rfc9730v1.txt   rfc9730.txt 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) H. Zheng Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) H. Zheng
Request for Comments: 9730 Y. Lin Request for Comments: 9730 Y. Lin
Category: Informational Huawei Technologies Category: Informational Huawei Technologies
ISSN: 2070-1721 Y. Zhao ISSN: 2070-1721 Y. Zhao
China Mobile China Mobile
Y. Xu Y. Xu
D. Beller D. Beller
Nokia Nokia
January 2025 March 2025
Interworking of GMPLS Control and Centralized Controller Systems Interworking of GMPLS Control and Centralized Controller Systems
Abstract Abstract
Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control allows each Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control allows each
network element (NE) to perform local resource discovery, routing, network element (NE) to perform local resource discovery, routing,
and signaling in a distributed manner. and signaling in a distributed manner.
The advancement of software-defined transport networking technology The advancement of software-defined transport networking technology
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H-PCE: Hierarchical PCE [RFC8685] H-PCE: Hierarchical PCE [RFC8685]
IDS: Intrusion Detection System IDS: Intrusion Detection System
IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol
IoCs: Indicators of Compromise [RFC9424] IoCs: Indicators of Compromise [RFC9424]
IPS: Intrusion Prevention System IPS: Intrusion Prevention System
IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System protocol IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System
LMP: Link Management Protocol [RFC4204] LMP: Link Management Protocol [RFC4204]
LSP: Label Switched Path LSP: Label Switched Path
LSP-DB: LSP Database LSP-DB: LSP Database
MD: multi-domain MD: multi-domain
MDSC: Multi-Domain Service Coordinator [RFC8453] MDSC: Multi-Domain Service Coordinator [RFC8453]
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ML: multi-layer ML: multi-layer
MPI: MDSC to PNC Interface [RFC8453] MPI: MDSC to PNC Interface [RFC8453]
NE: network element NE: network element
NETCONF: Network Configuration Protocol [RFC6241] NETCONF: Network Configuration Protocol [RFC6241]
NMS: Network Management System NMS: Network Management System
OSPF: Open Shortest Path First protocol OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
PCC: Path Computation Client [RFC4655] PCC: Path Computation Client [RFC4655]
PCE: Path Computation Element [RFC4655] PCE: Path Computation Element [RFC4655]
PCEP: PCE Communication Protocol [RFC5440] PCEP: PCE Communication Protocol [RFC5440]
PLR: Point of Local Repair PLR: Point of Local Repair
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Controller(N): A domain controller controlling a non-GMPLS domain Controller(N): A domain controller controlling a non-GMPLS domain
Controller(G): A domain controller controlling a GMPLS domain Controller(G): A domain controller controlling a GMPLS domain
Figure 1 shows the scenario with two GMPLS domains and one non-GMPLS Figure 1 shows the scenario with two GMPLS domains and one non-GMPLS
domain. This system supports the interworking among non-GMPLS domain. This system supports the interworking among non-GMPLS
domains, GMPLS domains, and the controller hierarchies. domains, GMPLS domains, and the controller hierarchies.
For domain 1, the network elements were not enabled with GMPLS, so For domain 1, the network elements were not enabled with GMPLS, so
the control is purely from the controller, via Network Configuration the control is purely from the controller, via Network Configuration
Protocol (NETCONF) [RFC6241] / YANG and/or PCE Communication Protocol Protocol (NETCONF) [RFC6241] with a YANG data model [RFC7950] and/or
(PCEP) [RFC5440]. PCE Communication Protocol (PCEP) [RFC5440].
For domains 2 and 3: For domains 2 and 3:
* Each domain has the GMPLS control plane enabled at the physical * Each domain has the GMPLS control plane enabled at the physical
network level. The Provisioning Network Controller (PNC) can network level. The Provisioning Network Controller (PNC) can
exploit GMPLS capabilities implemented in the domain to listen to exploit GMPLS capabilities implemented in the domain to listen to
the IGP routing protocol messages (for example, OSPF Link State the IGP routing protocol messages (for example, OSPF Link State
Advertisements (LSAs)) that the GMPLS control plane instances are Advertisements (LSAs)) that the GMPLS control plane instances are
disseminating into the network and thus learn the network disseminating into the network and thus learn the network
topology. For path computation in the domain with the PNC topology. For path computation in the domain with the PNC
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downstream domain and its upstream neighbor domain; and downstream domain and its upstream neighbor domain; and
this stitching label will be passed to the upstream this stitching label will be passed to the upstream
neighbor domain by PCE protocol, which will be used for the neighbor domain by PCE protocol, which will be used for the
path segment creation in the upstream neighbor domain. path segment creation in the upstream neighbor domain.
2.2) Inter-domain labels assigned by the controller: 2.2) Inter-domain labels assigned by the controller:
If the resources of inter-domain links are managed by the If the resources of inter-domain links are managed by the
Orchestrator(MD), each domain controller can provide to the Orchestrator(MD), each domain controller can provide to the
Orchestrator(MD) the list of available labels (e.g., time Orchestrator(MD) the list of available labels (e.g., time
slots, if the OTN is the scenario) using the IETF Topology slots if the OTN is the scenario) using topology-related
YANG module and a related technology-specific extension. YANG modules and specific technology-related extensions.
Once the Orchestrator(MD) has computed the E2E path, RSVP- Once the orchestrator(MD) has computed the E2E path, RSVP-
TE or PCEP can be used in the different domains to set up TE or PCEP can be used in the different domains to set up
the related segment tunnel consisting of label inter-domain the related segment tunnel consisting of information about
information; for example, for PCEP, the label Explicit inter-domain labels; for example, for PCEP, the label
Route Object (ERO) can be included in the PCInitiate Explicit Route Object (ERO) can be included in the
message to indicate the inter-domain labels so that each PCInitiate message to indicate the inter-domain labels so
border node of each domain can configure the correct cross- that each border node of each domain can configure the
connect within itself. correct cross-connect within itself.
8.3. Multi-Layer Service Provisioning 8.3. Multi-Layer Service Provisioning
GMPLS can interwork with centralized controller systems in multi- GMPLS can interwork with centralized controller systems in multi-
layer networks. layer networks.
+----------------+ +----------------+
|Orchestrator(ML)| |Orchestrator(ML)|
+------+--+------+ +------+--+------+
| | Higher-layer Network | | Higher-layer Network
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To apply [RFC5623] in a multi-layer network with GMPLS-controller To apply [RFC5623] in a multi-layer network with GMPLS-controller
interworking, the H-Controller and the L-Controller can act as the interworking, the H-Controller and the L-Controller can act as the
PCE Hi and PCE Lo, respectively; and typically, the Orchestrator(ML) PCE Hi and PCE Lo, respectively; and typically, the Orchestrator(ML)
can act as a VNTM because it has the abstracted view of both the can act as a VNTM because it has the abstracted view of both the
higher-layer and lower-layer networks. higher-layer and lower-layer networks.
Table 1 shows all possible combinations of path computation and path Table 1 shows all possible combinations of path computation and path
control models in multi-layer network with GMPLS-controller control models in multi-layer network with GMPLS-controller
interworking: interworking:
+=====================+=================+===========+===========+ +======================+========+================+===============+
| Path computation / | Single PCE (Not | Multiple | Multiple | | Path computation / | Single | Multiple PCE | Multiple PCE |
| Path control | applicable) | PCE with | PCE w/o | | Path control | PCE | with inter-PCE | w/o inter-PCE |
| | | inter-PCE | inter-PCE | +======================+========+================+===============+
+=====================+=================+===========+===========+ | PCE-VNTM cooperation | N/A | Yes | Yes |
| PCE-VNTM | N/A | Yes | Yes | +----------------------+--------+----------------+---------------+
| cooperation | | | | | Higher-layer | N/A | Yes | Yes |
+---------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------+ | signaling trigger | | | |
| Higher-layer | N/A | Yes | Yes | +----------------------+--------+----------------+---------------+
| signaling trigger | | | | | NMS-VNTM cooperation | N/A | Yes (1) | No (1) |
+---------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------+ | (integrated flavor) | | | |
| NMS-VNTM | N/A | Yes (1) | No (1) | +----------------------+--------+----------------+---------------+
| cooperation | | | | | NMS-VNTM cooperation | N/A | No (1) | Yes (1) |
| (integrated flavor) | | | | | (separate flavor) | | | |
+---------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------+ +----------------------+--------+----------------+---------------+
| NMS-VNTM | N/A | No (1) | Yes (1) |
| cooperation | | | |
| (separate flavor) | | | |
Table 1: Combinations of Path Computation and Path Control Models Table 1: Combinations of Path Computation and Path Control Models
Note that: Note that:
* Since there is one PCE in each layer network, the path computation * Since there is one PCE in each layer network, the path computation
model "Single PCE path computation" is not applicable (N/A). model "Single PCE path computation" is not applicable (N/A).
* For the other two path computation models "Multiple PCE with * For the other two path computation models "Multiple PCE with
inter-PCE" and "Multiple PCE w/o inter-PCE", the possible inter-PCE" and "Multiple PCE w/o inter-PCE", the possible
combinations are the same as defined in [RFC5623]. More combinations are the same as defined in [RFC5623]. More
specifically: specifically:
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flavor)" and "NMS-VNTM cooperation (separate flavor)" are the flavor)" and "NMS-VNTM cooperation (separate flavor)" are the
typical models to be used in a multi-layer network with GMPLS- typical models to be used in a multi-layer network with GMPLS-
controller interworking. This is because, in these two models, controller interworking. This is because, in these two models,
the path computation is triggered by the NMS or VNTM. And in the path computation is triggered by the NMS or VNTM. And in
the centralized controller system, the path computation the centralized controller system, the path computation
requests are typically from the Orchestrator(ML) (acts as requests are typically from the Orchestrator(ML) (acts as
- For the other two path control models "PCE-VNTM cooperation" - For the other two path control models "PCE-VNTM cooperation"
and "Higher-layer signaling trigger", the path computation is and "Higher-layer signaling trigger", the path computation is
triggered by the NEs, i.e., the NE performs PCC functions. triggered by the NEs, i.e., the NE performs PCC functions. It
These two models are still possible to be used, although they is still possible to use these two models, although they are
are not the main methods. not the main methods.
8.3.2. Cross-Layer Path Creation 8.3.2. Cross-Layer Path Creation
In a multi-layer network, a lower-layer LSP in the lower-layer In a multi-layer network, a lower-layer LSP in the lower-layer
network can be created, which will construct a new link in the network can be created, which will construct a new link in the
higher-layer network. Such a lower-layer LSP is called Hierarchical higher-layer network. Such a lower-layer LSP is called Hierarchical
LSP, or H-LSP for short; see [RFC6107]. LSP, or H-LSP for short; see [RFC6107].
The new link constructed by the H-LSP can then be used by the higher- The new link constructed by the H-LSP can then be used by the higher-
layer network to create new LSPs. layer network to create new LSPs.
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1) Static (pre-provisioned) method: 1) Static (pre-provisioned) method:
In this method, the H-LSP in the lower-layer network is created In this method, the H-LSP in the lower-layer network is created
in advance. After that, the higher-layer network can create LSPs in advance. After that, the higher-layer network can create LSPs
using the resource of the link constructed by the H-LSP. using the resource of the link constructed by the H-LSP.
The Orchestrator(ML) is responsible to decide the creation of The Orchestrator(ML) is responsible to decide the creation of
H-LSP in the lower-layer network if it acts as a VNTM. Then it H-LSP in the lower-layer network if it acts as a VNTM. Then it
requests the L-Controller to create the H-LSP via, for example, requests the L-Controller to create the H-LSP via, for example,
an MPI interface under the ACTN architecture. See Section 3.3.2 an MPI under the ACTN architecture.
of [YANG-TE].
If the lower-layer network is a GMPLS domain, the L-Controller(G) If the lower-layer network is a GMPLS domain, the L-Controller(G)
can trigger the GMPLS control plane to create the H-LSP. As a can trigger the GMPLS control plane to create the H-LSP. As a
typical example, the PCInitiate message can be used for the typical example, the PCInitiate message can be used for the
communication between the L-Controller and the source node of the communication between the L-Controller and the source node of the
H-LSP. And the source node of the H-LSP can trigger the RSVP-TE H-LSP. And the source node of the H-LSP can trigger the RSVP-TE
signaling procedure to create the H-LSP, as described in signaling procedure to create the H-LSP, as described in
[RFC6107]. [RFC6107].
If the lower-layer network is a non-GMPLS domain, other methods If the lower-layer network is a non-GMPLS domain, other methods
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2) Dynamic (triggered) method: 2) Dynamic (triggered) method:
In this method, the signaling of LSP creation in the higher-layer In this method, the signaling of LSP creation in the higher-layer
network will trigger the creation of H-LSP in the lower-layer network will trigger the creation of H-LSP in the lower-layer
network dynamically, if it is necessary. Therefore, both the network dynamically, if it is necessary. Therefore, both the
higher-layer and lower-layer networks need to support the RSVP-TE higher-layer and lower-layer networks need to support the RSVP-TE
protocol and thus need to be GMPLS domains. protocol and thus need to be GMPLS domains.
In this case, after the cross-layer path is computed, the In this case, after the cross-layer path is computed, the
Orchestrator(ML) requests the H-Controller(G) for the cross-layer Orchestrator(ML) requests the H-Controller(G) for the cross-layer
LSP creation. As a typical example, the MPI interface under the LSP creation. As a typical example, the MPI under the ACTN
ACTN architecture could be used. architecture could be used.
The H-Controller(G) can trigger the GMPLS control plane to create The H-Controller(G) can trigger the GMPLS control plane to create
the LSP in the higher-layer network. As a typical example, the the LSP in the higher-layer network. As a typical example, the
PCInitiate message can be used for the communication between the PCInitiate message can be used for the communication between the
H-Controller(G) and the source node of the higher-layer LSP, as H-Controller(G) and the source node of the higher-layer LSP, as
described in Section 4.3 of [RFC8282]. At least two sets of ERO described in Section 4.3 of [RFC8282]. At least two sets of ERO
information should be included to indicate the routes of higher- information should be included to indicate the routes of higher-
layer LSP and lower-layer H-LSP. layer LSP and lower-layer H-LSP.
The source node of the higher-layer LSP follows the procedure The source node of the higher-layer LSP follows the procedure
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by this FA-LSP can be advertised in the routing instance, so that the by this FA-LSP can be advertised in the routing instance, so that the
H-Controller can be aware of this new FA. [RFC4206] and the H-Controller can be aware of this new FA. [RFC4206] and the
following updates to it (including [RFC6001] and [RFC6107]) describe following updates to it (including [RFC6001] and [RFC6107]) describe
the detailed extensions to support advertisement of an FA. the detailed extensions to support advertisement of an FA.
If the higher-layer network and the lower-layer network are under If the higher-layer network and the lower-layer network are under
separate GMPLS control plane instances or if one of the layer separate GMPLS control plane instances or if one of the layer
networks is a non-GMPLS domain, after an H-LSP is created in the networks is a non-GMPLS domain, after an H-LSP is created in the
lower-layer network, the link discovery procedure will be triggered lower-layer network, the link discovery procedure will be triggered
in the higher-layer network to discover the information of the link in the higher-layer network to discover the information of the link
constructed by the H-LSP. The LMP protocol defined in [RFC4204] can constructed by the H-LSP. The LMP defined in [RFC4204] can be used
be used if the higher-layer network supports GMPLS. The information if the higher-layer network supports GMPLS. The information of this
of this new link will be advertised to the H-Controller. new link will be advertised to the H-Controller.
8.4. Recovery 8.4. Recovery
The GMPLS recovery functions are described in [RFC4426]. Span The GMPLS recovery functions are described in [RFC4426]. Span
protection and end-to-end protection and restoration are discussed protection and end-to-end protection and restoration are discussed
with different protection schemes and message exchange requirements. with different protection schemes and message exchange requirements.
Related RSVP-TE extensions to support end-to-end recovery are Related RSVP-TE extensions to support end-to-end recovery are
described in [RFC4872]. The extensions in [RFC4872] include described in [RFC4872]. The extensions in [RFC4872] include
protection, restoration, preemption, and rerouting mechanisms for an protection, restoration, preemption, and rerouting mechanisms for an
end-to-end LSP. Besides end-to-end recovery, a GMPLS segment end-to-end LSP. Besides end-to-end recovery, a GMPLS segment
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procedure need to be GMPLS domains, which support the RSVP- procedure need to be GMPLS domains, which support the RSVP-
TE signaling for the creation of a rerouting LSP segment. TE signaling for the creation of a rerouting LSP segment.
For inter-domain rerouting, the interaction between GMPLS For inter-domain rerouting, the interaction between GMPLS
and a centralized controller system is needed: and a centralized controller system is needed:
* A report of the result of intra-domain segment rerouting * A report of the result of intra-domain segment rerouting
to its Controller(G) and then to the Orchestrator(MD). to its Controller(G) and then to the Orchestrator(MD).
The former could be supported by the PCRpt message in The former could be supported by the PCRpt message in
[RFC8231], while the latter could be supported by the [RFC8231], while the latter could be supported by the
MPI interface of ACTN. MPI of ACTN.
* A report of inter-domain link failure to the two * A report of inter-domain link failure to the two
Controllers (e.g., Controller(G) 1 and Controller(G) 2 Controllers (e.g., Controller(G) 1 and Controller(G) 2
in Figure 7) by which the two ends of the inter-domain in Figure 7) by which the two ends of the inter-domain
link are controlled, respectively, and then to the link are controlled, respectively, and then to the
Orchestrator(MD). The former could be done as described Orchestrator(MD). The former could be done as described
in Section 8.1, while the latter could be supported by in Section 8.1, while the latter could be supported by
the MPI interface of ACTN. the MPI of ACTN.
* The computation of a rerouting path or path segment * The computation of a rerouting path or path segment
crossing multi-domains by the centralized controller crossing multi-domains by the centralized controller
system (see [PATH-COMP]); system (see [PATH-COMP]);
* The creation of a rerouting LSP segment in each related * The creation of a rerouting LSP segment in each related
domain. The Orchestrator(MD) can send the LSP segment domain. The Orchestrator(MD) can send the LSP segment
rerouting request to the source Controller(G) (e.g., rerouting request to the source Controller(G) (e.g.,
Controller(G) 1 in Figure 7) via MPI interface, and then Controller(G) 1 in Figure 7) via MPI interface, and then
the Controller(G) can trigger the creation of a the Controller(G) can trigger the creation of a
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12.2. Informative References 12.2. Informative References
[G.808.1] ITU-T, "Generic protection switching - Linear trail and [G.808.1] ITU-T, "Generic protection switching - Linear trail and
subnetwork protection", ITU-T Recommendation G.808.1, May subnetwork protection", ITU-T Recommendation G.808.1, May
2014, <https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.808.1-201405-I/en>. 2014, <https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.808.1-201405-I/en>.
Busi, I., Belotti, S., de Dios, O. G., Sharma, A., and Y. Busi, I., Belotti, S., de Dios, O. G., Sharma, A., and Y.
Shi, "A YANG Data Model for requesting path computation", Shi, "A YANG Data Model for requesting path computation",
Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-yang- Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-yang-
path-computation-23, 19 August 2024, path-computation-24, 13 February 2025,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-teas- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-teas-
yang-path-computation-23>. yang-path-computation-24>.
[PCEP-LS] Dhody, D., Peng, S., Lee, Y., Ceccarelli, D., Wang, A., [PCEP-LS] Dhody, D., Peng, S., Lee, Y., Ceccarelli, D., Wang, A.,
and G. S. Mishra, "PCEP extensions for Distribution of and G. S. Mishra, "PCEP extensions for Distribution of
Link-State and TE Information", Work in Progress, Link-State and TE Information", Work in Progress,
Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-pce-pcep-ls-02, 20 October Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-pce-pcep-ls-02, 20 October
2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf- 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-
pce-pcep-ls-02>. pce-pcep-ls-02>.
[RFC3471] Berger, L., Ed., "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label [RFC3471] Berger, L., Ed., "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label
Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description", Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description",
skipping to change at line 1616 skipping to change at line 1611
[RFC8363] Zhang, X., Zheng, H., Casellas, R., Gonzalez de Dios, O., [RFC8363] Zhang, X., Zheng, H., Casellas, R., Gonzalez de Dios, O.,
and D. Ceccarelli, "GMPLS OSPF-TE Extensions in Support of and D. Ceccarelli, "GMPLS OSPF-TE Extensions in Support of
Flexi-Grid Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Flexi-Grid Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
Networks", RFC 8363, DOI 10.17487/RFC8363, May 2018, Networks", RFC 8363, DOI 10.17487/RFC8363, May 2018,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8363>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8363>.
[SPCE-ID] Dugeon, O., Meuric, J., Lee, Y., and D. Ceccarelli, "PCEP [SPCE-ID] Dugeon, O., Meuric, J., Lee, Y., and D. Ceccarelli, "PCEP
Extension for Stateful Inter-Domain Tunnels", Work in Extension for Stateful Inter-Domain Tunnels", Work in
Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-pce-stateful- Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-pce-stateful-
interdomain-06, 6 January 2025, interdomain-07, 3 March 2025,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-pce- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-pce-
stateful-interdomain-06>. stateful-interdomain-07>.
[YANG-TE] Saad, T., Gandhi, R., Liu, X., Beeram, V. P., and I. [YANG-TE] Saad, T., Gandhi, R., Liu, X., Beeram, V. P., and I.
Bryskin, "A YANG Data Model for Traffic Engineering Bryskin, "A YANG Data Model for Traffic Engineering
Tunnels, Label Switched Paths and Interfaces", Work in Tunnels, Label Switched Paths and Interfaces", Work in
Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-37, 9 Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-37, 9
October 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/ October 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/
draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-37>. draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-37>.
Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
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