The following is a demonstration of the NFS client wizard tool, nfswizard.d,

   # nfswizard.d
   Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
   NFS Client Wizard. 2005 Dec  2 14:59:07 -> 2005 Dec  2 14:59:14
   Read:  4591616 bytes (4 Mb)
   Write: 0 bytes (0 Mb)
   Read:  640 Kb/sec
   Write: 0 Kb/sec
   NFS I/O events:    166
   Avg response time: 8 ms
   Max response time: 14 ms
   Response times (us):
              value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
                128 |                                         0
                256 |                                         1
                512 |@@@                                      14
               1024 |@                                        4
               2048 |@@@@@@@                                  30
               4096 |@@@@@                                    20
               8192 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                  97
              16384 |                                         0
   Top 25 files accessed (bytes):
      PATHNAME                                                         BYTES
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/vold.log                                   4096
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/uptime                                     4096
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/mail                                       4096
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/authlog.5                                  4096
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ftpd                                       12288
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/spellhist                                  16384
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/messages                                   16384
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/utmpx                                      20480
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ftpd.2                                     20480
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ftpd.3                                     20480
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ftpd.1                                     24576
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ftpd.0                                     24576
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/lastlog                                    28672
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf                                        61440
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/loginlog                                   69632
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.4                                      73728
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/messages.20040906                          81920
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.3                                      102400
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.1                                      110592
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.5                                      114688
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.2                                      114688
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/ipf.0                                      122880
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/route.log                                  266240
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/pppd.log                                   425984
      /net/mars/var/tmp/adm/wtmpx                                      2842624

In the above demonstration, we run nfswizard.d for several seconds then hit
Ctrl-C. The report contains useful information about NFS client activity,
including response time statistics and file access details.

Note: this is measuring activity caused by NFS client processes (which must
be on the same server). It is not examining NFS server processes.