Development Tools

trac - Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system

License: Modified BSD
Trac is an integrated system for managing software projects, an
enhanced wiki, a flexible web-based issue tracker, and an interface to
the Subversion revision control system.  At the core of Trac lies an
integrated wiki and issue/bug database. Using wiki markup, all objects
managed by Trac can directly link to other issues/bug reports, code
changesets, documentation and files.  Around the core lies other
modules, providing additional features and tools to make software
development more streamlined and effective.


trac-0.11.7-5m.mo8.noarch [848 KiB] Changelog by Yohsuke Ooi (2011-05-03):
- (0.11.7-5m)
- rebuild for python-2.7

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8