Letter T

texlive-bibtexu - An 8-bit Implementation of BibTeX 0.99 with a Very Large Capacity

Website: http://www.tug.org/texlive/
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LPPL and MIT and Public Domain and Modified BSD and see "LICENSE"
8-bit BibTeX is an enhanced, portable C version of BibTeX 0.99.  It
has been enhanced in these areas:

  - conversion to "big" (32-bit) capacity
  - capacity selectable at run time
  - flexible support for non-English languages using 8-bit character sets
  - well matched to LateX2e and its "inputenc" package

Oren Patashnik, the creator of BibTeX, is working on a new BibTeX 1.0
that will be a modern implementation supporting large capacities and
non-English languages (see TUGboat, pages 269--274, volume 15, number
3, September 1994).  He is content for this version to be released,
but hopes that people will eventually migrate to BibTeX 1.0 when it is
released.  Its release date is uncertain at the moment.


texlive-bibtexu-2010-13m.mo8.x86_64 [2.9 MiB] Changelog by NARITA Koichi (2011-12-07):
- (2010-13m)
- rebuild against poppler-0.18.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8