <xref target="RFC5905"></xref> target="RFC5905" format="default"/>
		or the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (As (PTP) <xref target="IEEE-1588" format="default"/> (as discussed in the previous section, ) <xref target="IEEE-1588"/> section) can be used
		for the timestamp formats depending on the needed precision.</t>
        <section anchor="single-marking" title="Single-Marking Methodology"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Single-Marking Methodology</name>
          <t>The alternation of colors can be used as a time reference to calculate
        the delay.  Whenever the color changes (which means that a new block has
		started), a network device can store the timestamp of the first packet of
		the new block; that timestamp can be compared with the timestamp of the
		same packet on a second router to compute packet delay.
		When looking at <xref target="coloring"></xref>, target="coloring" format="default"/>, R1 stores the timestamp TS(A1)R1
		when it sends the first packet of block 1 (A-colored), the timestamp
		TS(B2)R1 when it sends the first packet of block 2 (B-colored), and
		so on for every other block.
		R2 performs the same operation on the receiving side, recording TS(A1)R2,
		TS(B2)R2, and so on. Since the timestamps refer to specific packets (the first
        packet of each block), in the case where no packet loss or misordering exists,
		we would be sure that timestamps compared to compute delay refer to the same packets.
		By comparing TS(A1)R1 with TS(A1)R2 (and similarly TS(B2)R1 with TS(B2)R2, and so on),
		it is possible to measure the delay between R1 and R2.
		In order to have more measurements, it is possible to take and store more timestamps,
        referring to other packets within each block.
		The number of measurements could be increased by considering multiple packets
		in the block: block; for instance, a timestamp could be taken every N packets, thus
		generating multiple delay measurements.  Taking this to the limit, in principle,
		the delay could be measured for each packet by taking and comparing the
		corresponding timestamps (possible but impractical from an implementation point of view).</t>
          <t>In order to coherently compare timestamps collected on different
        routers, the clocks on the network nodes MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be in sync (<xref target="sync-timing"/>). target="sync-timing" format="default"/>).
		Furthermore, a measurement is valid only if no packet loss occurs and if packet misordering
		can be avoided; otherwise, the first packet of a block on R1 could be
        different from the first packet of the same block on R2 (for instance, if that
        packet is lost between R1 and R2 or it arrives after the next
        one). Since packet misordering is generally undetectable undetectable, it is not possible
		to check whether the first packet on R1 is the same on R2 R2, and this is part of
		the intrinsic error in this measurement.</t>
          <section anchor="meand" title="Mean Delay"> numbered="true" toc="default">

	    <name>Mean Delay</name>
            <t>The method previously exposed for measuring the delay is sensitive
		  to out-of-order reception of packets. In order to overcome this problem,
		  an approach based on the concept of mean delay can be considered. The mean
          delay is calculated by considering the average arrival time of the
          packets within a single block. The network device locally stores a
          timestamp for each packet received within a single block: summing
          all the timestamps and dividing by the total number of packets
          received, the average arrival time for that block of packets can be
          calculated. By subtracting the average arrival times of two adjacent
          devices, it is possible to calculate the mean delay between those
		  This method greatly reduces the number of timestamps that have to be collected
		  (only one per block for each network device) device), and it is robust to out&nbhy;of&nbhy;order out-of-order
		  packets with only a small error introduced in case of packet loss.
		  But, when computing the mean delay, the measurement error could be augmented by accumulating
		  the measurement error of a lot of packets. Additionally, it only gives one measure
		  for the duration of the block, and it doesn't give the minimum, maximum, and median
          delay values <xref target="RFC6703"></xref>. target="RFC6703" format="default"/>.
		  This limitation could be overcome by reducing the duration of the block
		  (for instance, from minutes to seconds), which implies a highly
		  optimized implementation of the method. For this reason, the mean delay calculation may
		  not be so viable in some cases.</t>
        <section anchor="double-marking" title="Double-Marking Methodology"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Double-Marking Methodology</name>
          <t>As mentioned above, the Single-Marking methodology for one-way delay measurement
		  has some limitations, since it is sensitive to out-of-order reception of packets packets, and
		  even the mean delay calculation is limited because it doesn't give information about
		  the delay value's distribution for the duration of the block. Actually, it may be useful
		  to have not only the mean delay but also the minimum, maximum, and median delay values
		  and, in wider terms, to know more about the statistical distribution of delay values.
          So, in order to have more information about the delay and to overcome
		  out-of-order issues, a different approach can be introduced introduced, and it is based on
          a Double-Marking methodology.</t>
          <t>Basically, the idea is to use the first marking to create the alternate
		  flow and, within this colored flow, a second marking to select the packets
          for measuring delay/jitter. The first marking is needed for packet loss and
		  may be used for mean delay measurement. The second marking creates a new set of
		  marked packets that are fully identified over the network, network so that a network device
		  can store the timestamps of these packets. These timestamps can be compared
		  with the timestamps of the same packets on the next node to compute packet
		  delay values for each packet. The number of measurements can be easily
		  increased by changing the frequency of the second marking.
                  But the frequency of the second marking must not be too high in order to
		  avoid out-of-order issues. Between packets with the second marking, there
		  should be an adequate time gap to avoid out-of-order issues and also to have
		  a number of measurement packets that are rate independent. This gap may be,
		  at the minimum, the mean network delay calculated with the previous methodology.
		  Therefore, it is possible to choose a proper time gap to guarantee a fixed number
		  of double-marked packets uniformly spaced in each block.
		  If packets with the second marking are lost, it is easy to recognize the loss
		  since the number of double-marked packets is known for each block.
		  Based on the spacing between these packets, it can also be possible to understand
		  which packet of the second marking sequence has been lost and perform the measurements
		  only for the remaining packets. But, But this may be complicated if more packets
		  are lost. In this case case, an implementation may simply discard the delay measurements
		  for the corrupted block and proceed with the next block.</t>
          <t>An efficient and robust mode is to select a single packet with the second marking
		  for each block, block; in this way way, there is no time gap to consider between the double-marked packets
		  to avoid their reorder. In addition, it is also easier to identify the only double-marked packet
		  in each block and skip the delay measurement for the block if it is lost.</t>
          <t>The Double-Marking methodology can also be used to get more statistics
		  of delay extent data, e.g., percentiles, variance, and median delay values.
		  Indeed, a subset of batch packets is selected for extensive delay calculation by using the second marking marking,
		  and it is possible to perform a detailed analysis on these double-marked packets.
		  It is worth noting that there are classic algorithms for median and variance calculation,
		  but they are out of the scope of this document.
		  The conventional range (maximum-minimum) should be avoided for several reasons,
		  including stability of the maximum delay due to the influence by outliers.
		  In this regard, <xref target="RFC5481">RFC 5481</xref>, Section 6.5 target="RFC5481" format="default" sectionFormat="of" section="6.5"/> highlights how the 99.9th percentile
		  of delay and delay variation is more helpful to performance planners.</t>
      <section title="Delay numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Delay Variation Measurement"> Measurement</name>
        <t>Similar to one-way delay measurement (both for Single Marking
		and Double Marking), the method can also be used to measure the
		inter-arrival jitter. We refer to the definition in <xref target="RFC3393">RFC 3393</xref>. target="RFC3393" format="default"/>.
		The alternation of colors, for a Single-Marking Method, can be used as a time reference
		to measure delay variations. In case of Double Marking, the time reference is given by
		the second-marked packets.
		Considering the example depicted in <xref target="coloring"></xref>, target="coloring" format="default"/>, R1 stores the timestamp
		TS(A)R1 whenever it sends the first packet of a block, and R2 stores the timestamp TS(B)R2
		whenever it receives the first packet of a block. The inter-arrival jitter can be
		easily derived from one-way delay measurement, by evaluating the delay
		variation of consecutive samples.</t>
        <t>The concept of mean delay can also be applied to delay variation,
		by evaluating the average variation of the interval between consecutive
		packets of the flow from R1 to R2.</t>
    <section title="Alternate-Marking Functions"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Alternate-Marking Functions</name>
      <section title="Marking numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Marking the Packets"> Packets</name>
        <t>The coloring operation is fundamental in order to create packet
        blocks and marked packets. This implies choosing where to activate
		the coloring and how to color the packets.</t>
        <t>In case of flow-based measurements, the flow to monitor can be defined
		by a set of selection rules (e.g., header fields) used to match a subset of
		the packets; in this way, it is possible to control the number of nodes involved,
		the path followed by the packets, and the size of the flows.  It is possible, in general,
		to have multiple coloring nodes or a single coloring node that is easier to manage and
        doesn't raise any risk of conflict. Coloring in multiple nodes can be done, and the
		requirement is that the coloring must change periodically between the nodes according
		to the timing considerations in <xref target="sync-timing"/>; target="sync-timing" format="default"/>; so every node that is
		designated as a measurement point along the path should be able to identify
		unambiguously the colored packets. Furthermore, <xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis" target="RFC9342" format="default"/>
		generalizes the coloring for multipoint-to-multipoint flow.
		In addition, it can be advantageous to color the flow as close as possible to the source because
		it allows an end-to-end measure if a measurement point is enabled on the last-hop router as well.</t>
        <t>For link-based measurements, all traffic needs to be colored when transmitted
		on the link. If the traffic had already been colored, then it has to be re-colored
		because the color must be consistent on the link. This means that each
		hop along the path must (re-)color the traffic; the color is not required
		to be consistent along different links.</t>
        <t>Traffic coloring can be implemented by setting specific flags in
        the packet header and changing the value of that bit periodically.
		How to choose the marking field depends on the application and is
		out of scope here.</t>
      <section title="Counting numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Counting and Timestamping Packets"> Packets</name>
        <t>For flow-based measurements, assuming that the coloring of the packets is
		performed only by the source nodes, the nodes between source and destination
		(inclusive) have to count and timestamp the colored packets that they receive and forward:
		this operation can be enabled on every router along the path or only on a
        subset, depending on which network segment is being monitored (a single link,
		a particular metro area, the backbone, or the whole path). Since the color switches
		periodically between two values, two counters (one for each value) are needed
		for each flow and for every interface being monitored. The number of timestamps
		to be stored depends on the method for delay measurement that is applied.
		Furthermore, <xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis" target="RFC9342" format="default"/>
		generalizes the counting for multipoint-to-multipoint flow.</t>
        <t>In case of link-based measurements, the behavior is similar except
        that coloring, counting counting, and timestamping operations are performed on a link-by-link
        basis at each endpoint of the link.</t>
        <t>Another important consideration is when to read the counters or when
		to select the packets to be double-marked for delay measurement.
		It involves timing aspects to consider that are further described in <xref target="sync-timing"/>.</t> target="sync-timing" format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="Data numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Data Collection and Correlation"> Correlation</name>
        <t>The nodes enabled to perform performance monitoring collect the
        value of the counters and timestamps, but they are not able to directly use
		this information to measure packet loss and delay, because they only have their
		own samples.</t>
        <t>Data collection enables the transmission of the counters and timestamps
		as soon as it has been read. Data correlation is the mechanism to compare
		counters and timestamps for packet loss, delay, and delay variation calculation.</t>
        <t>There are two main possibilities to perform both data collection and correlation
     	depending on the Alternate-Marking application and use case:<list style="symbols">

         <t>Use case:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Use of a centralized solution using the Network Management System (NMS) to correlate data.
         This can be done in Push Mode or Polling Mode. In the first case, each router periodically
	     sends the information to the NMS; in the latter case, it is the NMS that periodically polls
	     routers to collect information.</t>

         <t>Definition information.</li>
          <li>Definition of a protocol-based distributed solution to exchange values of counters and timestamps
	     between the endpoints. This can be done by introducing a new protocol or by extending the existing protocols
         (e.g., the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) as defined in <xref target="RFC5357">RFC 5357</xref> target="RFC5357" format="default"/>
         or the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP) as defined in <xref target="RFC4656">RFC 4656</xref>) target="RFC4656" format="default"/>)
	     in order to communicate the counters and timestamps between nodes.</t>
        </list></t> nodes.</li>
        <t>In the following paragraphs, an example data correlation mechanism is
        explained and could be used independently of the adopted solutions.</t>
        <t>When data is collected on the upstream and downstream nodes, e.g.,
        packet counts for packet loss packet-loss measurement or timestamps for packet
        delay measurement, and is periodically reported to or pulled by other nodes
        or an NMS, a certain data correlation mechanism SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be in use to
        help the nodes or NMS tell whether any two or more packet counts
        are related to the same block of markers or if any two timestamps are
        related to the same marked packet.</t>
        <t>The Alternate-Marking Method described in this document literally
        splits the packets of the measured flow into different measurement
        blocks. An implementation MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> use a Block Number (BN) for data correlation.
		The BN MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be assigned to each measurement block and associated with each
		packet count and timestamp reported to or pulled by other nodes or NMSs.
		When the nodes or NMS see, for example, the same BNs associated with
        two packet counts from an upstream and a downstream node, respectively, it
        considers that these two packet counts correspond to the same
        block. The assumption of this BN mechanism is that the measurement nodes
		are time synchronized. This requires the measurement nodes to have a certain time
        synchronization capability (e.g., the NTP <xref target="RFC5905"></xref> target="RFC5905" format="default"/>
		or the IEEE 1588 PTP <xref target="IEEE-1588"/>).</t> target="IEEE-1588" format="default"/>).</t>
    <section anchor="sync-timing" title="Synchronization numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Synchronization and Timing"> Timing</name>
      <t>Color switching is the reference for all the network devices acting as measurement points,
	and the only requirement to be achieved is that they have to recognize the right batch along the path
	in order to get the related information of counters and timestamps.</t>
      <t>In general, clocks in network devices are not accurate and for this reason,
	there is a clock error between the measurement points R1 and R2. And, to implement the methodology,
	they must be synchronized to the same clock reference with an adequate accuracy
	in order to guarantee that all network devices consistently match the marking bit to the correct block.
	Additionally, in practice, besides clock errors, packet reordering is also common
	in a packet network due to equal-cost multipath (ECMP). In particular, the delay between
	measurement points is the main cause of out of order out-of-order packets because each packet can be delayed differently.
	If the block is sufficiently large, packet reordering occurs only at the edge of adjacent blocks blocks, and
	it can be easy to assign reordered packets to the right interval blocks.</t>
      <t>In summary, we need to take into account two contributions: clock error between network
	devices and the interval we need to wait to avoid packets being out of order because of network delay.</t>
      <t>The following figure explains both issues.</t> issues:</t>
      <figure anchor="timing" title="Timing Aspects">
          <artwork><![CDATA[ anchor="timing">
        <name>Timing Aspects</name>
        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
             |                   L                    |
             |       L/2                   L/2        |
             |<===>|                            |<===>|
                d  |                            |   d
                    available counting interval

      <t>where L is the time duration of each block.</t>
      <t>It is assumed that all network devices are synchronized to a common reference time
	with an accuracy of +/- A/2. Thus, the difference between the clock values
	of any two network devices is bounded by A.</t>

	<t>The network delay between the network devices can be represented as a normal distribution
	and 99.7% of the samples are within 3 standard deviation deviations of the average.</t>
      <t>The guard band d is given by:</t>

d = A + D_avg + 3*D_stddev,</t> 3*D_stddev,
      <t>where A is the clock accuracy, D_avg is the average value of the network delay between
      the network devices, and D_stddev is the standard deviation of the delay.</t>
      <t>The available counting interval is L - 2d that 2d, which must be &gt; 0.</t>
      <t>The condition that MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be satisfied and is a requirement on the synchronization accuracy is:</t>

	<t>d &lt; L/2.</t>
d < L/2.
      <t>This is the fundamental rule for deciding when to read the counters and when to select the packets
	to be double-marked, indeed double-marked; indeed, packet counter counters and double-marked packets MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> respectively be
	taken and chosen within the available counting interval that is not affected by error factors.</t>
      <t>If the time duration L of each block is not so small, the synchronization requirement could be satisfied
	even with a relatively inaccurate synchronization method.</t>
    <section anchor="fragmentation" title="Packet Fragmentation"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Packet Fragmentation</name>
      <t>Fragmentation can be managed with the Alternate-Marking Method using the following guidance:<list>

	   <t>Marking guidance:</t>
      <ul empty="true" spacing="normal">
        <li>Marking nodes MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> mark all fragments if there are flag bits to use
	   (i.e., it is in the specific encapsulation), as if they were separate packets.</t>

	   <t>Nodes packets.</li>
        <li>Nodes that fragment packets within the measurement domain SHOULD, <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>, if they have the capability to do so,
	   ensure that only one resulting fragment carries the marking bit(s) of the original packet.
	   Failure to do so can introduce errors into the measurement.</t>

	   <t>Measurement measurement.</li>
        <li>Measurement points SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> simply ignore unmarked fragments and count
	   marked fragments as full packets. However, if resources allow, measurement
	   points MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> make note of both marked and unmarked initial fragments and
	   only increment the corresponding counter if (a) other fragments are also marked, marked
	   or (b) it observes all other fragments and they are unmarked.</t>

	  </list></t> unmarked.</li>
      <t>The proposed approach allows the marking node to mark all the fragments except in the case
	of fragmentation within the network domain, domain; in that event event, it is suggested to mark only the first fragment.</t>
    <section anchor="finding" title="Recommendations numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Recommendations for Deployment"> Deployment</name>
      <t>The methodology described in the previous sections can be applied to
	  various performance measurement problems.
	  The only requirement is to select and mark the flow to be monitored;
	  in this way, packets are batched by the sender, and each batch is alternately
	  marked such that it can be easily recognized by the receiver.
	  <xref target="RFC8321"></xref> target="RFC8321" format="default"/> reports experimental examples examples, and
	  <xref target="IEEE-Network-PNPM"/> target="IEEE-NETWORK-PNPM" format="default"/> also includes some information about
	  the deployment experience.</t>
      <t>Either one or two flag bits might be available for marking in different


	<dt>One flag: packet loss

	<dd>packet-loss measurement MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be done as described
	in <xref target="ploss"></xref>, target="ploss" format="default"/>, while delay measurement MUST
	<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be done according to the single-marking method Single-Marking Method
	described in <xref target="single-marking"></xref>. target="single-marking" format="default"/>.  Mean
	delay (<xref target="meand"></xref>) MAY target="meand" format="default"/>) <bcp14>MAY</bcp14>
	also be used but it could imply more computational load.</t>

	   <t>Two load.

	<dt>Two flags: packet loss

	<dd>packet-loss measurement MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be done as described
	in <xref target="ploss"></xref>, target="ploss" format="default"/>, while delay measurement MUST
	<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be done according to double-marking method the Double-Marking Method as described in <xref target="double-marking"></xref>.
	target="double-marking" format="default"/>.  In this case single-marking MAY case,
	Single Marking <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also be used in combination with double-marking
	Double Marking, and the two approaches provide slightly different
	pieces of information that can be combined to have a more robust data set.</t>


      <t>There are some operational guidelines to consider for the purpose of deciding to follow the recommendations above
      and to use one or two flags.<list>

	   <t>The flags.</t>
      <ul empty="false" spacing="normal">
        <li>The Alternate-Marking method Method utilizes specific flags in the packet header, so an important factor is the number of flags available
	   for the implementation. Indeed, if there is only one flag available available, then there is no other way, while way; if two flags are available available,
	   then the option with two flags is certainly more complete.</t>

	   <t>The complete.</li>
        <li>The duration of the Alternate-Marking period affects the frequency of the measurement measurement, and this is a parameter that can be
	   decided on the basis of the required temporal sampling. But it cannot be freely chosen, as explained in <xref target="sync-timing"/>.</t>

	   <t>The target="sync-timing" format="default"/>.</li>
        <li>The Alternate-Marking methodologies enable packet loss, delay delay, and delay variation calculation, but in accordance with
	   the method used (e.g. single-marking (e.g., Single Marking or double-marking), Double Marking), there is a different kind of information that can be derived.
	   For example, to get more statistics of extent data, the option with two flags is desirable. For this reason, the type of data
	   needed in the specific scenario is an additional element to take into account.</t>

	   <t>The account.</li>
        <li>The Alternate-Marking methods Methods imply different computational load depending on the method employed. Therefore, the available
	   computational resources on the measurement points can also influence the choice. As an example, mean delay calculation may
	   require more processing processing, and it may not be the best option to minimize the computational load.</t>

	  </list></t> load.</li>
      <t>The experiment with Alternate-Marking methodologies confirmed the benefits already described in <xref target="RFC8321"></xref>.</t> target="RFC8321" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>A deployment of the Alternate-Marking Method should also take into account how to handle and recognize
	  marked and unmarked traffic. Since Alternate-Marking Alternate Marking normally employs a marking field which that is dedicated, reserved, and
	  included in a protocol extension, the measurement points can learn whether the measurement is activated or not by checking
	  if the specific extension is included or not within the packets.</t>
      <t>It is worth mentioning some related work: work; in particular particular, <xref target="IEEE-Network-PNPM"/> target="IEEE-NETWORK-PNPM" format="default"/>
	  explains the Alternate-Marking method Method together with new mechanisms based on hashing techniques.</t>
      <section title="Controlled numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Controlled Domain requirement"> Requirement</name>
        <t>The Alternate-Marking Method is an example of a solution limited to a controlled domain
		<xref target="RFC8799"></xref>.</t> target="RFC8799" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>A controlled domain is a managed network that selects, monitors, and controls access by enforcing
		policies at the domain boundaries, boundaries in order to discard undesired external packets
		entering the domain and to check internal packets leaving the domain. It does not necessarily mean that
		a controlled domain is a single administrative domain or a single organization.  A controlled domain
		can correspond to a single administrative domain or multiple administrative domains under a defined
		network management. It must be possible to control the domain boundaries, boundaries and use specific precautions
		to ensure authentication, encryption encryption, and integrity protection if traffic traverses the Internet.</t>
        <t>For security reasons, the Alternate-Marking Method MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> only be applied to controlled domains.</t>
    <section title="Compliance numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Compliance with Guidelines from RFC 6390">
        <t>RFC 6390 <xref target="RFC6390"></xref> 6390</name>

      <t><xref target="RFC6390" format="default"/>
		defines a framework and a process for developing Performance Metrics
		for protocols above and below the IP layer (such as IP-based applications
		that operate over reliable or datagram transport protocols).</t>
      <t>This document doesn't aim to propose a new Performance Metric but rather a
        new Method of Measurement for a few Performance Metrics that have
        already been standardized.  Nevertheless, it's worth applying
	    guidelines from <xref target="RFC6390"></xref> target="RFC6390" format="default"/> to the present document,
		in order to provide a more complete and coherent description of the
		proposed method.

        The mechanisms described in this document use a combination of the
		Performance Metric Definition template defined in Section 5.4 of <xref target="RFC6390"></xref> target="RFC6390" sectionFormat="of" section="5.4" format="default"/>
		and the Dependencies laid out in Section 5.5 <xref target="RFC6390"  section="5.5" sectionFormat="bare"/> of that document.
		<list style="symbols">

      <ul spacing="normal">
        <li>Metric Name / Metric Description: as already stated, this document
            doesn't propose any new Performance Metrics.  On the contrary, it
            describes a novel method for measuring packet loss
			<xref target="RFC7680"></xref>. target="RFC7680" format="default"/>. The same concept, with small
			differences, can also be used to measure delay
			<xref target="RFC7679"></xref> target="RFC7679" format="default"/> and jitter
			<xref target="RFC3393"></xref>. target="RFC3393" format="default"/>.
			The document mainly describes the applicability to packet loss

			<t>Method packet-loss
        <li>Method of Measurement or Calculation: according to the method
            described in the previous sections, the number of packets lost is
            calculated by subtracting the value of the counter on the source
            node from the value of the counter on the destination node.  Both
            counters must refer to the same color.  The calculation is
            performed when the value of the counters is in a steady state.
			The steady state is an intrinsic characteristic of the marking method
			counters because the alternation of color makes the counter associated
			with a color inactive for the duration of a marking period.</t>

			<t>Units period.</li>
        <li>Units of Measurement: the method calculates and reports the exact
            number of packets sent by the source node and not received by the
            destination node.</t>

			<t>Measurement node.</li>
        <li>Measurement Point(s) with Potential Measurement Domain: the measurement can be performed between
            adjacent nodes, on a per-link basis, or along a multi-hop path,
            provided that the traffic under measurement follows that path.  In
            case of a multi-hop path, the measurements can be performed both
            end to end and hop-by-hop.</t>

			<t>Measurement hop by hop.</li>
        <li>Measurement Timing: the method has a constraint on the frequency
            of measurements. This is detailed in <xref target="sync-timing"/>, target="sync-timing" format="default"/>, where it is specified that
			the marking period and the guard band interval are strictly related to each other
			to avoid out-of-order issues. That is because, in order to perform a measurement,
			the counter must be in a steady state, and this happens when the traffic is being
            colored with the alternate color.</t>

			<t>Implementation: color.</li>
        <li>Implementation: the method uses one or two marking bits to color the packets;
			this enables the use of policy configurations on the router to color the packets
            and accordingly configure the counter for each color.  The path
            followed by traffic being measured should be known in advance in
            order to configure the counters along the path and be able to
            compare the correct values.</t>

			<t>Verification: values.</li>
        <li>Verification: the methodology has been tested and deployed experimentally
			in both lab and operational network scenarios performing packet loss and delay measurements
			on traffic patterns created by traffic generators together with precision test instruments
			and network emulators.</t>

			<t>Use emulators.</li>
        <li>Use and Applications: the method can be used to measure packet
            loss with high precision on live traffic; moreover, by combining
			end-to-end and per-link measurements, the method is useful to pinpoint
			the single link that is experiencing loss events.</t>

			<t>Reporting events.</li>
        <li>Reporting Model: the value of the counters has to be sent to a
            centralized management system that performs the calculations; such
            samples must contain a reference to the time interval they refer
            to so that the management system can perform the correct
            correlation; the
            correlation. The samples have to be sent while the corresponding
            counter is in a steady state (within a time interval); otherwise,
            the value of the sample should be stored locally.</t>

			<t>Dependencies: locally.</li>
        <li>Dependencies: the values of the counters have to be correlated to
            the time interval they refer to.</t>

			<t>Organization to.</li>
        <li>Organization of Results: the Method of Measurement produces
            singletons, according to the definition of <xref target="RFC2330"></xref>.</t>

			<t>Parameters: target="RFC2330" format="default"/>.</li>
        <li>Parameters: the main parameters of the method are the information about
			the flow or the link to be measured, the time interval chosen to alternate the
			colors and to read the counters counters, and the type of method selected for packet loss packet-loss
			and delay measurements.</t>
			</list></t> measurements.</li>
    <section title="IANA Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This document has no IANA actions.</t>
    <section anchor="seccons" title="Security Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>This document specifies a method to perform measurements that does not
	  directly affect Internet security nor applications that run on the Internet.
	  However, implementation of this method must be mindful of security and privacy
      <t>There are two types of security concerns: potential harm caused by
      the measurements and potential harm to the measurements.
	  <list style="symbols">

      <ul spacing="normal">
        <li>Harm caused by the measurement: the measurements described in this document
      are Passive, so there are no new packets injected into the network causing
      potential harm to the network itself and to data traffic. Nevertheless,
      the method implies modifications on the fly to a header or encapsulation
	  of the data packets: this must be performed in a way that doesn't alter the quality
      of service experienced by packets subject to measurements and that
      preserves stability and performance of routers doing the measurements.
	  One of the main security threats in OAM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) protocols is network reconnaissance;
	  an attacker can gather information about the network performance by passively
	  eavesdropping on OAM messages. The advantage of the methods described in
	  this document is that the marking bits are the only information that is exchanged
	  between the network devices. Therefore, Passive eavesdropping on data-plane data plane traffic
	  does not allow attackers to gain information about the network performance.</t>

	  <t>Harm performance.</li>
        <li>Harm to the Measurement: the measurements could be harmed by routers altering
	  the marking of the packets or by an attacker injecting artificial
      traffic. Authentication techniques, such as digital signatures, may be
      used where appropriate to guard against injected traffic attacks.
	  Since the measurement itself may be affected by routers (or other
      network devices) along the path of IP packets intentionally altering the
      value of marking bits of packets, as mentioned above, the mechanism specified
	  in this document can be applied just in the context of a controlled domain;
	  thus, the routers (or other network devices) are locally administered administered,
	  and this type of attack can be avoided.</t>

	  </list></t> avoided.</li>
      <t>An attacker that does not belong to the controlled domain can maliciously send marked packets.
	  However, no problems occur if Alternate-Marking Alternate Marking is not supported in the controlled domain, no problem happens.
	  While if Alternate-Marking domain.
If Alternate Marking is supported in the controlled domain, it is also necessary to avoid that keep the
  measurements are affected and external from being affected; therefore, externally marked packets
  must be checked.</t> checked to see if they are marked and eventually filtered or cleared.
      <t>The precondition for the application of the Alternate-Marking Method is that it MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be applied in specific
	  controlled domains, thus confining the potential attack vectors within the network domain.
	  A limited administrative domain provides the network administrator with the means to select, monitor monitor, and
	  control the access to the network, making it a trusted domain. In this regard regard, it is expected to enforce policies
      at the domain boundaries to filter both external marked packets entering the domain and internal marked packets
	  leaving the domain. Therefore, the trusted domain is unlikely subject to the hijacking of packets since marked packets
	  are processed and used only within the controlled domain. But despite that, leakages may happen for
	  different reasons, such as a failure or a fault. In this case, nodes outside the domain are expected to
	  ignore marked packets since they are not configured to handle it and should not process it.</t>
      <t>It might be theoretically possible to modulate the marking to serve as a covert channel to be used by an
	  on-path observer. This may affect both the data and management plane, but, here too, the application to a
	  controlled domain helps to reduce the effects.</t>
      <t>It is worth highlighting that an attacker can't gain information about network performance
	  from a single monitoring point; it they must use synchronized monitoring points at multiple points on the path, path
	  because they have to do the same kind of measurement and aggregation that Service Providers using
	  Alternate Marking must do.</t>
      <t>Attacks on the data collection and reporting of the statistics between
	  the monitoring points and the network management system NMS can interfere with the proper
      functioning of the system. Hence, the channels used to report back flow statistics
	  <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be secured.</t>
      <t>The privacy concerns of network measurement are limited because the
      method only relies on information contained in the header or encapsulation without
	  any release of user data. Although information in the header or encapsulation is metadata that
	  can be used to compromise the privacy of users, the limited marking technique in this document
	  seems unlikely to substantially increase the existing privacy risks from header
	  or encapsulation metadata. It might be theoretically possible to modulate the marking to serve
	  as a covert channel, but it would have a very low data rate if it is to avoid adversely affecting
	  the measurement systems that monitor the marking.</t>
      <t>Delay attacks are another potential threat in the context of this document.
	  Delay measurement is performed using a specific packet in each block, marked by
	  a dedicated color bit. Therefore, an on-path attacker can selectively
	  induce synthetic delay only to delay-colored packets, causing systematic error in
	  the delay measurements. As discussed in previous sections, the methods described
	  in this document rely on an underlying time synchronization protocol. Thus, by
	  attacking the time protocol, an attacker can potentially compromise the integrity
	  of the measurement. A detailed discussion about the threats against time protocols
	  and how to mitigate them is presented in <xref target="RFC7384">RFC 7384</xref>.</t>

    <section anchor="Contributors" title="Contributors">

      <t>Xiao Min<vspace blankLines="0" /> ZTE Corp.<vspace
      blankLines="0" /> Email: xiao.min2@zte.com.cn</t>

      <t>Mach(Guoyi) Chen<vspace blankLines="0" /> Huawei Technologies<vspace
      blankLines="0" /> Email: mach.chen@huawei.com</t>

      <t>Alessandro Capello<vspace blankLines="0" /> Telecom Italia<vspace
      blankLines="0" /> Email: alessandro.capello@telecomitalia.it</t>


    <section anchor="Acknowledgements" title="Acknowledgements">
      <t>The authors would like to thank Alberto Tempia Bonda, Luca Castaldelli
	  and Lianshu Zheng for their contribution to the experimentation of the method.</t>

	  <t>The authors would also thank Martin Duke and Tommy Pauly
	  for their assistance and their detailed and precious reviews.</t> target="RFC7384" format="default"/>.</t>

<!-- Possibly a 'Contributors' section ... -->


<!--  *****BACK MATTER ***** -->

    <!-- References split to informative and normative -->
    <references title="Normative References">

       <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2119'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8174'?>

   	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.3393'?>

       <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7679'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7680'?>

<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements" to="EXPLICIT-FLOW-MEASUREMENTS"/>

        <name>Normative References</name>

<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3393.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7679.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7680.xml"/>


    <references title="Informative References">
        <!-- A reference written by by an organization not a persoN. -->

   	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5905'?>
        <name>Informative References</name>

<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5905.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8321.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="IEEE-1588">
            <title>IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for
        Networked Measurement and Control Systems</title>
            <date /> month="July" year="2008"/>
          <seriesInfo name="IEEE" value="Std 1588-2008"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/IEEESTD.2008.4579760"/>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8321'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7384'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8799'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5357'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.4656'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5481'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7799'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6703'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6390'?>

	   <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2330'?>

<!--  [I-D.ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis] in EDIT state as of 11/23/22; companion document RFC YYY1 -->
<reference anchor='IEEE-Network-PNPM'> anchor='RFC9342' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9342'>
<title>Clustered Alternate-Marking Method</title>
<author initials="G." surname="Fioccola" fullname="Giuseppe Fioccola" role="editor">
<organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>
<author initials="M." surname="Cociglio" fullname="Mauro Cociglio">
<organization>Telecom Italia</organization>
<author initials="A." surname="Sapio" fullname="Amedeo Sapio">
<organization>Intel Corporation</organization>
<author initials="R." surname="Sisto" fullname="Riccardo Sisto">
<organization>Politecnico di Torino</organization>
<author initials="T." surname="Zhou" fullname="Tianran Zhou">
<organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>
<date month="December" year="2022"/>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9342"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9342"/>

<!--  [I-D.ietf-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements] IESG state I-D Exists as of 11/23/22-->
<xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements.xml"/>

<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7384.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8799.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5357.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4656.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5481.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7799.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6703.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6390.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2330.xml"/>

  <reference anchor="IEEE-NETWORK-PNPM" quoteTitle="true"
            <title>AM-PM: Efficient Network Telemetry using Alternate Marking</title>
       <organization>IEEE Network</organization>
            <author surname="Mizrahi" initials="T">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author surname="Navon" initials="G">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author surname="Fioccola" initials="G">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author surname="Cociglio" initials="M">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author surname="Chen" initials="M">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author surname="Mirsky" initials="G">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year='2019' /> year="2019" month="July"/>
          <seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.1109/MNET.2019.1800152'/> name="IEEE Network" value="Vol. 33, Issue 4"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/MNET.2019.1800152"/>

    <section title="Changes Log">

    <t>Changes from RFC 8321 in draft-fioccola-rfc8321bis-00 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Minor editorial changes</t>

      <t>Replacement of anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Alberto Tempia Bonda"/>, <contact fullname="Luca Castaldelli"/>,
	  and <contact fullname="Lianshu Zheng"/> for their contribution to the section on "Applications, Implementation, and Deployment"
	  with "Finding experimentation of the Alternate Marking Implementations method.</t>
      <t>The authors would also like to thank <contact fullname="Martin Duke"/> and <contact fullname="Tommy Pauly"/>
	  for their assistance and Deployments"</t>

	  <t>Moved advantages their detailed and benefits of the method from "Introduction" to precious reviews.</t>

    <section anchor="Contributors" numbered="false" toc="default">

 <author fullname="Xiao Min">
<organization>ZTE Corp.</organization>

    <author fullname="Mach(Guoyi) Chen">
      <organization>Huawei Technologies</organization>

    <author fullname="Alessandro Capello">
      <organization>Telecom Italia</organization>


<!-- [rfced] Throughout the
	  new section on "Finding of text, the Alternate Marking Implementations following terminology appears to be used
inconsistently. Please review these occurrences and Deployments"</t>

	  <t>Removed section on "Hybrid Measurement"</t>


	<t>Changes in draft-fioccola-rfc8321bis-01 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Considerations on the reference: [IEEE-Network-PNPM]</t>

	  <t>Clarified that the let us know if/how they
may be made consistent.

 - Single-Marking Method vs. Single-Marking method based on a fixed timer is specified in
      Note: We made this document while
	  the method based on a fixed number of packets is only mentioned but not detailed.</t>

  	  <t>Explanation of the intrinsic error in section 3.3.1 on "Single-Marking Methodology"</t>

	  <t>Deleted some parts term consistent by capitalizing "method"
      per RFC 8321 (also updated 1 instance in section 4 "Considerations" that no longer apply</t>

	  <t>New section on "Packet Fragmentation"</t>

	<t>Changes in draft-fioccola-rfc8321bis-02 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Considerations on how RFC-to-be 9342).
      Please let us know if any further changes are needed.

FYI, these terms appear as follows.  If any further updates are needed to handle unmarked traffic in section 5 on "Results of the case,
please let us know.

 - Alternate-Marking Method (per 8321)
 - Alternate-Marking methodology
 - Alternate Marking Experiment"</t>

	  <t>Minor rewording in section 4.4 on "Packet Fragmentation"</t>

	<t>Changes in draft-fioccola-rfc8321bis-03 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Deleted numeric examples in sections on "Packet Loss Measurement" and on "Single-Marking Methodology"</t>

	  <t>New section on "Alternate (no hyphen when not followed by a noun)
 - Single-Marking Method
 - Single-Marking methodology
 - Single Marking Functions"</t>

	  <t>Moved sections 3.1.1 on "Coloring the Packets", 3.1.2 on "Counting the Packets" and
	  3.1.3 on "Collecting Data and Calculating Packet Loss" into the new section on "Alternate (per 8321)
 - Double Marking Functions"</t>

	  <t>Renamed sections 4.1 as "Marking the Packets", 4.2 as "Counting and Timestamping Packets" and
	  4.3 as "Data Collection and Correlation"</t>

	  <t>Merged old section on "Data Correlation" with section 4.3 on "Data Collection and Correlation"</t>

	  <t>Moved and renamed section on "Timing Aspects" as "Synchronization and Timing"</t>

	  <t>Merged old section on "Synchronization" with section on "Synchronization and Timing"</t>

	  <t>Merged old section on "Packet Reordering" with section on "Synchronization and Timing"</t>


	<t>Changes in draft-fioccola-rfc8321bis-04/draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis-00 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Revised "Introduction" section</t>

	  <t>Revised sections 4.2 "Counting and Timestamping Packets" and 4.3 on "Data Collection and Correlation"</t>

	  <t>Revised section 5 on "Synchronization and Timing"</t>


	<t>Changes in draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis-01 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>New section on "Summary of Changes from RFC 8321"</t>

	  <t>Revised sections on "Single-Marking Methodology"

<!-- [rfced] Please review the "Inclusive Language" portion of the online
Style Guide <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/part2/#inclusive_language>
and "Double-Marking Methodology"</t>


	<t>Changes in draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis-02 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Revised section on "Double-Marking Methodology"</t>

	  <t>Revised references</t>


	<t>Changes in draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis-03 include:<list style="symbols">

	  <t>Comments addressed from Last Call review</t>

	  <t>Renamed section 7 let us know if any changes are needed. Note that our script did not flag
any words in particular, but this should still be reviewed as "Recommendations for Deployment"</t>

	</section> a best practice.
