Window Managers

fluxbox - Fluxbox - an X11 Window manager

License: MIT
Fluxbox is yet another windowmanager for X.
It's based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Fluxbox looks like blackbox and
handles styles, colors, window placement and similar thing exactly like
blackbox (100% theme/style compability).

So what's the difference between fluxbox and blackbox then?
The answer is: LOTS!
Here is a list of features that fluxbox already has, or is in the works...


fluxbox-1.3.1-1m.mo8.x86_64 [807 KiB] Changelog by Hiromasa YOSHIMOTO (2011-08-15):
- (1.3.1-1m)
- update to 1.3.1
- update gcc46 patch

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8