KDE (K Desktop Environment)
KDE is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- NetworkManager-gnome - GNOME applications for use with NetworkManager
- PolicyKit-kde - PolicyKit integration for the KDE desktop
- amarok - A Powerful Media Player For KDE
- compiz-kde - meta package for Compizgnome desktop.
- devinfo - A hardware device information KCM
- digikam - GPhoto2 KDE4 frontend
- digikam-doc - Documentation for digikam
- ibus-qt - IBus im module for qt4
- k9copy - a small utility which allows the copy of DVD
- kaudiocreator - A program for ripping and encoding Audio-CDs
- kbackup - Back up your data in a simple, user friendly way
- kbluetooth - Bluetooth Support for KDE4
- kchmviewer - CHM viewer with KDE support
- kcoloredit - Color pallete editor for KDE4
- kdeaccessibility - K Desktop Environment - Accessibility
- kdeadmin - K Desktop Environment - Admin tools
- kdeadmin-kpackage - An RPM package manager
- kdeartwork - Additional artwork (themes, sound themes, etc.) for KDE.
- kdeartwork-kxs - Support for xscreensaver-based screensavers
- kdeartwork-screensavers - Extra screensavers for KDE
- kdeartwork-sounds - Additional sounds
- kdeartwork-wallpapers - Additional wallpapers
- kdebase - K Desktop Environment 4 - core files
- kdebase-runtime-flags - Geopolitical flags
- kdebase-workspace - K Desktop Environment - Workspace
- kdebase-workspace-googlegadgets - Google Desktop Gadgets
- kdebase-workspace-python-applet - Plasma widget in Python
- kdebase-workspace-wallpapers - KDE wallpapers
- kdeclassic-icon-theme - KDE classic icon theme
- kdeedu - K Desktop Environment - Education
- kdeedu-kstars - Desktop Planetarium
- kdeedu-marble - A World Atlas
- kdeedu-math - Math applications
- kdegames - K Desktop Environment - Games
- kdegraphics - K Desktop Environment - Graphics Applications
- kdegraphics3 - K Desktop Environment - Graphics Applications
- kdelibs - K Desktop Environment 4 - Libraries
- kdemultimedia - Multimedia applications for the K Desktop Environment (KDE).
- kdenetwork - K Desktop Environment - Network Applications
- kdenlive - A non-linear video editing application for KDE
- kdepim - Personal Information Management (PIM) for KDE
- kdepim-runtime - KDE PIM Runtime Environment
- kdeplasma-addons - Additional plasmoids for KDE
- kdesdk - The KDE Software Development Kit (SDK)
- kdesdk-utils - Text utilities from kdesdk
- kdetoys - K Desktop Environment - Toys and Amusements
- kdeutils - K Desktop Environment - Utilities
- kdeutils-printer-applet - KDE printer applet
- kdewebdev - Web development tools for KDE
- kdm - The KDE login manager
- kdocker - Dock any application in the system tray
- kfax - A fax viewer for KDE4
- kgrab - A screen grabbing utility
- kgraphviewer - A GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE
- kiconedit - An icon editor
- kio_msits - A kioslave for displaying WinHelp files
- kio_sysinfo - KIO slave which shows basic system information
- kipi-plugins - KDE image Interface Plugins
- kmymoney - Personal finance manager for KDE
- konversation - A User-Friendly IRC Client for KDE 4
- kpackagekit - KDE interface for PackageKit
- kphotoalbum - KDE Photo Album
- krecipes - The KDE Cookbook
- krename - A powerfull batch renamer for KDE
- kshutdown - KShutDown is an advanced shut down utility for KDE
- ksysguardd - Performance monitor daemon
- ktorrent - BitTorrent program for KDE
- kwave - A sound editor for KDE
- lmms - Powerful sequencer-, synthesizer- and sample-studio for Linux
- nuvola-icon-theme - KDE nuvola icon theme
- oxygen-cursor-themes - Oxygen cursor themes
- oxygen-icons - K Desktop Environment - Oxygen icon theme
- oxygen-icons-scalable - Oxygen icon theme, scalable(svg) icons
- partitionmanager - Easily manage disks, partitions and file systems on your KDE Desktop
- pdfedit - Editor for manipulating PDF documents
- phonon-backend-gstreamer - Gstreamer phonon backend
- qbittorrent - qBittorrent is a bittorrent client programmed in C++ / Qt4 that uses libtorrent
- qt-mysql - MySQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-odbc - ODBC driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-postgresql - PostgreSQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-x11 - Qt GUI-related libraries
- qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
- qtrans - KDE instant translator
- qtwitter - A Qt-based client for Twitter and Identi.ca
- rsibreak - A small utility which bothers you at certain intervals
- scim-bridge - Scim-bridge is yet another gtk-immodule for SCIM
- scim-qtimm-qt4 - SCIM context plugin for qt4-immodule
- scribus - DeskTop Publishing application written in Qt
- skim - Input method platform for KDE
- skim-honoka - skim-honoka is a honoka settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-anthy - skim-scim-anthy is a scim-anthy settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-canna - skim-scim-canna is a scim-canna settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-hangul - skim-scim-hangul is a scim-hangul settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-pinyin - skim-scim-pinyin is a scim-pinyin settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-prime - skim-scim-prime is a scim-prime settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-skk - skim-scim-skk is a scim-skk settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-tables - skim-scim-tables is a scim-tables settings plugin for SKIM
- skrooge - A personal finances manager for KDE
- smb4k - The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE
- system-config-printer-kde - A printer administration tool for KDE
- uim-qt - KDE helper for uim
- uim-qt4immodule - A plugin for using UIM on qt4-immodule
- uim-qtimmodule - A plugin for using UIM on qt-immodule
- x3f-tools-kde - X3F extracting support for Dolphin File Manager